Entertainment: The Correct Way To Open When Lying Flat

Chapter 80 I Have A Serious Virginity Complex! Sign Wu Jing (Begging To Subscribe)

Xie Nan?

This name is obviously unfamiliar to all the big guys present.

Some of them have heard of Xie Nan.

But I have only heard about it a little bit, and I don’t know much about it.

Some have never even heard of it.


Xie Nan is just a host and actor with a very ordinary reputation.

In the star-studded entertainment circle.

Not to mention little transparent, he is just a little shrimp.

They cannot be compared with these top movie bosses and top traffic stars.

Wu Jing quickly turned on her phone and searched for Xie Nan's information.

I watched it for about five minutes.

Wu Jing nodded with great satisfaction.

"I like this girl's appearance and personality. If she hasn't had many boyfriends before, I can try to get along with her.'

A straight man like Wu Jing.

I definitely don’t want my future wife to have affairs with too many men.

At his age, the virginity complex is not that strong anymore.

But the future wife must not have had more than three men.

There can't be any death in the house.

Otherwise, is this still possible?

Wu Jing continued: "I don't like women like Mimi and Reba who are feminine and have good figures.

"Xie Nan has a carefree and tomboy-like personality, which suits me very well.

Everyone has their own preference for so-called radish and green vegetables.

No one woman can unify the aesthetics of all men.

Even Liu Tianxian, many people say she is ugly.

It's not surprising that Wu Jing likes Xie Nan.

Yang Mi chuckled: "Xie Nan and I know each other, didn't you expect that?"

"She is the host and has hosted several programs. I have been interviewed by her several times."

"We got acquainted once and twice, and gradually developed a friendship. We can be considered ordinary friends. Not to the level of good friends or even best friends."

Wu Jing's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Then do you know her condition?"

17 No matter how much he likes Xie Nan, after all, he has never even met him in person.

I don't even know her situation.

You need to feel it out first.

Since Yang Mi knows her well, she knows her roots.

Wu Jing naturally wanted to get hold of her information as soon as possible.

Yang Mi held her chin and recalled carefully.

"As far as I know, she should have had a boyfriend, which didn't last long."

"I don't know if you slept or not, but we are all adults, you know."

"She is relatively clean. She probably has never had any troubles and has no scandals. Her parents are healthy and her family conditions are not bad."

Wu Jing clapped his hands.

"Then this condition is enough! Lin Yu, how should I get to know her?"

Lin Yu shook his head helplessly: "Brother Jing, how simple is this question? "The Wandering Earth" is currently on the air. You are so popular, so many people want to interview you.

"Go directly to Xie Nan's interview! Doesn't this mean we know her? Yu Mutou."

Wu Jing suddenly realized.

"Yes! I want to know how many shows she has hosted? I participate in every one!"

Although Wang Baobao is funny.

But he is stupid and always says inappropriate things.

"Lin Yu, do you have a virginity complex?"

This question confused Lin Yu.

He nodded.

"It should count, right? When I look for a girlfriend, I only look for virgins. I really can't accept someone who has slept with someone else."

"Even if I have dated 10,000 girlfriends before, I still can't accept it. The nature of human beings is double standards!"

Every man has a virginity complex.

Just in different degrees.

Consider your own situation.

Some people have never been in love.

Naturally, I hope that the other half is perfect.

He doesn't want her to be involved with other men.

This is normal.

There are also some wealthy people who want a first hand when marrying a wife.

No problem either.

But there are some men who are experienced in relationships.

There are not many requirements in this regard.

Everyone has different situations and perspectives, so there is no need to be too specific.

Lin Yu is otherwise very open-minded.

Only at this point.

He really got stuck in the corner and couldn't get out.

Even though Yang Mi and Reba both gave birth to daughters for him.

But if during the breakup, they found other men.

Lin Yu really can't guarantee whether he will get back together with them!

This was difficult to accept in his mind.

For some other male celebrities, this is nothing at all.

There are even some male celebrities who only marry wives.

Wu Jingchang said quickly: "I don't care, it's okay if you have experience in love, as long as it's not too exaggerated.

Lin Yu asked: "How is the relationship between Brother Bao and Sister-in-law?"

Wang Baobao grinned.

"It's good. We already have children. Can our relationship be bad?"

"It's just that I usually film a lot and am often away from home, so I spend less time with her."

"I will try my best to spend more time with her and the child in the future."

If we sit together and drink together, we are considered friends.

Lin Yu wants to remind Wang Baobao to be wary of his wife.

But I don’t know where to start.

After all, it was the first time the two met.

Lin Yu came up and said there was something wrong with your wife.

I'm afraid I won't be beaten!

Xu Zheng picked up a glass of wine.

"Come on, be the first to do it! Congratulations to "The Wandering Earth" for its upcoming box office of 2.5 billion and becoming a god in one battle."

"Congratulations to Wu Jing for becoming Mr. 2.5 billion box office. With three more films like this, he will become Mr. 10 billion box office.'

Box office is generally low in this world.

Better than Xu Zheng and Huang Bo, the cumulative box office is only 300 to 400 billion.

Wu Jing's movie has soared to 2.5 billion, which is really scary.

Mr. Ten Billion Box Office is really not a dream!

After drinking this cup, Wu Jing poured another full cup.

A toast to Lin Yu and Yang Mi.

"I cannot achieve what I have today without your investment. Otherwise, "The Wandering Earth" would have been aborted midway and would not have been released. Have a drink!"

Not to be outdone, Lin Yu also poured a full glass.

Nearly three taels of it, a mouthful.

"Here's another toast to you, thank you for helping me find a wife."

