"Hehe~" Cao Gong, who was driving, smiled evilly and took out a car key.

"You guys can't find your car keys even if you want to die."

"Pull out the opponent's car keys and take them away. This is what you men taught me."

"That's what you did in the first season."

"But I didn’t expect you guys to be so arrogant that you even dare to leave the car keys in the car?"

"Do you really think that if you tear off the logo of the sponsor of the car, we can't think of which car is yours? Are you so arrogant that you don't even take the car keys?"

Cao Gong's operation made the audience applaud.

Finally, there is a guest who can trick these old men in the Men's Gang.

At this time, everyone in the escort team also received the news.

"Zhang Yixing is glorious, Cao Gong escaped, and the trophy was stolen."

After seeing the message, the other two teams, Xie La, Wang Xun, Sun Honglei, and Wang Dalu, all became solemn.

Cao Gong had already driven out at this moment, and planned to meet up with the others to discuss it.

However, Xie La and the others were also discussing

"I suspect we have a mole inside." Xie La held her phone and explained her guess to Wang Xun who was driving.

"Oh, this is what I fear the most, because I really can't guess who it is."

Wang Xun, who was driving, was most afraid of this brain-burning spy segment, because his IQ was simply not enough.

Xie La's expression was serious and she decided to call Sun Honglei.

"I'll call Brother Honglei."At this time, Xie La decisively called.

Soon, Sun Honglei also answered the phone.

"Hey, Lala, have you seen the news?"Sun Honglei asked

"I saw Brother Hong Lei, but I suspect there is a traitor in our guard team, do you know?"

"Why do you suspect there is a traitor?" Sun Honglei asked Xie La with a serious expression.

"Did you call Yixing and the others?" Xie La continued to ask

"I called, both of us called, but we couldn't get through"

"They just don't answer the phone." Sun Honglei explained to Xie La very seriously.

At this time, Wang Xun, who was in front of Xie La, also picked up the phone very seriously:"Look, it's clearly stated here, the news about Yixing, let us be careful of Cao Gong"

"Yixing was eliminated, and he sent us a message, saying be careful of Cao Gong"

"This means that Cao Gong is a traitor."Wang Xun, who is very smart, has believed this information. But what they don't know is that this information was sent by the Extreme Three Elites after they got Zhang Yixing's phone to alienate their guards.

"Well, let's call Cao Gong first."

""We have been calling, Wang Dalu and I have been calling, but we can't get through." Sun Honglei said. At this time, everyone in their guard team also received the message.

It said that they suspected that there was a traitor in our guard team.

"I suspect you have an undercover agent. According to intelligence, there are clues of undercover agents in the following two places.."

"One is No. 107, Nansuzhou Road, and the other is the 1933 Laochangfang secret room."

After looking at the two clue destinations, Xie La was very confused:"We don't need any clues anymore."

"We have all confirmed that Cao Gong is the traitor."

"Forget it, let's split up with Brother Hong Lei and the others first."

Just like that, the two teams began to work together to find clues in these two places.

As for Cao Gong, his cell phone was taken away.

That's right, his cell phone was taken away by the Extreme Three Spirits just now.

Not only his, but Zhang Yixing's cell phone was also taken away.

"Oh my god, this is troublesome." Cao Gong, who was driving, suddenly thought of a serious problem.

"I was with Yixing, but now Yixing was eliminated and I ran away"

"It's over. The three extreme elves also took away our phones."

"According to Huang Lao Xie and Bad Uncle's IQ, they would definitely use our phones to impersonate me and Yi Xing and send messages to the other four members of the escort team."

"Once the three extreme elves send a message to the four guards, they may alienate us."

"Because I ran away"

"Zhang Yixing and I were together, but Zhang Yixing was eliminated and I was not"

"With the intelligence of the four people in our escort team, Uncle Lei, Wang Xun, Xie La and Wang Dalu, I'm afraid it will be easy for Huang Laoxie and Bad Uncle to alienate us."

"By then, I will become the target of public criticism!!!"

After realizing this, Cao Gong, who was driving, slapped the steering wheel in regret.

"Ah! Why didn't I think of this just now? Cao Gong was very upset.

"But fortunately, it doesn't matter if they took my phone away"

"Because I had set a lock screen password for my phone on the way here."

"They got my phone, but they could only answer calls, they couldn't turn it on"

"Fortunately, I just got the phone from the program team. In order to prevent emergencies, I designed a lock screen password for the phone. Otherwise, it would be even more difficult to deal with it."

After Cao Gong, who was driving, said this, many viewers praised his cleverness.

Just now, when the three extreme spirits wanted to use Cao Gong's phone, they found that there was a lock screen password.

Now it seems that it was Gong who specially set the lock screen password.

