"Cao Gong, are you staying in a hotel? Or going home?"

After the show was finished, Zhang Yixing asked him while they were having dinner.

Cao Gong thought for a moment and said,"Go home. I'll take a plane back to the capital tomorrow after I wake up."

"OK, I won't go back with you tomorrow, I still have to record a show tomorrow."

After learning this, I had dinner with them and left a contact number.

In fact, it was already very late when the show was finished.

After having supper at the Peace Hotel, Cao Gong went straight back to his mansion in Shanghai. After resting for a night, Cao Gong flew back to the capital early the next morning.

Then he took a bus from the capital to the training camp in Langfang to continue training.

After returning to the training camp to participate in training, Cao Gong and his teammates completed the song and dance together.

Although they were out for a day and recorded a show.

But after coming back, they still had to continue training.

At this time in the practice room, the seven of them were already sweating all over, their clothes were soaked, and they had no time to change.

They danced and practiced over and over again, just to practice the dance for this song.

Until the rehearsal the day before the performance, they all came to the rehearsal site.

"I heard that you went to"Go Fighting"?"

Dilraba Dilmurat and Cao Gong stood in a corner and whispered to each other at the rehearsal.

The production team also recorded the CP's private time.

""Well, PD Zhang took me to the show." Cao Gong answered and looked at Dilireba beside him.

This sister is still so charming and amazing.

However, Dilireba must have come to settle accounts this time.

"I heard that Liu Yifei even called out to you, asking you to write a song?"

"……"Cao Gong felt Dilireba's jealousy.

The audience watching the show at this time was watching this scene with great interest.

As expected, it was the heating CP that turned a talent show into a love variety show.

Cao Gong, however, was very calm when questioned by Dilireba.

"Didn’t you say that? If I get married, my wife will be Liu Yifei!"

Reba was so angry that her cheeks puffed up, and she looked up at him with a fierce look on her chubby face:"That was just an assumption!"

"And what I am assuming is that your wife looks like Concubine Liu Yi, not the real Concubine Liu Yi."

Cao Gong didn't know whether to laugh or cry:"That's also your own problem. Who asked you to assume this problem?"

"Just suppose, why do you say she looks like Liu Yifei? It's all your fault."

"You're the only one who's jealous, and I'm also having a headache"

"Now the fairy sister is waiting for me to write a song, let's not talk about whether you are jealous or not."

"First of all, I will die if I can't write it or not."

"I've written it down. Fairy Sister allowed me to call her wife. Won't her fans eat me up?"

"I can’t write. My image as a musical genius has collapsed."

"Baby, I haven't even made my debut yet, and my image has already collapsed. Can I still make it?"

Dilraba, who was originally jealous and fierce, was immediately distracted.

After hearing this, it seemed that it was really her own problem?

The audience watching the show laughed even more. Cao Gong's brain was really quick.

"I really admire you, you are so stupid"

"It's torture, why use other female stars as metaphors?"

"Now, I have coaxed the Fairy Sisters and the others, and you are jealous."

"I won't coax you anymore, you won't be jealous, but my image will be ruined."

"Look at what you have done. You are about to debut, but you are still messing around."

Dilraba narrowed her eyes and looked at him coldly.

When Cao Gong saw this, he realized that he had failed to fool people, so he wanted to find an excuse to run away.

"Well, I have to go to rehearsal."

But Dilireba, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, raised her gentle jade hand and grabbed Cao Gong's ear with such precision.

""Ah!" Cao Gong, whose ears were pulled, immediately bent down and came back obediently.

"Don't pretend, you didn't put in any effort."Reba showed off Cao Gong's acting skills like a queen

"Sister, what do you want your stinky brother for? Cao Gong humbly asked her what she wanted.

"Is the song finished?"Reba found that she couldn't help but care about this.

"What's wrong? Why ask him about this?

"I want to listen to it."Without saying anything, she said she wanted to listen to this song. When

Reba said she wanted to listen to it, Cao Gong said awkwardly,"It was written for my sister."

"Am I not a sister?" Reba asked him angrily, and she loosened her grip on his ears and twisted his waist to punish him.

"Yes, yes, I didn't say you're not my sister." Cao Gong explained as he twisted his body to avoid her.

"Then I'm the elder sister, why can't I listen?"

"This is written for Sister Fairy. You are a girl, you don’t understand." (To read the best novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Fairy sister is our youth among us 90s boys"

"Now that I finally got her attention, I have to perform well."

"This song is written for her, and she must be the first one to hear it."

"I told you first, so it's written for you, right?"

At this time, Cao Gong's emotional quotient was lowered, and his desire to survive disappeared.

