Entertainment: The Correct Way To Open When Lying Flat

Chapter 105 The Correct Way To Open A Nanny (Begging To Subscribe)

It takes about six or seven days for men and women to applaud.

You can use hcg to detect pregnancy.

It has been eight days since the two of them prepared for pregnancy.

I found out I was pregnant, which was normal.

This can also illustrate a problem.

Lin Yu almost hit the target with one shot.

Extremely efficient!

Moreover, the two of them could not talk about preparing for pregnancy.

When preparing for pregnancy, many couples will strengthen their physical exercise, go to bed early and get up early to prevent themselves from overexerting themselves.

Keep your body and mind in an extremely good state.

With everything in place, Tuan begins to create life.

Lin Yu and Master Liu got it done casually.

There is no complicated process.

Lin Yu already has four daughters, which is a lot.

The reason why I still want one.

I simply want to fully experience the journey of my father’s mind.

Only from the moment my wife gets pregnant, to the time when her belly slowly gets bigger, and then she gives birth and is in confinement.

When the baby is one month old, he is babbling and learning to walk.

These two years are the most complete journey of a baby daddy.

Lin Yu's four small cotton-padded jackets are certainly warm.

But strictly speaking, not every piece was woven by him.

It's a bit of a pity.

Now the merit is complete.

Although he was excited, Lin Yu remained calm and pretended to be angry and scolded him.

"You are in this situation, why are you still visiting the class? Can't you see how bad the environment here is?"

Liu Shishi17 pouted and nodded obediently.

"I know... I'll stay for a few days and then go back. I'll be with you for more than two months after filming. If I don't stay with you for a few days, what should I do if I miss you so much?"

"You don't have time to video chat with me."

For the first time, Lin Yu discovered the clinging attribute in Liu Shishi.

When it comes to being clingy, Da Tiantian is the most awesome.

But she is not his girlfriend, so there is no way to compare her.

After the three girls returned to the hotel, Lin Yu sat back down.

He asked the staff to get a lot more ingredients.

Extra meals!

Wu Jing narrowed her eyes: "Is this a happy event? Seeing that you and Shishi are chatting so happily, could it be...

While talking, Jing made a big belly gesture.

Lin Yu put his hand to his mouth: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Wu Jing rubbed his face, feeling very envious.

"You're too efficient. I'll ask my wife another day if it's time for her to speed up the process too?"

"Everyone is young and wants to have children. There is no need to wait until marriage."

Han Dongjun on the side sighed.

"I'm still single, Wang Yitiao. When will you introduce me to a girlfriend?"

Lin Yu patted him on the shoulder.

"We'll talk about it after we finish filming this movie! Eat quickly and get ready to start work. Finish filming early and go back to the hotel early to be with your girlfriend."

Wu Jing struggled: "You only have your wife and children in your eyes. Should I say that you have no future, or should I say that you care about your family?"

"The Gu family is more accurate. If you are hopeless, there will be few promising people in the world."

Finish filming the next scene.

It's already 11pm.

Back at the hotel, the three women were still chatting.

Liu Shishi has been asking Yang Mi and Reba for tips on pregnancy.

After all, the two of them are people who have been there and have a lot of experience.

Master Liu is standing on the shoulders of giants this time.

As soon as Lin Yu entered the door, the three women came to greet him, helped him take off his down jacket and hung it on the hanger.

The hotel room was very warm.

Because there was a heater, the temperature reached nearly 30 degrees.

The warm fragrance of nephrite in the room.

It was in huge contrast to the raging wind and snow outside.

It's like ice and fire.

The heater is on in the house and I feel great holding my wife in my arms.

And filming outside in the wind and snow.

It felt like countless knives were slicing through my body at any time.

too painful.

All these good things were gained by the lives of our predecessors and martyrs.

Lin Yu was in awe of this without any disrespect.

He pinched Master Liu's red cheeks and mocked: "Is it that hot? Your face is as red as a monkey's butt.

Master Liu said coquettishly: "Can you give me a good analogy? What's the monkey's butt? The heater is really too hot."

"I guess it will be a little cooler if I wear a vest and underpants."

"We were not prepared. Who knew the heating temperature would be so high? My husband will go out for a walk with me!"

"Walking from this mountain to that mountain."

Lin Yu smiled bitterly: "Do you know how far away the two mountains are? Looking through the window, the straight-line distance is at least seven or eight kilometers.

"Actually, it will take you at least 30 kilometers in seven or eight circles. Do you want to run a marathon?"

Let you take care of your baby with peace of mind. Do you want to run a marathon?

Master Liu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Is it so far? Then forget it."

"It feels like it won't be long before my belly becomes a big watermelon."

"I will be like a penguin, swaying from side to side when walking. Isn't it too painful?"

Yang Mi retorted.

