After this period of continuous fermentation of armor heat,

The peripheral stores are constantly returning blood to Shen Fang in an extremely rapid way.

In a blink of an eye, a week passed.

Soon, it will be the day when the armor series will be updated.

Since Armor Team 1 lost the right to summon, Armor Team 2 has replaced them as the new Summoner of Light and Shadow Armor.

However, since the establishment of the second team, the principle has been to put efficiency first and not to be dragged down by the children's personal relationships, punish rape and eliminate evil everywhere, and frantically kill the minions of the Shadow Realm hidden in the dark.

But the eagerness for success of the second team is often accompanied by risks.

During a certain pursuit of the Shadow Guardian,

The summoner of the snow mastiff armor, Jersey, drove the light and shadow horse into the enemy's base camp, the black domain.

Little do they know that all of this is a trick set by the Shadow Guardian!

At this moment, the innocent Snow Mastiff is still groping around the black area...

In the next second, the shadow protector who jumped out suddenly caught him by surprise!

Gradually, the Shadow Guardians began to besiege the Snow Mastiff in turn,

In order to turn the tide of battle,

Snow Mastiff also immediately took out his weapon, the Thunder Axe, to fight back.

But even so,

He still couldn't withstand the series of attacks from the Shadow Guardian.

Under this high-intensity battle, the indicator light on the chest of the snow mastiff armor immediately began to flash.

"Ding dong~ ding dong~ ding dong~"


Not enough energy!

Jersey felt that the situation was not good, and immediately prepared to flee in the light and shadow horse.

But how could the shadow protector hiding in the dark give him this chance?

The Guardian of Bad Water jumped out suddenly, holding a trident, and dealt a fatal blow to the Snow Mastiff.

The snow mastiff's armor was almost disintegrated.

Completely ignoring the fight back, the Snow Mastiff Armor immediately summoned the Light and Shadow Horse, and began to run non-stop in the direction of the Black Territory.

Although the Shadow Guardians are invincible in the Black Domain, the speed of the Light and Shadow Horses is really too fast, even if they have no way to catch up.

When trying his best to exhaust the last trace of energy of the armor.

Finally, Jersey drove the light and shadow horse and escaped from the black domain.

In the end, Jersey, who was in the state of armor fusion, was forcibly released, and since then lost the ability to summon the armor.

On the other hand, the other members of Armor Team 2, after seeing Jersey's embarrassment, not only did not comfort them, but also taunted:

"You know it's a trap, why do you go up there?"

"If you don't want to go, you have to go, it's okay now, the armor is almost smashed!"

"What a fool, a person like you is not worthy of summoning the Light and Shadow Armor!"

In fact, before Jersey drove the light and shadow horse into the black area, the other members of the second armor team were able to stop it.

But adhering to the principle of more monks, less food, and knowing that this is a trap, everyone still did not stop Jersey from chasing into the black area with the light and shadow horse.

[——The snow mastiff of the second team can deal with it, dare to fight, if something happens, he is really good! 】

[——Pass it on, the snow mastiff of the second team is the best! 】

[——Let’s pass it on again, the snow mastiff of the second team is the best, let’s go after the fight! 】

【—Upstairs, don't be too outrageous! 】

However, this battle also caused serious damage to the Golden Shadow Stone and the armor.

Only 10% of the armor energy is left.

The wear rate of the armor has reached a terrifying 95%!

In order to make up for the short-term vacancy of the snow mastiff armor, Meizhen also found Xi Zhao, the summoner of the first armor team.

While the two were talking, a piece of heavy news suddenly came out from the TV station.

[A new generation of light and shadow fighters accepts an exclusive interview with our station]

I saw Diannan, the summoner of the Yanlong armor of the second team, in front of the camera, accepting interviews from the media openly:

"Compared to the previous generation of Light and Shadow Summoners, our ideas are newer and our methods are more scientific. Haven't the previous combat methods proved them to be failures?"

"Even if the last batch of summoners came to challenge us, they are still not our opponents!"

Looking at the complacent looks of the people in Diannan in front of the camera, Mei was really angry:

"Expose your identity, do you really think you are a star!"

After seeing this scene, Meizhen, who knew she was out of control, begged Xizhao:

"Xizhao, only you can summon the snow mastiff armor now, and only you can help me!"

The camera cuts, and Diannan and Beikai of Armor Team 2 stealthily sneak into the orphanage under the cover of night. The purpose of their trip is——

They want to capture Xiangyang who can summon the emperor's armor, so as to lure the shadow guardians to fight to the death with them!

The audience who saw this scene were stunned.

【——I'll be good, kidnap Xiangyang? For a while, I couldn't tell who was the villain! 】

[——Armored gangster, justice has been hit with five strikes and one strike! 】

[——Good guy, are you crazy about wanting to brush up your performance? Can you do such a frenzied thing as grabbing the emperor's armor alone? 】

[—Nimma, I found that the second team is really a bit reckless, reckless! 】

The next day, the second team, which had succeeded in its plan, began to discuss the battle plan for this time.

In the next second, the supernatural beast ten sent by the Shadow Guardian arrived in the city.

Mo Shi quickly distributed poisonous gas to the surrounding crowd and launched an attack.

Seeing this, Wen Dong of the second team resolutely transformed into the Wind Eagle Armor.

Then Fengying and Moshi quickly started fighting on the flat ground,

At this moment, Diannan of the second team notified Feng Ying to lead the supernatural beast towards the direction of the sun.

Immediately afterwards, Fengying decisively summoned the light and shadow horse to fly into the sky.

The ignorant Demon Ten followed behind,

Soon, they came to a deserted warehouse.

Seeing this in the distance, Fang Zhong immediately transformed into a ground tiger armor.

Just when the two sides were fighting in full swing,

The shadow protector in the black domain, through the black mirror, suddenly found Xiang Yang lying on the sofa.

In an instant, all the shadow guardians couldn't sit still!

The attraction of the Emperor's Armor to the Shadow Realm is incomparable!

Guardian Evil Water looked at Xiangyang on the sofa, and immediately made a gesture of obliteration.

"This time, we must get the Emperor's Armor..."


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