Cao Gong and Dilraba's sweet daily life once again sprinkled sugar on the audience.

But soon, Cao Gong had to go to rehearsal.

As soon as he came up, Cao Gong discussed with everyone about the performance tomorrow night.

During the rehearsal, Cheng Xiao suggested a way to stand on a stage and then fall backwards.

Then all the boys stood behind her to catch her, and finally she did a somersault.

"What will the stage be decorated with tomorrow night based on your design?"

"Hot pants or short skirt? Cao Gong asked this question, and Cheng Xiao looked at her.

"If it's hot pants, there's no need to do this design"

"If it is a short skirt, then this action design is OK. When you do a somersault, the skirt will fall down, and then you will be exposed to the audience and fans. I think this design is OK."

"Hehe~" Fan Chengcheng and others beside him laughed immediately after hearing this.

Cheng Xiao blushed shyly and slapped Cao Gong.

She could tell that Cao Gong was deliberately provoking her.

She had tried the stage costume yesterday, and Cao Gong knew that her stage costume was a short skirt.

"How about changing the skirt into shorts? Cheng Xiao thought about it and suggested changing the stage costume.

"Why do we need to change our stage costumes? JK pleated skirts are the favorite of our male audiences, so why do we need to change them?"

"I don't agree! I disagree on behalf of the male audience"

""Pa! Pa!" Although Cao Gong had changed his explanation, Cheng Xiao still wanted to beat him.

"This is a stage performance, can you please stop thinking about those messy things?"

Cao Gong sniffed and said disdainfully:"For male fans and male audiences"

"Who would want to watch a stage performance without any benefits?"

"Who would watch your performance if you don't show off your legs or waist? Why would they spend money and time to watch your stage performance?"

"I come to see your stage performance, not to see how revealing your dance is."

"Can you at least wear a short skirt or shorts to dance and show your legs?"

"Oh, I spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars to buy a ticket from a scalper, and you let me perform in such a conservative way. I can't see anything except my face and hands. Is it interesting?"

Cao Gong's words made Fan Chengcheng and the others laugh out loud.

Including the audience watching the show, they all knew that Cao Gong's words were perverse.

But for some reason, they just agreed with what Cao Gong said.

In the first place, male audiences go to see female idols' performances just to see their faces and their figures.

No matter how beautiful your dance is, it's not as good as dancing in a short skirt or shorts.

I came to see your performance, so can you at least show me your legs? I can't see the rest, and you can't show it, which I can understand.

But you can show your legs, right? But you don't even show your legs, why did I spend so much money?

To listen to you sing? Your singing skills are not good, and you can't let me dare to move. To watch you dance? Although your dance is beautiful, it's still not satisfying.

Cao Gong's words can be regarded as the voice of the male audience.

"Then I won't say anything, change into shorts. Cheng Xiao explained what he meant.

"But the problem is that when you were trying on your stage costume yesterday, your stage costume shorts were paired with over-the-knee boots."

"Interesting? The high-heeled boots cover half of the leg, and the shorts cover one-fifth."

"A pair of legs, only one-fifth of it is shown to everyone, it's better to wear long pants"

"We are all members of 271, who are we giving alms to?" Cao Gong said, his tone became angry.

Cheng Xiao held his belly and laughed, but he was very shy.

"No, what are you doing? The audience didn't say anything, and you got angry first?"

Zhu Zhengting complained about this guy in a bad mood, is that ok?

But Cao Gong said:"I am looking at this issue from the audience's perspective"

"At the same time, I am also speaking for the audience, so what?"

"Besides, I am the composer and choreographer of this song."

"I will let you wear whatever I want on stage. Arrange a short skirt for me, and no shorts."

Cao Gong pointed at the floor angrily, using his status to seek benefits.

The audience watching the show were all laughing to death at Cao Gong.

Cao Gong portrayed himself as a very lascivious and rogue person, and he had already given up.

Although Cao Gong's behavior seemed inappropriate, everyone understood it.

Dancing in a short skirt is okay.

And Cao Gong used this method to make Cheng Xiao give up designing such a dangerous move.

Careful people will find that Cao Gong is using his own way to make Cheng Xiao give up this plan.

Only those who only look at the surface will think that Cao Gong is making excessive demands.

"But to be honest, there is something wrong with our singing. Cao Gong sat on the stage and said to them seriously

"Agent C, this song was originally a fast-paced dance song"

"As a result, during the rehearsal just now, you sang weakly and the tempo was very slow."

"You guys asked for this style before, to be honest, I really don't think it's possible、"

Cao Gong told them this very seriously and responsibly.