Wu Jing filled another cup and swallowed it in one gulp.

It can be seen from his physique that this guy does have a lot of alcohol.

In his previous film "Wolf Warrior 2", blowing the bottle with Moutai was a bit exaggerated.

But this product only contains three kilograms of liquor.

For ordinary people, it is quite drinkable.

But Lin Yu is worried!

In front of him, this amount of alcohol is not enough to open the treasure.

Yang Mi stared at Lin Yu with admiration in her eyes.

"When I first started investing in this movie, I thought Lin Yu was fooling me. In order to get angry with the shareholders of Jiaxing Media, I also invested blindly."

"I thought the money must have been wasted, but Lin Yu insisted that the box office could easily exceed 1 billion.

"Who knew it would actually get a box office of 2.5 billion? It's too exaggerated!"

"His investment vision and vision are beyond comparison with any of ours."

When complimenting her husband.

Yang Mi is full of pride and pride.

I wish I could carve a line on my face: Lin Yu, my man.

Xu Zheng suddenly looked serious.

"In half a month, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" will be released. What do you think of the box office of this movie?"

"I'm Not the God of Medicine" can be regarded as a semi-commercial and semi-artistic movie.

It's not a purely artistic film.

Therefore, the box office will not be as outrageously low as that of art films.

In addition, Xu Zheng himself has strong box office appeal.

In the eyes of the outside world.

This movie has a box office of 200-300 million yuan, which is still stable.

But the upper limit is only 400 million.

Lin Yu said calmly: "Brother Zheng is so unsure of himself? With you here, the box office of this movie will definitely start at 1 billion."

"It is possible to hit 2 billion."

This number scared Xu Zheng to the point where his legs went weak.

He has never made a movie with a box office of over 1 billion in his life.

But according to Lin Yu, a box office of 2 billion is easily possible?

This meow is so scary!

The box office chart is created by your family, right?

How do you want to brush it?

He wanted to refute Lin Yu's arrogance.

But there is nothing to say.

Because "The Wandering Earth" has already won 2.5 billion in box office.

It proved that Lin Yu was not bragging.

Yang Mi widened her beautiful eyes and said excitedly: "You mean this movie can also earn more than 2 billion at the box office? Wow, then I won't make a lot of money?"

At the instigation of Lin Yu.

She spent 200 million on these movies out of anger.

I originally had the mentality of wasting my time.

Unexpectedly, this 200 million investment may make Yang Mi earn nearly 1 billion.

This is scarier than the money printing press.

Even though he is about to join the filming of "Assassination of Novelists", Lin Yu is not optimistic about it.

Yang Mi doesn't care anymore.

Anyway, she didn't want to be a box office boss, and she couldn't become one.

Just have fun making this movie, as long as you don't lose money.

At any rate, I can still earn a salary of 10 to 20 million.

Xu Zheng asked curiously: "Lin Yu, you are so good at writing scripts and have such a vision for movies, why don't you think about making movies yourself?"

"If I had your ability, I would have written, directed and acted myself."

Lin Yu took a sip of wine: "I told you, I just want to lie down."

"Writing, directing, and acting, I'm so tired. Occasionally when I'm bored, I'll make a cameo in my wife's works."

"If it doesn't work out, I can be a director and direct a work."

"It's impossible to write, direct and act yourself."

Huang Bo smiled and said: "The director is also good! He has become a top director, but 550 has much more say than an actor."

Lin Yu stretched.

"I just have this plan, but the actual implementation is probably far away."

"I haven't had enough of the life of a hot bed with a wife and children!"

The first priority before Lin Yu is to reunite his family.

Everything else is trivial.

Yang Mi's expression changed.

"Brother Jing, Lin Yu said that you should sign with Jiaxing, what do you think?"

"Jiaxing is going through huge changes. It won't be long before I become the majority shareholder again, and I have the final say in everything."

"There is also Lin Yu behind the scenes who makes plans and writes scripts. With his ability and vision, he can definitely push Brother Jing to the level of Brother Zheng and Brother Bo.

"Do you want to give it a try? You can sign a five-year contract first. When Brother Jing takes off and wants to go it alone, you can leave when the contract expires."

"If it doesn't work out, you can terminate the contract in advance. It's easy to negotiate."

Wu Jing's current agency contract will indeed expire soon.

He also does not plan to renew his contract with this company.

The movie "The Wandering Earth" allowed Wu Jing to realize her abilities and box office appeal.

Stay with this crappy company.

It will only delay his future.

Jiaxing Media is not considered a top entertainment group.

But the conditions offered to him were not low.

Moreover, Lin Yu promised to help him create several blockbuster scripts and also acted as a matchmaker for him.

At the same time, he promised Wu Jing that if she gets along well, she can terminate the contract and leave early.

Wu Jing has no reason not to sign for Jiaxing.

He is a person who values ​​friendship the most.

The kindness of a drop of water was repaid by a spring of water, so I agreed without hesitation.

Lin Yu toasted Wu Jing again.

"Brother Jing is very refreshing. I have written the script. The new movie will be launched the moment you sign the contract with Jiaxing.

Wu Jing was shocked and said: "Damn it! It's so efficient? In fact, we can slow down first and wait until I catch my wife."

Lin Yu laughed loudly: "You are Mr. 2.5 billion box office now, and you were the idol of many little girls when you were young."

"Very few people can refuse your offer. Plus I'm helping you behind the scenes, so you can win it in a month at most."

Wu Jing rubbed his hands: "Really? That's great, I can't wait."

He never thought about living alone for a moment.

Begging for a monthly ticket!

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