Everyone thinks that"Sword and Sword III" is not as tear-jerking as"Leaves".

However, this does not affect everyone's enthusiasm for continuing to follow"Sword and Sword III".

At eight o'clock in the evening,"Sword and Sword III" still started on time.

All viewers who have watched the total episodes of"Sword and Sword III" know that tonight is the penultimate day of the broadcast of"Sword and Sword III".

After finishing the broadcast today, tomorrow, Blue Mountain TV will usher in the finale of the final episode of"Sword and Sword III"

"Dad, what does Zhao Changhuan mean?!"

In Kyoto, Ji's house, Ji Xiaobo sat in front of the TV, very confused.

As someone who had compared with Zhao Changhuan once, Ji Xiaobo felt that Zhao Changhuan's grasp of tear-jerking was already very high.

According to Zhao Changhuan's level,"Sword and Sword III" It shouldn't be so dull.

Beside Ji Xiaobo, Ji Hong shook his head.

Unlike the netizens who had tried their best to start the competition, Ji Hong always felt that the competition between him and Zhao Changhuan was not over yet. I want to hold it in for everyone!

"Next, be careful, Zhao Changhuan is very likely to unleash some abuse tonight. Judging from the previous plot,"Sword and Sword III" is likely to have the biggest abuse point in the entire show!"

As a veteran director of tear-jerking films, Ji Hong is very sensitive to tear-jerking plots.

Often when a drama has even the slightest hint of abuse, Ji Hong can feel it!

Now, he feels the foreshadowing of abuse in"Sword and Sword III"!

Because in the twenty-seventh episode of"Fairy Sword 3", the Evil Sword Immortal was released by Xu Changqing! Ji

Hong felt that Zhao Changhuan was probably going to start the torture from the released Evil Sword Immortal!

Ji Hong's heavy heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

Although he thought Zhao Changhuan was really going to go on a rampage tonight, now....He had already guessed the news that Zhao Changhuan was going to start torture!

If someone predicts the point of abuse in advance, the level of tear-inducing will actually be reduced a lot.

Because he won't bring that kind of spiritual impact to people.

I know that you will definitely abuse me next, and I am mentally prepared. When the time comes, even if you abuse me, I will be able to resist. Then, the tear-jerking level of your drama will be greatly reduced!

As a veteran of filming tragedies, Ji Hong also has his own rules to follow.

In the field of filming tragedies, Ji Hong sticks to one thing, that is...If you want to shoot a good tragedy, you must try your best to make the readers unprepared!

One moment, everyone was laughing, and the next moment, it was an extremely violent storm!

Zhao Changhuan's tear-jerking plot in"Sword and Sword III" can be easily foreshadowed. So, this already means that Zhao Changhuan has lost five points.

"Still young after all..."

Shaking his head, Ji Hong thought of himself.

Thinking back to five years ago, he was as popular as Zhao Changhuan now.

Five years ago, Ji Hong and Zhao Guoyue made a decision to challenge the best in their respective fields together.

At that time, Zhao Guoyue challenged the former king of comedy in the world of Chinese directors and screenwriters.

And Ji Hong is challenging his father, Mr. Ji!

In the end, Zhao Guoyue defeated the former Chinese Comedy King, while Ji Hong lost to his father.

To this day, Ji Hong can't forget how badly he was defeated.

To this day, Ji Hong can't forget what Mr. Ji said to him when he failed to attack the King of Tragedy in China.

【"I have never cried while watching your TV series, because whenever you want to cry, I have already guessed it and am mentally prepared."】

Mr. Ji's words completely defeated Ji Hong and turned him into a cripple.

Ji Hong was so shocked by his father's words that he no longer believed in himself.

In fact, since then, Ji Hong has been missing from the world.

All that is left is just a replica of Ji Zhilin.

Now, Ji Hong appears again and has made his comeback film"Leaves".

Everyone feels that Ji Hong is back!!

But in fact...Ji Hong is long gone.

The person who is coming back now is Ji Zhilin, who is exactly the same as Mr. Ji!

Ji Hong used to provide some clues to the audience when he was filming torture....He is dead.

Like the kitten he abandoned back then, they died together. Looking around, there were only memories of failure.

The former Ji Hong has now become Ji Zhilin.

What about Zhao Changhuan?!

What will Zhao Changhuan become after experiencing this failure?!

Will he... also become the next season?

Ji Hong raised his head.

The atmosphere in Ji's family has always been depressing.

Everything at home is still the same.

The wallpaper is dark, there is always only one fish in the fish tank, and the flowers in the vase must always be bright and keep four.

But Ji Hong doesn't like this!

Ji Hong likes fancy colors, Ji Hong likes the cat that steals the fish in the fish tank, Ji Hong likes the flowers in the vase, and raises them casually.

But so what? In this world, no one cares about what you like.

Excellent people must behave themselves, just like excellent tragedies must be done to catch people off guard!

《"Sword and Sword III" is now on air.

Just as Ji Hong guessed, sure enough,"Sword and Sword III" was in full swing in tonight's plot!

"The abuse that has made people defensive, even if it makes people cry, will still fail in the end."

That is, when Ji Hong was watching"Fairy Sword III", Mr. Ji came over.

He sat on the sofa and joined the team watching"Fairy Sword III".

Like Ji Hong and Ji Xiaobo, Mr. Ji Zhilin , and have also been following"Sword and Sword III"》

"I originally thought he would give me a surprise.."

"Unexpectedly, he was still just like you back then, and like most mediocre tragedy directors...."

Mr. Ji was extremely calm and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

"Failure, only failure."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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