Entertainment: The Godfather Of Special Photography, Starting From Shooting Armor

075 Qing Zizai Bloodshed! Explosive King Kong Upgrade! Explosive Xingtian's Combat Power Is Bre

Right now, what is about to be faced is bound to be a bitter battle!

Who really doesn't care about the life and death of their teammates?

If Shen Fang is really such a heartless person,

Then he will not appear here at this moment!

"Okay!" Xiaogang responded immediately, and then decisively took out the summoner of the vajra armor.

"Diamond Armor—"


Accompanied by a burst of dazzling earth-yellow golden light, the diamond armor full of thick aura covered Xiao Gang's body.

Although Xiaogang had experienced a fierce battle before this, but with the anti-beating attributes of the diamond armor, he would not completely lose his fighting strength like Xiao Fei.

Not to mention other things, helping Xing Tian hold back one or two Nether Demons, Xiao Gang can still do this.

He punched hard with both fists, giving himself a lift.

Diamond Armor and Xingtian Armor looked at each other——

Both of them saw the monstrous fighting spirit in each other's eyes!

Xiaogang immediately stared at Kura in front of him with dissatisfaction:

"Before, you took advantage of the large number of people and staged a sneak attack on me! You caught me off guard!"

"Now, I want to see how experienced you bastards are!"

"Let the horses come here!"

The goal of the Nether Legion is the two armors in front of them. Now that the goal has been achieved, they have successfully lured them into the encirclement.

The other people are naturally not important.

I saw Kura holding a magic blade, commanding the soldiers of the Nether Legion to surround the two people in front of him:

"I hope that when I cut your face with the knife, your mouth will still be so hard!"

The camp of the Nether Legion should not be underestimated,

Qiao Shefei, the captain of Ziming Squadron, led the team, followed by Kura, the deputy captain of Chiming Squadron.

There are four or five Nether Demons with fierce aura standing behind them.

This is just the ratio of power on the surface.

In the dark, maybe there are still a few ghosts hiding in the dark and watching.

After being nourished by the energy of evil thoughts during this period, the ghost demon has been able to run and move slowly from the very beginning.

Gradually evolved into a turbulent offensive, able to summon their own weapons and even use martial arts to fight.

This point can be seen from the confrontation between Cuhensi and Shen Fang just now.

The battle is about to start!

Knowing that this must be a fierce battle, the two did not dare to underestimate the enemy, and immediately summoned their main weapons.

"Fire Sword!"

"Thunder Drill!"

As the think tank who once ruled the planet Ares, Qiao Shefei is much wiser than Cuhensi's recklessness.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength.

Things that can be fought in groups definitely don't need to be singled out.

Qiao Shefei immediately summoned the main weapon Doomsday Double Blades, commanding the soldiers of the Nether Legion to attack Xing Tian and King Kong.

It is worth mentioning that Qiao Shefei's Doomsday Double Blade——

It is tempered by the last concentrated energy when the soil weave galaxy was destroyed. The hardness of the blade surface can directly resist the gun, and the lethality is extremely strong!

The two sides drew up their postures, and immediately prepared to start a big battle!

【——Is it coming? Is it finally coming!!! The play scene that has been laid out for a long time, finally let me see it!!!】

【—Two V Seven? Why do I feel like I can't win? Even if Xiaogang can drag two of them, Shen Fang can't beat five Nether Demons by himself......】

【——Qiao Shefei is the captain of Ziming Squadron, and he is not weaker than Kuwensi! You said that Shen Fang can fight five with one in the presence of Qiao Shefei. This is simply realistic, Shen Fang is a human, not a fucking superman......

【——Brothers, I have a strong premonition that something big will happen in this battle! If you don’t believe me, read on……】

The moment when the Nether Legion turned into a demon form and confronted the two armors.

In an instant, the air that was almost condensed into substance directly penetrated the screen.

Can you imagine standing in front of a group of humanoids,

They have power far beyond ordinary people,

bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty, irritable...

When you just glance at them from a distance, they will rush towards you at an extremely terrifying speed.

Then throw you down, bite off your throat, flesh and blood...

After tens of thousands of years of fighting, the soldiers of the Nether Legion have lost their original humanity.

At this moment, they should not be called people, but should be called——


A humanoid monster!

They have all been trained by Lufa to become outright war machines!

The meaning of their original birth——

Just for war!

"It's too scary..." Rao Fa, who has seen big scenes before, couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat after seeing the devilish appearance of the Nether Legion, "ADAJ... .."

Just imagine, if you meet such a ghost demon on the way home from get off work one day...

How is that different from meeting Lao Huang standing at the entrance of an alley in the middle of the night, holding a kitchen knife, who likes to eat pork buns made of human flesh?

At least…………

Old Huang is still a human being!

And the ghost demon......

Not even a fucking person!!!

A strong pressure hit instantly, looking at the eerie picture in front of him, even Fa Ge, who had experienced many battles, couldn't help trembling.

Do you want to say that the picture of "God of War Xingtian" is horrible?


This is truly terrifying!

Just show the modeling of these ghost demons to the children in the daytime, and it will scare the children to cry.

However, I have to admit that the plot of "God of War Xingwei"——


It's really fucking top!

