Entertainment: The Godfather Of Special Photography, Starting From Shooting Armor

101 The Island Country Sinks! Unprecedented Earthquake! Frighteningly Realistic Special Effects!

To leave the earth,

First, the battleship Aphas must be activated.

However, the battleship Aphas was controlled by Geng as a vajra.

The incomplete Geng was used as a vajra and could not activate the Aphas battleship.

Before finding Geng to make the vajra fragments, the entire Nether Legion had no way to leave the earth.

After a memory search,

After discovering that the vajra fragments made by Geng were in the hands of esoteric cultivator Li Youer,

Lufa immediately sent Kura to find the esoteric practitioner Li You'er, and demanded to find out the whereabouts of Geng's vajra fragments from the esoteric practitioner Li You'er.

body flash,

Kura sneaks in to welcome the Teppanyaki restaurant.

Since there is no indication of the power of the armor summoner,

Everyone did not detect Kura's infiltration.

At this moment, everyone in the armor team is still immersed in the question of losing the armor summoner.

While Shen Fang was talking with Xiao Fei, Kura sneaked into the room where Yuzu was.

At this moment, Yuzu was suffering from illness, and the rapid spread of cancer cells made her unconscious.

In this world, there is one and only one person who knows where Geng hides the vajra fragments——

That is grapefruit!

But right now, Yuzu is unconscious and doesn't even have the strength to speak.

Not to mention the whereabouts of Geng's Vajra pestle extracted from her mouth.

Things seem to be in a dilemma!

But this kind of thing is obviously not difficult for Kula, who holds the power of "Eight Zero" and holds the power of the underworld!

You can't answer my question while awake?

Then I will enter your dream and let you tell me the whereabouts of Gengdo's vajra fragments in your sleep

Isn't that enough?

With a flash of body shape, it turned into a wisp of black air, and Kura sneaked into Yuzu's dream king.

This move directly shocked the audience in front of the screen.

【——I'm going, there is still this kind of operation? Sneak into other people's dreams? Is the ability of the Nether Demon a little too exaggerated? Director Shen, don't be too outrageous!】

【—Isn’t this just a bug skill? I can’t beat you head-on, I sneak into your dream, kill you in the dream, destroy your brain cells, won’t you wake up?】

【——Brother, is there a possibility that you can't do others in reality, and you can't do it in a dream? If this ability really has such a bug as you said, wouldn't Xiaotian and the others have been killed long ago? Wait until now?】

[——It makes sense! In my dream, I can still be bullied by you? This skill should only be used on ordinary people with relatively weak mental abilities. For summoners with relatively weak mental abilities, is it useless? !】

Enter the pomelo's dreamland,

Kura found that the pomelo at this moment was in a vast prairie.

At this moment, Yuzu is riding a tall horse, playing and playing on the green prairie.

Kura turned into Xiaotian, and greeted Yuzu eagerly:


Seeing Xiaotian's handsome face, Yuzu was obviously a little excited:

"Xiaotian, what's wrong with you?"

He stepped forward and handed Yuzu a bottle of water, after a brief conversation.

Kura tricks Yuzu into trusting her.

Without the slightest hesitation, Kura decisively entered the topic:

"Yuzi, where did you hide the pieces of Geng's vajra?"

Although, the person in front of him looks exactly like Xiaotian.

However, through the eyes of this person [Yuzi still keenly noticed——

It's not a little day!

It's the bad guy!

The real Xiaotian would not stare at her with eyes like this sizing up prey.

"You're not Xiaotian!" Yuzu decisively exposed Kura's true face, "Who are you!"

When the lie was exposed, Kura naturally stopped pretending, and simply exposed the ghost demon's true colors.

It revealed the ghostly devil's terrifying face, trying to shock her:

"Quickly tell me, where did you hide the Gengjia Vajra Fragment!"

Threats are useless to a dying person.

Yuzu stared at Kura calmly:

"Do you think I'll tell you?"

Although she is in a dream, it does not mean that Yuzu is ignorant of the outside world.

Knowing the predicament Xiaotian and the other three are currently facing,

Yuzu immediately made a proposal to Kura:

"You return the three armor summoners, and I will use Geng to make vajra fragments to exchange with you

"how do you feel?"

at the same time,

Accompanied by the disappearance of the earth energy crystal.

Natural disasters of varying degrees have erupted all over the world.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, sudden increases in temperature and other geological disasters,

Keep running all over the world!

Island country, Toyama waste!

Thousands of high-rise buildings were submerged by the erupting magma.

Because it is located in the center of the earthquake belt,

An unprecedented magnitude 10.0 earthquake broke out in the island country!

All over the country, no one was spared, and countless lives were lost in this catastrophic earthquake!

Not only that!

The overwhelming tsunami is coming like a tidal wave!

Tens of thousands of square kilometers of coastline were submerged by the tsunami!

The damage caused by this extraordinary tsunami to the land of the island country


Under the influence of a magnitude 10.0 earthquake, the land plate of the island country sank.

Then, under the horror of a super-large tsunami, one by one

The island nation is sunk!

So far, the island country has become the first country to be destroyed by the disappearance of the earth energy crystal.

