"Aren't you afraid that Dilireba will get jealous if she finds out?"Zhao Liying did not agree to Cao Gong's request.

"Jealous? I don’t even have her WeChat or phone number. Cao Gong was amused.

"How could it be? You guys are so sweet on the show, aren't you dating?" Zhao Liying was stunned.

"I told you that celebrities can’t fall in love in the early stages of their careers, or they’ll lose their jobs."

""Okay, okay." As a star herself, Zhao Liying certainly understood what Cao Gong said was right.

Stars like them really can't fall in love when their careers are on the rise.

Falling in love means a drop in popularity, and then the commercial value will also drop, unless you have enough works to rely on, then you won't worry about your popularity dropping.

"You got my WeChat and phone number, what do you want to do?"

Zhao Liying was still very cautious after giving the number to this young hunk.

After all, she had also encountered many younger men who wanted to pursue her.

This kind of thing is common in the circle. Many young guys want to pursue popular older female stars and then take over these popular older female stars to gain attention and resources.

After they develop themselves, they will break up with their older female girlfriends.

This kind of operation is very common in the entertainment industry and is not surprising.

Zhao Liying has also encountered it, and many people want to pursue her.

But Zhao Liying, who is determined to pursue her career, does not plan to fall in love now.

"What? You crashed my car, so it's not too much to treat me to a meal, right?"

Cao Gong asked Zhao Liying, pointing at the dented rear bumper of his car.

Zhao Liying was embarrassed looking at her masterpiece.

"All right, that's it, I won't talk to you any more, the sun is so bright."

The goal was achieved, Cao Gong didn't say much, and planned to leave.

Zhao Liying felt very strange when she saw him leaving like this.

He didn't even invite her to dinner? He didn't even take the initiative to let her treat him to dinner?

After all, she had crashed his car, so even if he asked to treat her to dinner now, she would have to do it anyway.

But what didn't surprise her was that Cao Gong didn't?

"Oh, right." Cao Gong opened the car door, turned around and said to Zhao Liying:"Don't wear high heels when driving in the future"

"It's not safe to drive in high heels." While Cao Gong was speaking, Zhao Liying had already lowered her head to look at her feet.

She was indeed driving in high heels today, which...

Before she could say anything, Cao Gong said,"Especially for a big star like you."

"If you are photographed by paparazzi driving in high heels, this is a violation of the rules."

"If it happens to a celebrity, it will be magnified infinitely, and then people will blame and scold you even more."

"Scolding you for not setting a good example for yourself as you are a public figure. You know you can't drive in high heels, but you still drive in high heels."

Cao Gong's words stunned Zhao Liying.

Yes, she is a public figure. What if she is photographed driving in high heels?

How could she be so stupid that she didn't even think of such a thing?

If she was really photographed, no matter how she explained, it would be useless.

Even if she said that she would take off her high heels when driving, and it was okay to drive barefoot.

But who would believe it? After all, people only saw you getting in and out of the car in high heels.

Reminded by this younger brother, Zhao Liying subconsciously answered obediently."Oh, I know."

Zhao Liying's obedient reaction made Cao Gong look at her with a doting smile,"And."

Feeling Cao Gong's doting smile on her but unable to do anything with her, Zhao Liying's relief was inexplicably sweet.

"I understand that you wear high heels to make yourself walk better and look more elegant and beautiful."

"I can understand that you only want to look a few centimeters taller when wearing high heels."

"But if I have to wear high heels when I go out to drive, I have to look good."

"Then put a pair of sneakers in the car, wear sneakers when driving, and change into high heels when getting out of the car."Cao Gong's idea made Zhao Liying's eyes light up.

Yes, it can be prepared like this.

The car is so big, why didn't she think of putting a pair of shoes in the car?

It's no wonder. The number of times she drives throughout the year is probably enough to be counted on both hands, right?

On weekdays, she is either filming or running announcements.

But when she runs announcements, she doesn't need to drive.

Just because she drives less on weekdays, naturally, Zhao Liying didn't think of putting a pair of shoes in the car. This can't be blamed on her, it can only be said that she drives less.

"You too, keep up the good work in the talent show, I look forward to your debut."Zhao Liying was in a very good mood and cheered for Cao Gong

"Oh, if I wanted to debut, I would have done it a long time ago."

"The real purpose of participating in this program is to use this platform to quickly increase your fame and popularity. Whether you can debut on this program is not important. What is important is to increase your fame and popularity. This is the most important thing for participating in this program."

Cao Gong smiled and nodded to Zhao Liying.

However, Cao Gong, who had just got in the car and started the car, thought of something and turned around.