On the other hand, the three extreme spirits had no choice but to take a taxi because the car key was missing.

And when they took the taxi, they were cursing.

"Cao Gong, you are so cunning that you even took away our car keys?"

"Good, you are good."Huang Lei is very frustrated and embarrassed now.

He actually capsized in the gutter, which made him very embarrassed.

But what they didn't expect was that behind them, there was a cunning fat yellow bird.

"Hehe~" Cao Gong, who was driving, laughed very cunningly

"You guys would never have thought that I would follow you, right?"

"My phone was taken away, and now I can't get any clues about the next mission location"

"In order to know where the next mission is, I can only follow you."

"Wherever you go, I will go there, so that I can know the next destination."

Cao Gong explained while driving, which made the audience watching the show admire him even more.

Who would have thought that Cao Gong would be able to do this?

Come to think of it, his mobile phone was snatched away by the Extreme Three Spirits, and he didn't have a mobile phone to see what to do next.

He didn't know where the next destination was, so he couldn't just run around, right?

So, he chose to drive and secretly follow the Extreme Three Spirits who took a taxi.

In this way, they have mobile phones and know where to go next, so they just need to keep up.

When they arrived at the next destination, Cao Gong realized that it was here.

And here, there were already many people watching.

After the Extreme Three Spirits arrived here, they immediately went into Laochangfang. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Cao Gong didn't rush in, but took a look outside.

He was verifying one of his guesses.

When he saw Wang Xun driving up and Xie La got off the car, Cao Gong knew that they had been trapped.

At this time, Cao Gong also got off the car

"Cao Gong!!!" At this time, the sharp-eyed funny pig discovered Cao Gong's arrival.

"Cao Gong is coming! Let’s go, let’s go!" Wang Xun and Xie La saw this and quickly ran out of the crowd.

Xie La wanted to escape but was finally caught by Huang Lei.

The captured Xie La said to Cao Gong without knowing the truth:"You traitor Cao thief!!!"

"What?"Cao Gong, who was suddenly accused of being a traitor, felt very wronged.

"Yes, you, the insider, told the Extreme Three Spirits our location"

"You traitor." Xie La was so smart that Cao Gong was speechless.

And the three extreme spirits didn't expect that their attempt to alienate Cao Gong would actually succeed?

Xie La actually believed that Cao Gong was the traitor?

"Yes, Cao Gong, we really didn’t expect that you, at such a young age, could hide so deeply.

Even Wang Xun, who was arrested, agreed that Cao Gong was a traitor.

"Do you think I'm a traitor?" Cao Gong stood a few meters away and asked Xie La

"Do you dare to say you are not? The first task, you and Yixing are together"

"Brother Hong Lei and Wang Dalu have been calling you, but the calls are unresolved."

"It's over, Yixing was eliminated, but you were not eliminated."

Xie La said her guess, which made the three extreme spirits smile and eat melons, and they did not participate or interrupt.[]

"We were caught, how can we answer the phone? Cao Gong explained that they were caught by the three spirits.

"Well, then you were caught by the three spirits, why was it that only Yixing was eliminated, but you were not?"

Xie La still didn't believe Cao Gong, thinking that he was very smart.

"What's the matter? I was caught, so I deserve to die and be eliminated?" (Zhao Ma De)

"I don't have the brains to deal with them and then find a chance to escape?" Cao Gong asked Xie La angrily.

"I was caught, so I deserve to be eliminated, right?"

"Hahaha~" The three extreme gourmets couldn't hold back their laughter any longer.

Xie La and Wang Xun, who were being criticized, obviously still didn't believe it.

"How could you possibly run away? There were three of them and you were alone, how could you possibly run away?"

Cao Gong was so angry at this fallacy that he laughed and said,"Is it not okay that I have long legs?"

"Haha~" The reason given by Cao Gong made Xie La laugh.

Including the audience watching the show, no one expected Cao Gong to answer like this.

When Cao Gong said that his legs were long, all the audience burst into laughter.

"Well, even if you have long legs and can run very fast, you still can't run away."

"Brother Xun and I ran separately, but we couldn't escape. You are facing three people surrounding you alone."

"How could he possibly get away?" Xie La continued to use her intelligence.

Facing Xie La's questioning, Cao Gong was even more angry and laughed.

"You, a post-80s generation, can’t even outrun three post-70s generation generations. Do you still have the nerve to do that?"

"Hahaha~" Cao Gong's angry retort made the three extreme spirits who were eating melons on the side laugh like geese. The audience watching the show were also amused by this scene.

Cao Gong's accurate spit just hit the audience's funny spot.

: ༺هঔৣৡﻲRÙAﻲঔৣৡه༻

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