When you sit down and put yourself into it, you won't be able to get up immediately.

Flick of a finger!

So much so that everyone who watched the movie forgot the time.....

The camera cuts to give shots to both sides.

The Xingtian armor took the lead, and immediately stepped forward to contain most of the firepower:

"Those who come later succeed, those who come first succeed, seek the strengths and the weaknesses, and win every battle!"

Shen Fang held a fire torture sword burning with flames of the fire attribute, poured into the crowd of ghost demons, and slashed violently around.


"Punishment Paradise!"

"Mars Universe Split!"

The Xingtian Armor, which is full of energy, is one against four, but it does not lose the wind in the slightest.

Xingtian Armor, the general armor that originally belonged to Yanxing, was returned to Ares after Lufa's army broke through Yanxing.

Since it is a general's armor, its combat effectiveness [naturally needless to say——

It has the most balanced ability among the three armors!

Far attack!


It's true!

The diamond armor on the side is the auxiliary general armor that originally belonged to Yanxing. According to the edict of "Heaven, Earth and Man", it belongs to people, and it belongs to the power type armor!

It has the strongest strength and defense among the three armors, and its fighting style is generally pure head-to-head.

Vajra armor, the combat power is also very strong!

As long as the summoner has super powerful mind energy, he can directly upgrade the vajra armor to a legendary one.

Explosive King Kong!

But at this time, Xiao Gang obviously didn't have this ability.

In the battle just now, Xiao Gang had already consumed most of his fighting energy.

Now, it is Xiaogang's limit to be able to barely deal with two Nether Demons in the second battle!

What's more, there are three coming up at once?

...asking for flowers......

The most frightening thing is that among the three Nether Demons, the strongest combat power of the Nether Demon Legion is one

Qiao Shefei of the Purple Underworld Legion exists in it!

The 1V1 of the King Kong Armor in its peak state may not be too expensive for Qiao.

What's more, the Vajra Armor is still half disabled, and... Qiao Shefei also has two equally powerful Nether Legion thugs?

As soon as he entered the field, the Vajra Armor couldn't hold on, under the slashing by three Nether Demons in turn——

A series of dazzling fireworks bloomed directly on his body.

Fortunately, Vajra Armor is naturally thick-skinned,

In the case of maintaining the situation by relying on mine blasting drills,

It won't be cut down until the armor is lifted immediately.

Right now, the battlefield is divided into two factions—

Xing Tian's armor can hit four with one hammer, and the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes, and all kinds of combat skills are launched at the same time, with a faint posture that one man is in charge of the other.

On the other hand, the vajra armor is retreating more and more, look at this posture——

It seems that Qiao Shefei, who is about to be demonized in the next second, cuts the armor off?

The Vajra Armor, whose fighting ability was getting weaker, immediately sent a distress signal to Xing Tian:

"Little Tian, ​​hurry up! I can't hold on anymore..."

I know I can't drag on any longer,


Shen Fang, who had to fight quickly.

Immediately, the mental energy bursts out like a fountain, and the advanced armor form begins:

"Those who come later succeed, those who come first succeed, seek the strengths and the weaknesses, and be invincible!"

"God of War Xingtian——"


【——Crap, finally appeared, God of War Xingtian!!!!】

(-It's time to do this, Director Shen hurry up and do it for me!!!!]

[——Just zoom in at the beginning, I will ask you how to play? 】

[——Xing Tian may not be able to fight four, but the God of War Xing Tian..... can definitely fight four! Don't ask me why, this is my re-awareness]

In an instant, a demonic red color appeared in the night sky.

Seeing that Shen Fang can activate the final form of Xingtian Armor

God of War Xingtian!

Qiao Shefeton felt bad, and immediately ordered the soldiers of the Nether Legion to fight quickly:

"Get rid of the one in front of you as quickly as possible!"

"We can't delay any longer, act fast!"

Aware of the crisis in the Kula battle, Qiao Shefei didn't want to delay any longer, and immediately summoned the Doomsday Twin Blades to release combat skills against the diamond armor:

"Shadow Strike!"

"Boom——" King Kong was immediately sent flying tens of meters away by this critical blow.

Without the slightest hesitation, he stepped forward and said:

"Inverse Star—"

"Shadow Flash!!!"

Inverse Star Shadow Flash is Qiao Shefei's original martial art.

This move can slash the opponent continuously, then use the weapon to insert the opponent's body to teleport, and finally kick the opponent away and destroy him with a single blow.

"Whoosh——" I saw Qiao Shefei waving the double blades of doom, and teleported to the front of the diamond armor.

This blow!


Anyone can see that if Xiao Gang, who is already at the end of his strength, resists this attack——

There must be danger to life!

Just when the tip of the doomsday double blade was about to pierce the head of the Vajra Armor, giving Xiaogang a fatal blow.


A figure suddenly jumped out from beside him!

I saw him stand in front of Xiao Gang without hesitation with a body of flesh and blood.

The sharp tip of the doomsday double blade pierced his body mercilessly.

A mouthful of blood spewed out immediately.

Now, in the lonely night,

Only Xiao Gang's grief-stricken cry was heard, resounding through the entire night sky—





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