After arriving in Shanghai, they started recording Go Fighting at around 5pm. When

Cao Gong arrived at the recording site, he greeted the director of the program.

When the director said start recording, the six people in suits stood together.

"Oh, we have a new member in our Extreme Challenge today." said the eldest brother Sun Honglei with a smile.

"That's right, please take care of me today." Xie La was still a little nervous because this show was not easy to do.

"Yes, yes, please take good care of me."Wang Dalu said to the people around him with his hands behind his back.

Cao Gong, who was standing next to Zhang Yixing, was very natural and not nervous.

"Who is this person?"Sun Honglei knew a little bit, but she still wanted this newcomer to introduce her.

"Please introduce yourself to everyone. Zhang Yixing leaned against the guardrail and said to Cao Gong

"Hello everyone, I am Cao Zei, a trainee of Idol Producer, and a student and partner of PD Zhang Yixing.

Cao Gong introduced himself, also using his stage name instead of his real name.

"Cao thief? Haha~ Are you the famous Cao thief from"103"?" Wang Xun asked with a smile

"No, no, I'm not that famous. Cao Gong waved his hand modestly.

"You've been in the news all the time recently. You made your debut with the help of your father, Andy Lau, right?"

"Oh, yes."Speaking of this, Cao Gong admitted it proudly.

"No, if someone says you are Liu Dehua’s son, don’t you feel embarrassed or like they look down on you?"

"Or, you don't like to hear people say you are Liu Dehua's son."

"Or maybe you don’t like hearing people say that you were able to debut because of your father?"

Sun Honglei asked Cao Gong while wearing sunglasses, but Cao Gong said to him,"Uncle, take off your sunglasses first.""

"Wearing sunglasses while recording a program is impolite to the audience.

Cao Gong's words made Hong Lei subconsciously take off her sunglasses.

But after taking off the sunglasses, Sun Honglei immediately said:"No, why should I listen to you?"

"Hahaha~" Sun Honglei's reaction made Zhang Yixing and others beside her clap and laugh.

"Don't listen to me, but wear sunglasses when recording the show, it's not good"

"When the show was aired, the audience said: Sun Honglei was rude, she wore sunglasses and acted like a big shot during the show"

"Is it okay to spread this out?" Cao Gong asked Sun Honglei in a worried tone.

"Oh, that's right."Sun Honglei was so smart that she was convinced by Cao Gong.

"You haven't answered me yet." Without talking about the sunglasses, Sun Honglei continued with the previous question.

"No way! What's so shameful about relying on your father to make your debut?"

"My father worked so hard to develop his career so that the next generation could have a better life."

"Well, as his son, what's wrong with me using his fame and popularity to make my debut?"

"It's like a rich second generation. My dad is rich, so what's wrong with me spending my dad's money?"

"As long as you don't steal or rob, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

Cao Gong's mentality directly made Sun Honglei and others unable to do it.

Many second-generation stars don't like to be called someone's son or younger brother after entering the circle.

For example, Fan Chengcheng is like this. He doesn't like to be said to rely on his sister.

If he didn't rely on his sister, he wouldn't be able to debut.

So he doesn't like to hear this.

But Cao Gong is different. Yes, it's not shameful to rely on your own father, right?

"So is your relationship with Reba real?"Xie La Gossip asked

"No. Cao Gong was of course telling the truth.

"Impossible, there must be something going on between you two." Xie La didn't believe it, and looked like they must be up to something.

Seeing that Xie La didn't believe it, Cao Gong simply admitted it:"Okay, then, we'll get the marriage certificate right away."

"What? Haha~" Xie La doubted her ears. What did she hear?、

"I said we want to get the certificate, is that ok?"

"I told you that we were not in love, but you didn't believe me! I told you that we were going to get married, but you didn't believe me either."

"If I admit it, you won't believe it. If I don't admit it, you won't believe it either."

"Then why are you asking so much?"

Xie La, who was criticized, used laughter to cover up her embarrassment.