But the audience did not feel anxious, but thought Cao Gong was smart.

He was teasing Reba's heart and testing her on the edge of jealousy.

"Liu Yifei is youth in your heart, what about me?"

"In my heart, you are the PD, the representative of all national producers."

After receiving this answer, Dilireba yelled angrily,"Get out!"

""Okay." Cao Gong, who was yelled at, cooperated and left.

"Come back to me." Seeing that he was really going to leave, Dilireba was even more angry. She asked him to come back.

Cao Gong, who had just walked out two steps, had to come back and stand beside her obediently.

Seeing the jealousy overflowing on her pretty face, Cao Gong was also particularly helpless.

In the end, he raised his hand and put his big hand on Dilireba's head.

"Are you really moved?" Cao Gongye still asked this question.

Facing Cao Gong's sincere eyes, Dilireba also responded silently."Yeah."

The audience watching the show didn't expect that Dilireba was really moved?

Now, Dilireba's fans are panicking.

This is absolutely not okay. If she is really moved, her career will be ruined.[]

"Don't you have any?"Dilireba looked at Cao Gong with sincerity in her big eyes, waiting for his answer.

"Yes. Cao Gong's answer reassured Dilireba.

"No, I just wonder, how can I be so blessed?"

"Liu Yifei asked me to call her my wife, you were attracted to me, and Yang Mi called me her stinky brother."

"No, what virtue and ability do I have?" Cao Gong really couldn't understand.

""Puchi~" Cao Gong's self-doubt made Dilireba cover her mouth and chuckle.

Then, Dilireba said sarcastically:"Didn't some people say that?"

"The dream is to rest my head on Yang Mi's legs, kiss Zhao Liying's mouth, listen to Liu Yifei singing and enjoy Dilraba Dilmurat dancing."Dilraba Dilmurat narrowed her eyes and revealed murderous intent.

Cao Gong, on the other hand, was shameless:"Who doesn't have an unrealistic dream?"

"Besides, my dream has changed now. Cao Gong was so shameless.

"Your dream is really easy to change."Reba put her hands behind her back and squinted her eyes to mock him.

Cao Gong, who was mocked, said:"My current dream is"

"Resting his head on Yang Mi's legs, kissing Zhao Liying's mouth; getting Liu Yifei drunk, listening to Dilireba sweetly calling me a dead ghost!"Later, Cao Gong deliberately lengthened the dead ghost

""Dilraba is also very fond of this boy, so she really called him a dead ghost to his face.

"Wow! My dream is now one quarter complete. Cao Gong reacted quickly and

"Well, the remaining three quarters, come on." Dilireba, with her hands behind her back, encouraged him to do his best.

"Not jealous anymore?" This surprised Cao Gong. He didn't expect that his sister was not jealous.

Dilireba pouted with a resentful look in her eyes:"Will jealousy make you give up this dream?"

"Of course I can." Cao Gong nodded, and then he said with extreme shamelessness:"Look, you just said you were jealous, so my dream has changed half, right?"

"My previous dream was: to rest my head on Yang Mi's legs, kiss Zhao Liying's mouth, listen to Liu Yifei singing, and watch you Dilraba dancing."

"My dream now is: to rest my head on Yang Mi's legs, kiss Zhao Liying's mouth, get Liu Yifei drunk, and then listen to you call me a dead ghost sweetly."

"You see, I changed half of my dream just because you were jealous. Don’t I love you very much?"

"Thank you. This shameless man made Reba laugh.

"You're welcome." The cheeky Cao Gong continued to glow.

Dilireba put her hands behind her back, pouted and looked at Cao Gong, her eyes full of resentment.

���Cao Gong, who was beside her, naturally looked into her eyes full of resentment without any evasion.

If it were someone else, seeing the resentful eyes of a girl, they would have avoided looking into her eyes out of guilt.

But Cao Gong did not do that, and he continued to look into Dilireba's eyes.

"You wrote songs for Liu Yifei and Yang Mi, so you have to write songs for me too." Reba asked.

Cao Gong raised his lips and looked at this beautiful and charming girl.

And Dili Reba blushed shyly and said,"Hurry up and agree to my request."

"Hmm~" Cao Gong deliberately prolonged his response and jokingly said,"Sister, are you so greedy?"

"I love you regardless of when you will return, I have to love you, Bitter Tea, Romance of the Three Kingdoms."After saying that, Cao Gong went straight to the point, gently pinched Reba's nose, and said lovingly:"You've sung four songs for me, isn't that enough? Are you so greedy?"

When Cao Gong looked at her lovingly and pinched Reba's nose with his hand. It was over, the scenes of"Idol Producer" were all flooded with barrages..

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