Everyone left with a smile.

At this time, Zhou Mo did not leave.

Instead, I came to the back of the studio.

Here, Li Mu was preparing to pack up and leave.

"Brother Li, the filming is over, I'll give you the performance fee here."

Zhou Mo stood behind Li Mu and said.

"Director Zhou, this is not necessary!"

"I'm already bothering you."

When Li Mu heard Zhou Mo's words, he quickly refused.

Without saying a word, Zhou Mo took out a bank card from his body and stuffed it into Li Mu's hand.

"Here is 2 million, you go find a better hospital and cure Xiaoxiao!"

As soon as Li Mu heard this, he had to refuse.

But Zhou Mo forcefully stopped Li Mu's movements and said, "

Don't refuse, this is the cost of your performance!"

"You deserve it."

"You put it away with peace of mind."

Li Mu looked at the bank card in his hand, and his eyes were unconsciously filled with tears.

Although he himself has not been to show business.

But also know.

The performance fee for acting in a play.

At most, it is tens of thousands of yuan, and even the highest is 100,000 yuan.

Where are these two million!

He knew that this was Zhou Mo's gratuitous help to himself.

In fact, there is no way to cure laughter.

The only way is a heart transplant.

But the money required for surgery is not a fraction.

It's really unaffordable for a family like theirs.

It can only be dragged all the time.

Li Mu's mouth had countless words of thanks that he wanted to say.

In the end, he said with a crying tone in his tone: "Thank you, thank you, really thank you, Director Zhou!" Zhou

Mo didn't stay here much longer and left the studio directly.

Li Mu stood in place, clutching the bank card in his palm.


It's Saturday.


The latest episode of Digga Ultraman is officially aired.

Once the theme song passed.

The plot officially begins.

TPC Base Headquarters.

After receiving the notice, the researchers of the Institute of Biology became ill en masse, and the cause turned out to be oxygen poisoning!

Digging said: "Inhaling excessive pure oxygen caused the researchers' organs to appear - dysfunction.

In a weird sense of lens.

The victory team learned. The culprit is an indescribably strange life form.

And the well diggers are in the process of studying this life.

It was found that this life form was able to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

A moment when the well was turned around.

A puddle of pink slime flowed out of the cut part.

This life form directly entered the computer.

The audience who saw this scene, regardless of age, put away their smiles.

Those audiences who want to use Diga as a dinner drama directly have no appetite.

The screen turns.

Through communication with living beings, he learned that this life form is called Bizomo, which is a creature created by high-tech civilization.

It has the function of purifying the atmosphere.

The well diggers heard this feature.

It is directly related to the role of colonizing planets.

Thinking about whether to coexist with it.

However, Captain Megumi remained calm and continued to arrange for the digging of wells to investigate lifeforms.

Lens conversion.

At this time, the well was already sitting on the table and dreaming.

But at this time, Bizomo began to move.

Rely on the huge power supply within the base.

Bizomo began to breed in large numbers.

For a time, countless equipment in the base began to lose power and fell into a state of disconnection.

This way.

Lina suddenly receives a summons from Daiko.

But Daigu on the opposite side changed his appearance, and Bizomo also ran out of the communication machine.

Accompanied by a scream from Lina.

Daigu arrived urgently.

Bizomo controls Rina to pilot the Feiyan One and leave the base.

In the end, Daigu transforms into Digga and fights with him.

With the help of digging wells, Bizomo is defeated by Diga.

The screen turns.

Under a blue sky.

Digging a well expressed his feelings: it is a life form made by advanced science and not recognized.

"Its purpose is simply to live."

"Sadly, it evolved from birth without a heart."

The words of digging the well made the audience think.

But at the same time, they also have a new understanding of this fat well digging.

"Well Digging is a guy who really loves science."

"It's really hard to understand the gentleness of digging wells, but his character charm really appealed to me."

"Bizomo is innocent, created, but without thought, only endless evolution."


after the episode aired.

Countless netizens stayed away from pink slime.

It's simply another childhood nightmare series.

Many viewers compared the misty monsters that appeared before with it.

"The Mist Monster is comparable to this monster."

"But why do I think that this episode of Bizomo is simply at my psychological limit!"

"I saw a barrage earlier, this Bizomo possessed Rina, then Digga and the monster were husband and wife! At that time, it gave Lao Tzu a smile.

"The main thing is that Lao Tzu ate snail powder again at that time, and now my mother is discussing with my father whether or not I want to be (Storm Crying)."


Countless viewers and netizens played terriers wildly on the Internet.

For a while, Bizomo was on fire.

Time passes.


Eight o'clock in the evening.

The latest episode of Digga Ultraman is officially aired.

"Attack and Defense of the Zilda Center"!

On the air!

Li Mu's family at this time.

Smiling, hee-hee, Li Mu sat on the sofa.

Staring at the TV in front of him, nervous and expectant.

For their family.

This isn't just an episode of Digga.

It's the last bit of her figure left in this world.

At the same time, it is also a nostalgia for my father.

Li Mu held the smiling little hand, and the look in his eyes was extremely firm.

At the same time.

All the crew members sit next to the TV or computer.

Waiting for the broadcast of Digga.

Today's episode is very worth remembering for their entire crew.

During filming.

They already know about the smile.

Such a girl who loves to laugh, heart failure, has been living hard for more than ten years.



Such a mentality makes everyone laugh and feel distressed.

If there is no miracle, then tonight is the last solo dance of laughter.

So, they must watch.

This way.

Zhou Mo rarely did not work.

Instead, he leaned on the sofa with Chen Ting.

Eyes stared at the TV screen, waiting for Digga to air.


Accompanied by a pointer pointing to eight o'clock.

The theme song of Digga was played on time on the TV.

[Like the sun piercing the night

] [Dawn quietly crosses the sky

] [...]

The theme song ends.

The plot officially begins.

The shot begins by appearing in a deep mountain.

A secret TPC base deep in the mountains was damaged and badly damaged.

The camera passes through the door printed with letters.

The base is already in ruins.

As the camera progresses.

Inside a tunnel deep in the ruins.

A mysterious box with a seal on it attracts the attention of the audience.

The box emitted a pale blue glow, looking mysterious and dangerous.

At this time, the audience in front of the screen was guessing what was happening when the picture changed again.

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