【——A magnitude ten earthquake! What kind of concept is this!!! This is a super-large earthquake that has never been recorded in human history! The energy wave generated by the earthquake-more than a million times the total equivalent of the silver core arsenal!! !!】

[——The disaster of destroying the country! This is purely a disaster of destroying the country! The island country will be the first to be destroyed, and the rest will be destroyed, which country will it be?】

[——The disappearance of energy crystals has such a great impact on the earth? It’s terrifying... Once the earth’s energy crystals are completely taken away by Lufa, I’m afraid there’s no need for the Aphas plasma cannon, just the explosion on the earth Natural disasters...is it enough to make humans extinct?]

【——Director Shen's ability to render the scene of the disaster is really scary!!! If I didn't know that it was on TV, I even thought I was watching a news joint... This scene It’s really too much!!!】

【——The island country sank!!! I was scared to death, I was in the island country!!! If I hadn't just opened the window and glanced at my car, I would have thought I was dead!!!】

Mount Fuji swallowed by lava...

Tokyo Tower was swept by a huge tsunami......

All the island countries were killed by the 10.0-magnitude earthquake...

Looking at the picture revealed on the screen, Liu Yifei only felt extremely shocked——

Can special photos still be shot like this???

"It's terrible..." Liu Yifei was stunned as she watched the thousands-meter-high waves sweeping across the entire Tokyo Tower, "The reality of this picture...is beyond my imagination! !"

Reba, who was also watching the movie on the other side, was also dumbfounded!!!

This catastrophe—

It's too scary!!!

It's like a live broadcast,

Shen Fang recorded every detail of the sinking of the island country in a surreal way!

One after another, the terrifying natural disasters——

The back of the audience who watched it was chilling!

The effect of the energy crystal is actually so great?

Once the energy crystal disappears, it will have such a big impact on the earth???

This can't help but make the audience start to worry, once Neng Jing can't get it back——

Isn't the island nation's today our tomorrow?


【——I can't accept it!!! Can you charge money to increase the combat power of the armored warriors? I beg Director Shen to get the energy crystal back for me!!!】

【——It doesn’t matter if the island nation dies or not, I can’t die anyway! Armored Warrior——Must, immediately, immediately save this disaster!!!】

【——Sacrificing an island country is enough, don't add unnecessary casualties! I originally sacrificed ten years of life for all island people "to obtain real peace on earth!!!】

【——No, why are you in such a panic? This is just an ordinary special drama! Even if it is true, even if the magnitude 10 earthquake and the super tsunami really came...Who says I am incompetent? people?】

【——Red Wall Emperor: It doesn't matter, I will make a move! 】

Just when everyone was discussing in full swing......

camera cut,

Cut back to Yuzu and Kura's confrontation.

The only function of the Armor Summoner for the Nether Legion——

It is used to determine the exact coordinates of the Earth's energy crystals!

Now that the Earth Energy Crystal has been obtained, the Armor Summoner has lost its use value for the Nether Legion.

Just get the Geng in Yuzu's hand to make Vajra pieces.

Lufa was able to restore Geng to make a vajra, lead the Nether Legion, and leave the earth.

After asking for directions to cross the road,

Kura agreed to Yuzu's exchange request:

"Okay, I promise you!"

The camera cuts again,

Come to a rooftop in the city center.

Surrounded by dozens of ghost demons,

Grapefruit was pushed onto the roof by Kura.

At this moment, Yuzi, who was thin and solitary, looked so helpless and weak under the siege of a crowd of evil ghosts.

The moment they saw Yuzu walking on the roof, the three members of the armor team shouted frantically at Yuzi:

"Grapefruit! Grapefruit!"

"Yuzu, are you okay?"

"Yuzu, are you okay!!!"

But since the three of them don't have any armor to protect them now, and there are a large number of ghost demons......

If it wasn't for the Nether Legion to have something in Yuzu's hands, and they didn't want to stimulate Yuzu at this critical moment, the armor team must have been wiped out by now.

Kura placed the dark red blade on Yuzu's snow-white neck:

"I have brought you here as agreed, now ten

"It's your turn to tell me the whereabouts of Geng's vajra fragments!"

If I tell you the whereabouts of the pieces at this time,

Then I can still live?

With a very clear mind, Yuzu immediately looked at Kura:

"You put the armor summoner on the ground first, and then I will tell you where Geng is hiding the vajra fragments."

"Otherwise, I told you where the vajra fragments made by Geng were hidden, but you didn't return the armor summoner to Xiaotian, then I was deceived?"

Dozens of ghost demons have surrounded everyone in the armor team,

The advantage is on your side,

Forgive Yuzu for not daring to play any tricks!

Kura immediately ordered the ghost demon to put the armor summoner on the ground.

Seeing this, Yuzi was not in the ink, and immediately winked at the little angel:

"Debris, the first exhaust pipe buried one hundred meters ahead..."

I haven't finished talking yet,

Taking advantage of Kura's unpreparedness,

Yuzu kicked the Xingtian Armor Summoner in front of him towards Xiaotian.

A shocking cry suddenly resounded through the entire rooftop——

"Xiao Tian--"

"Do it!!!!!"

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