The several instructors under the stage stopped laughing and watched Cao Gong rehearse their performance. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Cheng Xiao crossed her arms and pinched her chin to think.

This suggestion was actually made by her. She thought that the song could be sung slower. If it was sung at a lyrical speed, it would give the other actors a chance to show off.

But it was obvious that Cao Gong was not satisfied with the rehearsal just now.

"Our stage is meant to be explosive and create atmosphere, not just to show off."

"I understand you want us to sing this song with a lyrical rhythm"

"This will give us time to show off, but we don't have to."

"This is too inappropriate, too pretentious, too embarrassing"

"This song is a fast dance song with a strong rhythm. It is about a strong rhythm to match the dance (bfbd), giving the audience a visual feast, not like a slow-motion movie, where everyone is slow-moving on the stage to show off."

""Awkward, awkward!" Cao Gong said, and made the moves they had just discussed.

Dilireba, who was standing under the stage, smiled and looked at Cao Gong, who was serious and responsible on the stage.

Zhang Yixing and Wang Jiaer also agreed with Cao Gong's proposal.

"Well, let's do it according to my brother-in-law's instructions, and then let the PD and other instructors take a look."

"Which one is more expressive?"Fan Chengcheng suggested that we try it out according to Cao Gong's setting.

"Okay, let's go." Cheng Xiao also thought it was okay, so he followed Cao Gong's instructions.

After they started again, they rehearsed seriously this time.[]

The dance was performed according to the previous practice, and the movement and position change were also very smooth. The previous awkward slow-motion design was deleted, and Cao Gong's initial fast dance was used instead. The overall stage effect was immediately improved.

"Wow~" After watching the rehearsal performance, Wang Jiaer couldn’t help but ask:"With such a good and explosive stage setting, why did you add the slow motion setting just now?"

"Yes, isn't this great? The dance is amazing, matching the rhythm of the song"

"The overall performance is more enjoyable, and the group dance is also perfect."

Zhang Yixing also agrees with this version of the scene.

Cheng Xiao explained to them at this time:"This is my suggestion. In fact, I think…"

"Although it is true that this song was written for me by Cao Gong"

"But in this teacher-student collaboration, I, as the mentor, am only a supporting role, and they are the protagonists."

"I thought, when the song starts, I should use slow motion to give them some time to show themselves, so that the audience can remember them more.

Cheng Xiao did this with good intentions, and he did what a teacher should do.

After the audience learned about it, they all understood why Cheng Xiao did that.

"But now it seems that Cao Gong's design is better. Cheng Xiao admitted that Cao Gong's design was better.

"Let's do it this way, I don't think we need to show more."

In Huang Minghao's opinion, this stage effect is better, so let's do it this way.

They rehearsed once more to make sure there were no problems.

At this time, Ouyang Jin jumped up and said,"Is it our turn to rehearse next?"

"What? You have a cooperation?"Zhang Yixing, Wang Jiaer, and Li Ronghao were all surprised.

"Hehe~" Dilireba smiled with crescent eyes, looking at Cao Gong who was in high demand on the stage.

"What's wrong? You are allowed to seek cooperation with Cao Gong privately, but I can't?"

Ouyang Jin exposed Wang Jiaer and Li Ronghao in one sentence.

"Did you guys go to look for him too?"Only Zhang Yixing himself didn't go.

"Don't join in the fun. You have collaborated on a song with Cao Gong.、"

"I haven't collaborated with Cao Gong on a song yet, so this is an opportunity." Wang Jiaer said seriously.

"Oh, so you all have it, but I don’t, right?" Zhang Yixing felt excluded.

"Isn't that fair? The song you collaborated on has already been released."

"I haven't worked with Cao Gong yet." Li Ronghao also expressed his feelings.

He had long wanted to work with Cao Gong, and this was a good opportunity.

Because this was a collaboration between a mentor and a trainee, the votes were not counted.

This kind of collaboration is a benefit for the trainees, and also for the audience.

"I haven't worked with him either." Reba said to the instructors around her with a smile.

"You are the earliest one to cooperate, and the song"Can't Help Falling in Love" is still in the top five of the hot song list."

Wang Jiaer was the most envious, after all, the song by Cao Gong and Dilraba Dilmurat was really popular.

But Dilraba Dilmurat gave a sinister and cute smile, and then looked at Cao Gong on the stage.

Cao Gong smiled, then shrugged:"You call me husband, so I will cooperate with you this time."

"If you don't shout, you won't cooperate." Cao Gong also had his own requirements.


I won't let you succeed." Dilireba shyly but happily refused.

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