In the practice room, Cheng Xiao sat close to Cao Gong and watched the dance video with him.

Cheng Xiao watched it very seriously because it was her song.

The person dancing in the video was Cao Gong for sure.

Although the dance Cao Gong performed in the video was more like a girl's dance, this kind of dance was not cute and adorable, but rather had a strong aura.

And this dance also had a little sexiness in it.

But because of Cao Gong's own reasons, he was unable to show his sexy side.

Originally, the dance for this song had a pole dance setting.

But Cao Gong deleted this part because he really couldn't dance it out. He couldn't dance it out, and he couldn't choreograph it, so he removed the pole dance and re-arranged the dance based on his understanding of the song.

In terms of dance alone, the dance choreographed by Cao Gong was more difficult than Cai Yilin's.

And this kind of dance was more suitable for the current girl group style and current female idols.

The most important thing was that the dance couldn't be too unconventional, after all, Cheng Xiao was only 18 years old.

At Cheng Xiao's age, it would be too vulgar if she performed dance moves that are too sexy and too unconventional. She might even be criticized by netizens.

Taking these aspects into consideration, Cao Gong's choreography is more suitable for Cheng Xiao now.

In fact, when he was choreographing, he considered that this song would be performed by Cheng Xiao.

Because Cao Gong knew that sooner or later Cheng Xiao would ask him to write a song.

After all, the song he wrote for Zhang Yixing is very popular now.

And the songs he wrote and sang for Dilraba Dilmurat are all good songs.

It is only a matter of time for Cheng Xiao to ask him to write a song.

When choreographing, he had already taken this into consideration, so he had already selected a song for Cheng Xiao and was waiting for her to speak; and Cao Gong naturally accepted the cup of milk tea yesterday.

""Dong Dong~" At this time, the door of the practice room rang. Someone came.

""Oh, did I bother you?" Fan Chengcheng came over and teased the two of them deliberately.

They were all familiar with each other, so they could joke around.

Cheng Xiao was also an artist of Lehua, so he must know Fan Chengcheng.

"No, I was watching Cao Gong's choreography video."

"Ah? The dance is already choreographed?"Fan Chengcheng, who had just come in, was startled.

"Yes, I have been thinking about choreography when I have time."

"It just so happened that the previous choreography was available, so I just used it this time."

"It can also save time on choreography. Cao Gong also gave the phone to Fan Chengcheng.

When Fan Chengcheng took the phone and was about to look at it, another person came.

"Yeah haha~" Huang Fugui Justin came in and high-fived Cao Gong excitedly

"There are three now, and there are four more. Don’t wait, another one from Lehua will come over."

"If that's the case, then this time it's Lehua 7+1."

Cao Gong said, pointing at himself and Cheng Xiao, who was also from Lehua.

"No? Do you dislike us?"Fan Chengcheng deliberately made trouble.

But when they were making trouble, another member came over.

Zhu Zhengting also came in, a familiar person. Then, Li Quanzhe and Bi Wenjun also came over. These were all people who had worked with them before.

"The last one."Now no one knows who it is.

In fact, this kind of choice is based on one's own style.

(bfdi) Another thing is to look at the mentor you want to work with.

Although Cheng Xiao is a beauty and there is also Cao Gong, an original singer.

But many trainees dare not choose, because they don't know if Cao Gong's songs are suitable for them, so they dare not mess around.

And the people they want to choose are not ranked very high, so they have no chance to choose.

The last member is here, Huang Xinchun

"I'm drunk. You, Lehua, are targeting me. Cao Gong was lying on the floor, complaining about them.

"If you ask me, brother-in-law, you should just join us, Lehua Seven."

"If you join us, Lehua Seven, we will definitely take off, and we will definitely be a top boy band"

"This way I can make money quickly and buy Lehua." Fan Chengcheng expressed his ambition

"You want to buy Lehua? Haha~" Cheng Xiao was shocked by this extremely ambitious Fan Chengcheng.

"Yes, buying Lehua is my ultimate goal."Fan Chengcheng gradually showed his conspicuous bag attributes.

Cao Gong, who was lying on the floor, laughed and exposed him.

"Are you going to buy Lehua? Are you going to be my boss?"

""Hahaha~" Fan Chengcheng couldn't hold back anymore and burst out laughing.

He just said that he wanted Cao Gong to join the Lehua Seven, but the next second he said he wanted to buy Lehua. Didn't this expose his little trick of wanting to be Cao Gong's boss?

Of course, Fan Chengcheng didn't have such an idea, and he also understood that Cao Gong was helping him.

Just now he said he wanted to buy Lehua, which was really a bit too outspoken.