This also included Sun Honglei who was standing next to her. She thought this Cao thief was very interesting and very outspoken.

The audience watching the show also laughed.

It's really not Cao Gong's fault for criticizing Xie La. The main reason was that Cao Gong told the truth that he and Reba were not in a relationship, but Xie La didn't believe it. If you don't believe the truth, then I lied and we got a marriage certificate. You would believe it, right?

But when he said he wanted to get a marriage certificate, Xie La didn't believe it.

If Cao Gong didn't believe the truth or the lies, how could he not criticize Xie La?

"So do you like Dilireba or not?"Wang Xun was also very curious and asked Cao Gong

"I like it. Cao Gong admitted without hesitation.

"If you like her, then she's your girlfriend."

Wang Xun's words made Cao Gong, who was holding his hands, open his eyes wide and tilt his head to look at Wang Xun beside him.

"If I like her, she is my girlfriend? Then I also like Liu Yifei, does that mean she is my girlfriend?"

"I also like Zhao Liying. Is she my girlfriend too?"

"I still love Yang Mi, so if she’s not Yang Mi, then she’s my wife?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hahaha~" Cao Gong's soul-searching questioning made Zhang Yixing laugh devilishly.

"No, I mean, you like her and she likes you, then you are a couple."

Wang Xun hurriedly explained, to make it clear,

"Look at what you said. I like her and she likes me, so we are a couple?"

"Have you asked my mother-in-law? Does my father-in-law agree with this marriage?"

"To be honest, it sounds good. Uncle, you have a child after all. How can this relationship be just about liking each other?"Cao Gong's words couldn't be more true, and they were also very sober....

It is not so easy for young people nowadays to talk about love

"Then why don't you just chase after Reba?" Sun Honglei encouraged him to chase after Reba

"I won't chase her! If she wants to chase me, she should chase me." Cao Gong shook his head and rejected the proposal.

"What? You still want Reba to chase you?" This is not it, Xie La immediately disagreed

"Yes, I definitely won’t chase her. If I have to chase her, let Reba chase me."

"Why? Just because you are in a sister-brother relationship, the sister has to pursue you?"Xie La wanted to teach this kid a lesson, wasn't she too arrogant?

"No! Isn't there a saying that goes,"It's easy for a girl to chase a boy""

"So, if she pursues me, I will definitely agree"

"But it's different for me to pursue someone. According to the current situation of young people's love in society"

"When a girl chases a boy, there is only a layer of gauze between them;

"When a man chases a girl, he is separated from her by a room, a car, and her mother; from her brother, from her younger brother, and from her male best friend in life."

"Hahaha~" The five people next to him all laughed out loud after hearing this joke.

Sun Honglei even laughed and gave Cao Gong a thumbs up. Why did they laugh so much? The main reason was that Cao Gong told this joke in a rap style, which made the joke sound even more magical. When the program was broadcast, countless male viewers were attracted by Cao Gong's joke.

Even 99% of the male viewers liked Cao Gong's joke.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. In today's modern society. 0.8 It

's really too difficult for boys to chase girls

"The child is wronged, don't chase her, wait for her to chase you."Sun Honglei comforted Cao Gong in an elder's tone.

"No, haven’t we added a blind date segment to our Extreme Challenge now?"

"Hehe~" The originally quiet scene started to laugh again because of Cao Gong.

"That's not right. Why are there three fewer people today?" Zhang Yixing changed the subject.

"Yes, there are three newcomers and three old demons are missing."Sun Honglei was also very surprised.

"It just so happens that there are still three spirits." Cao Gong, with his hands behind his back, guessed,"Could it be that the three spirits have become one team?"

"Yes, that's very possible. Zhang Yixing agreed with Cao Gong's words.

"Without the three spirits, we have three more, so our IQs will be average."

"???"Cao Gong doubted his ears, what did he hear?

Xie La said that without the three spirits, with the addition of the three of them, the IQs would be average? Is this admitting that his IQ is low?

What kind of person is this?

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