Under Zhao Liying's puzzled gaze, Cao Gong said to her with a smirk

"Sister, if you want to listen to a song, send a WeChat message to your stinky brother, and he will sing it for you."

After saying that, leaving Zhao Liying in a daze, Cao Gong drove away. After the car drove away, Zhao Liying finally reacted:"Damn it, this stinky brother actually flirted with me?"

""If you want to listen to a certain song, just send him a WeChat message. Sing it for me?" Zhao Liying muttered as she got on the bus.

Then, a sweet smile appeared on Zhao Liying's pretty face:"What a stinky little brother." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Wasn't it enough to flirt with Dilraba in the training camp? Now that we're out, you're flirting with me?"

"No, I just wonder, why does this naughty little brother always flirt with his sister?"

"Cheng Xiao, who is younger than him, seems to have never seen her flirt with him, but likes to flirt with Dilraba"

"Could it be that this guy is a sister complex?" Zhao Liying started the car and said to herself

"No, no..."[]

"Cheng Xiao is just a small idol, not very popular or well-known"

"But Dilireba is different, the first female star born in the 1990s"

"I am also one of the 85 flowers, all of them are top-tier,"

"Could it be that he only flirts with top stars just to get the attention he can get from his debut?"

Zhao Liying thought about Cao Gong in this way, but she quickly denied this idea.

Zhao Liying said to herself while driving:"I don't think he is that kind of person"

"He should not be one of them, he needs a popular sister to gain more attention for him"

"With his musical talent, he can become famous just by his songwriting ability, without relying on others."

"I think I'm overthinking it."Zhao Liying thinks she's overthinking it.

"Never mind, it's just the first time we met anyway."


Cao Gong drove away, but he didn't know what Zhao Liying was thinking about him.

He drove away from Langfang and headed for the capital.

To be honest, he didn't know much about the capital because he had never lived in the capital.

But there was a director, and his car's license plate number was not restricted, so he could drive in.

This car also had a license plate from the capital, so as long as it was not restricted, he could drive in.

"Uncle, have you been to South Africa yet?"After driving on the highway, Cao Gong raised the canopy, otherwise, the wind would be too strong at 120 km/h on the highway.

""Not yet, you came out?" Wu Jing was surprised.

Cao Gong briefly explained the situation, and Wu Jing knew it immediately.

It seems that this kid is quite capable. He knows how to use this method.

"Okay, now that you're in the capital, I'll arrange for someone to teach you these things. Just come out and train during this time."

"After you finish recording the show in September and register at the school, you can take a leave and come to South Africa."

""Okay." This was already agreed upon, so Cao Gong would not break the appointment again.

After driving to the capital, Cao Gong found a hotel nearby to stay.

He had no place to stay in the capital, so he had to stay in a hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Cao Gong turned on his computer to check the stock market.

Cao Gong drank while watching the stock market.

Before the college entrance examination, the stocks he bought at 873 have all risen very well.

"Calculating the time, this bull stock is about to reach its peak."

"After reaching the highest peak, it will not rise any further."

"And I have to train in the training camp during this period. In order to avoid delaying the sale of this stock, I should sell it now, although it is still a little short of the highest point."

"But it's better to earn less than that. You can't lose it later."

Thinking of this,���Gong sold all these stocks directly.

If he didn't sell them, he would forget about them when he got busy.

Even if he didn't forget, he didn't have a computer to use because he was in the training camp, so he couldn't sell them even if he wanted to.

It doesn't matter if he earns less now, he is not in a hurry for money anyway.

After selling one stock, Cao Gong saw that he had ample funds.

But he didn't continue to buy. He decided to do it after he went to college and had time.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry to make money now, he can buy in when he encounters a bull stock at the right time.

""Has my naughty brother arrived in the capital?" When Cao Gong was checking WeChat, he happened to see the WeChat message sent by Zhao Liying.

Seeing this WeChat message, Cao Gong smiled and typed a reply:"Just arrived at the hotel."

Zhao Liying was at home, watching TV and chatting with her family. When she heard that there was a reply on WeChat, she picked up her phone and took a look.

When she saw the WeChat reply from Cao Gong, she also typed a reply:"The car has been repaired, give me a number."

"No, I don’t need this little money." Cao Gong’s reply made Zhao Liying feel strange:"Did your father give it to you?"

"No, it's mine! I'm a songwriter after all, so I can make money by writing songs, right?"

"Well, you are a second-generation star, I just thought too much. Zhao Liying laughed and teased him

"It's true that he is a second-generation star, but he has the ability to make money on his own and doesn't rely on his father anymore."

"Even if I rely on my wife for support in the future, I will not rely on my parents. This is my goal.

Cao Gong's reply made Zhao Liying smile. This goal is really fresh and unconventional.

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