"Pregnancy is like this, otherwise you would still want to go to heaven? You will be relieved after the confinement period."

Reba added.

"You are much luckier than us. You have Lin Yu to accompany you and we to help you."

“We were not so lucky when we had the baby, we got a good deal and behaved well!

Master Liu put on his down jacket.

"I still want to go outside and get some fresh air before going to sleep.

"It's snowing a lot, let's have a snowball fight?"

Lin Yu, Yang Mi, and Reba all stared at her for a long time.

Only then did Master Liu understand what the three of them meant, and he lowered his voice and said, "I can't see if you have a snowball fight?"

The four of them got dressed and came to the hotel courtyard.

at this time.

There was heavy snow in the sky, and the wind was as cold as a knife.

Master Liu stood under the eaves and did not go into the yard.

Because the ground is full of ice and snow, it is easy to slip.

Although she was only in the first trimester of pregnancy, the fall was not that serious.

But you can't just throw it away.

Yang Mi, and Reba kept grabbing a pile of snow from the ground and holding it into snowballs.

Throw it at Lin Yu.

But he reacted flexibly and completely gained the upper hand on earth.

The second girl is clumsy.

I haven't thrown the snowball several times.

His feet slipped first and he fell, looking very funny.

At this time, Liu Shishi's assistant came to his side.

She asked her assistant to help and opened a snowball for herself.

Master Liu aimed at Lin Yu's back and threw it.

The vote is a bit biased.

However, it was unintentional and hit Lin Yu directly on the head.

The goddess scatters flowers!

Liu Shishi covered his mouth and almost burst out laughing.

Lin Yu turned to look at her.

"You don't have martial ethics! Are you planning a sneak attack from behind? Do you really think I dare not hit you with a snowball?"

Liu Shishi put his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest.

"Come and hit me. Do you dare?"

Lin Yu held the snowball tightly and made a motion of throwing a baseball.

Right at the moment of throwing.

Suddenly his body turned and hit Reba in the stomach.

Everyone in Reba was numb.

"Are you also planning a sneak attack? Why are you trying to hit me so smoothly? Where are you planning to hit me?"

Lin Yu rolled her eyes.

"Are you stupid? What is her condition now? Can the giant panda, a national treasure, be smashed? You will be the one to be smashed."

Reba has a hard time talking about it.

I'm the one with the big grievance, right?

After the snowball fight.

Lin Yu and the two girls started building snowmen.

Most people build snowmen.

It's just two big snowballs placed together.

On the snowman's head, add eyes, nose, and mouth and that's it.

Lin Yu has master craftsmanship skills.

His handiwork is otherworldly.

The images of the three women were made directly out of snow.

Although there is only the outline of the body.

But it's obvious who is who.

Each of the three women has her own prominent position.

Yang Mixiong is big, so it is lordosis.

Reba has a butterfly T, which is naturally tilted back.

Liu Shishi's figure is ordinary, except for the protruding belly.

She was a little unhappy.

"My belly isn't big yet, and 533 doesn't look like me at all... I thought it was a small bone in the lumbar disc that herniated.

Yang Mi and Reba were so laughing that they squatted on the ground and couldn't get up.

Yang Mi took a photo and walked to Liu Shishi.

"I'll send the photo to Xiaogu, and you can repeat what you just said."

"Believe it or not, she will fly back to kill you right away?"

Liu Shihao said: "I don't believe it! Who dares to chop me now?"

"If I give birth to a son, I can walk sideways at home.

Yang Mi clenched her fists.

"The little girl is very powerful. Are you going to play palace battle with me?"

Liu Shishi quickly hugged Lin Yu's waist.

"Your Majesty, save me."

Lin Yu pinched her nose.

"There is no hope, just throw him into the cold palace!"

The arrival of the three girls.

It obviously added a lot of joy to Lin Yu.

But the next day, Yang Bao and Reba went home.

Liu Shishi stayed in the room with her assistant.

Go out for some fresh air occasionally.

She has a special physical condition and doesn't even dare to go to the set.

It took five days.

Lin Yu didn't have much time to spend with her.

Plus for your own safety.

Master Liu could only return to the imperial capital first.

Under the control of three directors, Lin Yu, Lin Chaoxian and Chen Kaige, "Changjin Lake" is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Not only did it not lag behind the planned time.

Instead, it was five or six days ahead of schedule.

This will provide sufficient time for post-production.

It could also be more fully publicized before release.

Lin Yu has been filming on the "Changjin Lake" crew for more than two months.

Ate the closing banquet.

Without waiting for a moment, the plane went straight to the imperial capital.

At this time, there is only one month left before the Chinese New Year.

Lin Yu will record one episode of "Longing" and one episode of "Flowers" in the middle.

Then attend the press conference of "Changjin Lake" and there will be no other tasks.

I can celebrate the New Year with my wife and children with peace of mind. .

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