"Yes. "

Zhao Changhuan smiled slightly: "Then what if, in the end, the ratings of "Immortal Sword" break 3?"


Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, Liu Yifei was unable to answer for a while.

Obviously, she didn't think about it at all, and in the end, the ratings of "Immortal Sword" would break three.

After all, this number is really a fantasy for the "Haihe Satellite TV" in the "cold year"!

"In this way, if the ratings of "Immortal Sword" break 3 in the end, how about you invite me out for a day?"

Zhao Changhuan spoke.

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, Liu Yifei quickly responded: "Yes!!"

"Okay, then that's settled!"

After a phone call, Zhao Changhuan was refreshed.

In fact, no matter what the outcome of the gamble is, he will find Liu Yifei to act in his next drama.

It's a kind of guarding.

After such a long time of getting along, Zhao Changhuan basically understood why Liu Yifei fell out with Liu Yuhua in the first place.

The story is very simple, that is, when filming with him, Liu Yuhua changed the script on the spot and asked Liu Yifei to act in some very revealing plots, Liu Yifei did not agree, the two quarreled, and then, Liu Yifei forcibly left Feather Media Company.

Liu Yifei's move made her lose all the money she had earned before, and it also made her completely offend Liu Yuhua.

It can be said that if there were no Zhao Changhuan, in the entire Huaxia, no media company with a little fame would have accepted Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei's situation is like drowning in a river.

All the fishermen around were afraid of the biggest fisherman and did not dare to save her.

In the end, Zhao Changhuan rescued her and pulled her onto the boat.

Liu Yifei is a very cautious girl.

Although she and Zhao Changhuan spoke lively, every time, they carried a cautious temptation.

She was afraid that Zhao Changhuan would pull her to the boat and just sit down.

After letting her catch her breath, Zhao Changhuan threw her into the lake here and continued her journey!

But in fact, Zhao Changhuan would never leave her alone!

Not only Liu Yifei, any actor who has worked with Zhao Changhuan and is willing to follow Zhao Changhuan all the time, Zhao Changhuan will not be left behind!

This is Zhao Changhuan's persistence.


That night, Haihe Satellite TV then played "Immortal Sword".

After one episode, the rating of "Immortal Sword" reached 0.9%!

When the rating of "Immortal Sword" reached 0.9, all kinds of characters in the industry began to be unsettled!

Not to mention that the next day, the ratings of Haihe Satellite TV's "Immortal Sword" directly broke one!

"It's all ?!!."

"Haihe Satellite TV, the year of the explosion, the TV series, the ratings broke one??"

"Zhao Changhuan This is a person, a drama, to save a TV station ?!!"

After other local TV stations and provincial TV stations got the news that the ratings of Haihe Satellite TV's "Immortal Sword" broke one, they all boiled to the extreme!

No problem, this news is incredible!!

"Wasn't it wrong before that we didn't even look at Zhao Changhuan's drama because Zhao Guoyue didn't cooperate with Zhao Changhuan??"

"We... Did you miss a good drama that caught fire??"

The heads of various TV stations all had such an idea after the ratings of Haihe Satellite TV's "Immortal Sword" broke one!

But then, they all denied it themselves!

"A broken TV series, although it is indeed rare in this year's cold year, but it is not a big deal!"

"This kind of broken TV series, although there are few this year, we also have a few on TV, don't be afraid!!"

"Our Blue Mountain TV station's "A Moment of Life and Death" recently appeared in the ratings of 1.4 today, a broken TV series, not important, not important!!"

Every TV station is comforting itself in various ways.

But Haihe Satellite TV, the ratings of "Immortal Sword", are hitting them with new results every day!

"What, Haihe Satellite TV's "Immortal Sword" has a rating of 1.1??"



"First, the sixth day, what is the rating of Haihe Satellite TV's "Immortal Sword"?"

"Broken 2!"

Blue Mountain TV: "Groove!"

Hulan Satellite TV: "Lie in the groove!"

Cane River Satellite TV: "Lie in the groove!"

A TV station that is too weak to be weaker, just like that, relying on a TV series, ratings ... Broke 2 ?!!

If this TV series is placed on their already powerful TV stations, how high the ratings can ?!!

Feather Media Company, after learning the news that the ratings of "Immortal Sword" broke two, Chai Long was directly stupid!

Zhao Changhuan: Is it such a cow to compare?!!

Originally, Chai Long thought that in the TV drama industry, he was the strongest existence in the younger generation!

But now, what is going on with this Zhao Changhuan?

In a small satellite TV like Haihe Satellite TV, the ratings can break 2?!

Just when everyone thinks that the score of "Immortal Sword" will be up to the sky when it reaches 2, and it is absolutely impossible to rise again!

On the seventh day, the rating of "Immortal Sword" reached 2.4!

All of a sudden, the people in charge of each David Vision cried!

Some irascible station directors even scolded directly!

"Who was in charge of "Immortal Sword" in the first place, why did you reject it directly without looking at it?!!?

"Every day there are more than enough successes and failures, a such a good drama, throw it away without watching it, a group of rice buckets!"

"If you can, do it, if you can't do it, get out of my way!"

A "Immortal Sword" has mixed up the entire Chinese television industry!

A "Immortal Sword" directly raised Haihe Satellite TV to a level!

Haihe TV.

The old director laughed and was about to lie on the ground.

These days, he is getting happier day by day, and today is the happiest day he has had in so many days!

The reason for the joy is partly because the ratings of "Immortal Sword" are too high.

On the other hand, it is because, today, "Immortal Sword" is finally going to act in the twenty-eighth episode!

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