Seeing that Huang Long didn't believe it, Zhao Changhuan didn't bother to ink: "I caught this person, I let them see it, they have to see it!" "

"Director Xiao Zhao, you, your temper has exploded again recently?"

Huang Long was suddenly speechless to the extreme, and then immediately confessed: "Okay, okay, I'll let them watch, tomorrow broadcast, right?" As soon as it airs tomorrow, I'll let them watch it! "

Just look at the matter of the anime, Huang Long really doesn't want to contradict Zhao Changhuan because of this matter.

Zhao Changhuan had a conflict with this goods as soon as he exploded his temper, and this goods may really produce some kind of moth!

Now, the attitude of the Yaodu Police Station towards Zhao Changhuan is one, if it can not be an enemy, then it will never be an enemy!

After all, in the current legal society, literati are more terrifying than robbers, especially Zhao Changhuan is still a literati who is not afraid of death, good guy... That's offending, but it's really uncomfortable!

"That's okay, there's nothing to do, then I'll go back first, you guys work hard!"

After saying goodbye to the police officers at the police station, Zhao Changhuan left the police station.

When leaving the police station, Zhao Changhuan could clearly feel that the bad children were as relieved as if they had escaped.

"Am I that terrible?"

Standing at the door of the police station, Zhao Changhuan asked Huang Long.

Huang Long shrugged: "I don't know about them, anyway, I personally think you are quite terrible, you see, in the current society, the literati with explosive tempers are already more terrible, you are not afraid of death, not afraid of death, temper explosion, or literati, this is not enough, your special lady's martial arts, this.. Who is not afraid of you when he sees this? "

"Or I'll be a police officer."

Zhao Changhuan suddenly spoke.

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, Huang Long actually thought about it seriously: "Let me recommend it to you?" "

"Haha, forget it, just kidding, I still like to be a literati, after all, I'm just a weak little white face."

Patting Huang Long's shoulder, Zhao Changhuan went to drive and returned to Zhao's house.

Looking at the departing Zhao Changhuan, Huanglong was silent for a long time.

Two minutes later, Huang Long suddenly realized, and then cursed very unevenly!

Originally, he thought that Zhao Changhuan was terrifying enough, talented and not afraid of death, with a strong family background, good and rich, but after Zhao Changhuan's words just now, he found that he had overlooked a point!

That is, Zhao Changhuan's wife is still handsome!

After returning to the police station and dealing with some things, Huang Long also left the police station and went home to rest.

The next day, early, Huang Long went to Pai

The method of education is very simple, that is, the old-fashioned dissemination of ideas, on

But it is clear that such an educational method is not obvious.

Huang Long himself can see it. The group of students is receiving a good education on the outside, but they are all disdainful in their hearts.

This group of students is afraid that they will be fooled by the core layer of the complainers!

It's hard!

After a morning of education work, Huang Long was also extremely tired.

Although he is an assistant, it is the people in other departments who really educate these students ideologically, but... Watching these people receive education, Huang Long was also tired.

"Teacher Li, is this really useful?"

Huang Long looked at the ideological education teacher sent by the police station, Teacher Li.

Teacher Li shook his head, and was also helpless: "This group of children, when they were most confused, encountered the most dangerous things, and their thoughts were distorted, like making them obedient, very simple, but it is difficult to make them twist their thoughts from the root, they are now full of complaining thoughts." "

"Even if I tell them that complaining, violence, and not solving anything, they will still have the idea of complaining in the deepest part of their mind."

"Now, they don't believe in Huaxia at all, they feel that the outside is good, and they feel that everything in Huaxia is not good."

"The invasion of foreign ideas has too much impact on them!"

Hearing Teacher Li's words, Huang Long pouted: "Then send them to foreign countries and let them see, where is better, for so many years, people who have been out for a long time, which one does not say that Huaxia is good?" Which country has advantages and disadvantages, which country needs to slowly get better, they are in the blessing and do not know the blessing, do not see the Yellow River and do not die, it is better to send them abroad! "

"Your statement is too irresponsible, what about so many people, can you still send them abroad? This kind of thing is easy to say, but they, after all, are still Huaxia people, they are just misled, you, me, aren't we specifically there to help them? If we are all so irresponsible, that: We just resigned. "

Teacher Li laughed bitterly.

Hearing Teacher Li's words, Huang Long also nodded.

It is true that many things are always easy to say, but they are always difficult to do.

For example, when complainers organized riots, many people said that they would arrest and kill all these people.

These words are easy to say, really have to be done, where can they be.

There are some things that you always get in that position to understand that it is not easy, after all, reality is not anime, and you cannot be like anime without thinking about the consequences

Wait a minute.. Anime?!

Thinking about it, Huang Long suddenly thought of something!

Then, Huang Long hurriedly opened his mobile phone, opened a video software casually, and searched for the name of the anime that Zhao Changhuan said yesterday.

"That rabbit thing that year..."

After the search, Huanglong really searched for an anime!

It's out, Zhao Changhuan's anime is out!

"Perhaps, this anime can really start the effect..."

The dead horse was used as a living horse doctor, at this time, Huang Long couldn't help it, and put his hope on Zhao Changhuan's anime.

Zhao Changhuan, this person, can always create many miracles.

Even if his anime does not play a big role in students, but: More or less, it should also be able to use a little, right?!

If it can really be of some use, it will be a great achievement, after all, in this kind of thing, "That Rabbit Those Things That Year" can only play a small role in the hearts of the students, it can make the whole event change a lot. _

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