Now Cao Gong complained about him, just to help him sort it out.

""How about the music?" After watching the video, several people asked Cao Gong:"How is the music?"

"The music hasn't been composed yet. Give me one day today. I'll go to the instrument room and make the music. And you guys just memorize the lyrics and dance moves today."

"Come, let me distribute the lyrics"

"After we collaborated with mentor Cheng Xiao on this song, I would like to dedicate it to her."

"However, the copyright of this song is with me. If this song is to be released in the future, it can only be sung by Cheng Xiao originally. This song will not be given to her group to sing."

"It's not that her combination is not suitable, or that she is not capable enough."

"After all, I drank the milk tea she gave me yesterday, and I promised her that I would write a song for her.、"

Cao Gong has taken everything into consideration.

What he is worried about is that if this song is given to Cheng Xiao, Lehua will ask Cheng Xiao to dedicate this song.

At that time, will Cheng Xiao agree or not?

If she does not agree, then Lehua will not let her release this song, record or produce MV for her.

But if she agrees, then this song will not be hers alone, but the group's.

So, she will definitely be in a dilemma at that time.

Cao Gong has made it clear now, and he also wants to let Du Yu know that the song was written by me and the copyright belongs to me.

I will give it to whoever I want. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

If you want to threaten Cheng Xiao to dedicate this song to the group, then I will take it back. At worst, I will not release it to Cheng Xiao.

When he releases his own album, he will find Cheng Xiao to record it, and then help her produce this song, and finally include it in his album. In this way, there will be no problem.

As for Du Yu saying that Cao Gong used their Lehua artists and infringed on the rights.

Then at that time, Cao Gong will pay Cheng Xiao for the performance, and then there will be no problem.


After Cheng Xiao felt Cao Gong's care and consideration, her eyes became very tender when she looked at him.

Now, the audience watching the show also covered their foreheads.

It seems that another beautiful star has been won over by Cao Gong.

Look at Cheng Xiao's eyes, how sweet it can be.

Her love for Cao Gong is almost tender, oh no, it's almost thickened.

""First, look carefully at the lyrics." Cao Gong found a pen and paper and wrote down the lyrics.

It was very easy for him to write down the lyrics of a song.

He had an excellent memory, and the songs he had heard seemed to form entries in his mind similar to Baidu Encyclopedia, and then the music score and lyrics were clearly visible.

So it took Cao Gong only two minutes to write out the lyrics of this song.[]

After it comes out, the lyrics are distributed

"This is the climax of the song."

"That is, the perfect spy C, freezing the focus of the audience, freezing you in the blind spot of love. This section is handed over to our instructors to lead the dance and singing."

Cao Gong was also discussing the lyrics with them.

After everyone listened, they suddenly found a problem.

"No, why don’t you assign yourself the lyrics and lead the dance part?"

Fan Chengcheng, who discovered the problem, immediately exposed it:"You bastard, because it’s a girl group song, you don’t assign yourself the lines and let yourself lead the dance, right?"

"No, haha~" Cao Gong, who was lying on the floor, couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Haha~" Even Cheng Xiao realized that Cao Gong deliberately didn't assign lyrics to himself.

No wonder she felt strange, how come the lyrics were assigned, but there was no solo part for Cao Gong?

It turned out that this guy knew that this was a female song and the dance was more female.

So he, who wanted to be a big muscle man, didn't assign solo lyrics to himself in order not to embarrass himself and not to stand out. He just danced as a backup dancer in the back.

""Pa! Pa!"

Cheng Xiao was so happy that she covered her mouth and laughed non-stop while patting Cao Gong's lower back.

What she didn't expect was that Cao Gong was so scheming, and this scheming was so interesting.

"No! You have to divide the lyrics for me. Why should we lead the singing and dancing, and you just dance with us in the back?"

Fan Chengcheng and Cao Gong started to quarrel, asking Cao Gong to divide the lyrics for me.

"Look here, I have too many lyrics, let Lao Cao assign one line.

Huang Fugui also said with a smile, asking himself to assign one line of lyrics.

"Bullshit! Your two lines of lyrics don't add up to more than 20 words, where are the extra words?"

"Give me one sentence, there are only four words left in your lyrics."

"Haha~" Huang Fugui, who is good at rap, of course doesn't care about this kind of lyrics

"Teacher Cheng Xiao has so many lyrics, can't I just give you two lines from her?"

But Cao Gong shook his head:"No, this song is for her, she must have more lyrics."

"Get lost! This song is for Cheng Xiao, but that was during the recording."

"Now it's a cover, so don't worry about the lyrics." Fan Chengcheng said and did it himself. Cao

Gong had no choice but to accept this fact.

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