There is a work in which they are never afraid of bans!

"Alive" is one such work.

Zhao Changhuan himself, don't you know that when this book is written, it is very likely to be blocked?!

How could he not know!

But even though he knew, he wrote the work and threw it out

"Good works must be seen by more people. "

"Even if it's just a month, a day, an hour. "

At the moment when "Alive" was issued and "Alive" was cast, Zhao Changhuan was actually relieved to compete with Professor Hu.

Because the works of the two are not at all on the same level.

Zhao Changhuan is now paying more attention to the work "Alive", paying attention to how long this work can be passed on and how far it can be transmitted!

It's not about abuse, it's just about the work itself!

When sending "Alive", Zhao Changhuan hesitated for a long time.

Because he knew that once this work was released, the road he had to do would officially embark on the most difficult stage.

He can let it go now.

But in the end, he chose to release "Alive"!

Not because of the competition with the professors of Nankai University.

It's just that the book "Alive" has been in his hands for too long.

He.. I don't want this work to continue to hide!!

Zhao Changhuan wants more people to see Yu Hua's work.

On the other hand, it is because Zhao Changhuan's head is iron...

He wanted to go, tentatively crashing into the cage of this world.

With his hand on the mouse, the page opened the backstage of the competition, and Zhao Changhuan kept staring at the screen.

I don't know how long time has passed.

It was dark.

"Ding: Your work "Alive" has passed the review of the Yaodu Literary Association and successfully participated in the 7th Yaodu Novel Competition!"

With the appearance of a prompt on the computer, Zhao Changhuan knew that he, the bird, was finally going to start a trial of the cage!

"Host, you can take other ways to confront the professor of Nankai University. "

At the moment when Zhao Changhuan turned off the computer, the system quietly appeared next to Zhao Changhuan: "You will encounter a lot of new troubles like this." "

"You're right. Hearing the system's words, Zhao Changhuan smiled slightly: "I can completely get a few poems to confront the professor of Nankai University without being alive..."

"But what about the confrontation?"

Zhao Changhuan looked up.

If entertainment works want to develop greatly, they must always let the birds fly into the sky, and if they want to let the birds fly into the sky, there must always be pioneers, come out first, again and again, to hit the cage, I have to make too many movies, they do not meet the rules of the blue world, I can't delay any longer." "

Saying that, Zhao Changhuan took a deep breath: "I'm just combining the two things I want to do into one now." "

Once upon a time, Zhao Changhuan was also an angry teenager.

I hope that Earth Huaxia can relax the restrictions, so that more and more excellent works will no longer have to be afraid of banning.

In his previous life, he was incapable and could not do it.

But in this life, he has the ability.

So, he wanted to try.

As an entertainer, it doesn't matter if you die for the sake of the entertainment industry, right?

After passing the review, "Alive" appeared on the official website of the 7th Yaodu Novel Competition.

Almost instantaneously, tens of thousands of netizens on the Internet found Zhao Changhuan's "Alive"!

Open "Alive", the first thing that catches the audience's eyes is the comments of the two reviewers, that is, the editor!

The comment is simple, and every editor only gives "Alive" one sentence.

Editor Zhang Pengrong: "This is a book that does not need bookmarks at all. "

Editor Bai Luo: "Before watching this book, please be mentally prepared, those with low psychological endurance, please do not watch!"

The comments of the two editors have added another layer of mystery to "Alive".

Seeing the comments of the two editors, netizens were a little disdainful.

"A book that doesn't need a bookmark at all, which means that you can read it in one breath just by opening it?

"People with low psychological endurance should not watch it, this book, is it very sadistic?"

"It's possible, after all, it's Zhao Changhuan's work!"

"Zhao Changhuan is just a director, engage in literature, can he?"

"Two editors make a fuss, and then abuse him is a book, how much abuse can it be, and those with low psychological endurance should not watch it." "

Subsequently, netizens did not care too much about the comments of the two editors, one counted one, and all opened "Alive" to watch.

At first, everyone was bland to the extreme, stable to the extreme!

But after a period of time, the expressions of all netizens have changed!

Everyone can't hold still!

Some people's eyebrows furrowed, some people gasped, and some people simply closed the book directly!

Sensual people, at this moment, their eyes are moist, and tears can't stop flowing.

Yaodu, an actress named Liu Shishi was brought rain by the pear blossom abused by "Alive".

As one of today's hot female stars, Liu Shishi relies on her extremely beautiful appearance to make a splash in the Chinese entertainment industry in the blue star world.

Recently, she has rested and every day is lying at home to sleep and play.

Today, I was idle and browsing Weibo, and Liu Shishi found the confrontation between Zhao Changhuan and Professor Nankai.

With curiosity, Liu Shishi opened "Alive" and wanted to see how Zhao Changhuan, the director, wrote books.

Liu shishi dismissed the comments of the two editors.

Also low psychological endurance, please do not watch.

It's just a book, it's so serious, is it so scary?

But in fact... Yes!

"Alive" is so scary!

Even if he is only a book, the power he can bring is greater than a movie with music and pictures!

After watching the chapter of Youqing's death, especially after watching the clip of the protagonist buried Youqing, the plots about Youqing mentioned earlier in the book came to mind... Liu Shishi couldn't breathe when he cried!

Youqing, the rich son of the protagonist in "Alive", is really sensible.

Youqing, this child knows the situation at home, so he is not noisy about the current situation, and the only thing he wants is to be with his family.

He is simple, he is kind, sensible and obedient!

The protagonist Fugui's family raises sheep, and every day he relies on Youqing's child to cut grass to feed the sheep!

Every day at dawn, the child threw the scythe in the basket, carried it in one hand, rubbed his eyes with the other, and rushed to cut the grass!

After feeding the sheep, he had to run to school again, and came back at noon to continue feeding the sheep, and when he was a teenager, he had to run more than fifty miles a day!

He didn't want to cause any trouble at home.

So even if he didn't want to sell his sheep, when there was a need at home, he still didn't cry or make a fuss, and agreed to the adults to sell his sheep.

is such a kind and sensible child...

In the end, in the book, because of the blood donation, he lost too much blood alive and died!

Looking at the clip of Qing Death in "Alive", Liu Shishi felt extremely uncomfortable!

[Draw a little blood, draw a little, in order to save the life of the county magistrate's woman, the people in the hospital will not stop as soon as my son's blood is drawn. ] Smoking Youqing's face turned white, he still stood up hard and didn't say anything, and then even his lips turned white, and he said with a whisper: "I'm dizzy." "】

[The person who drew the blood said to him: "I am dizzy when I draw blood. "】

[At that time, it was a turtle king bastard, and almost all of my son's blood was drained. Youqing's lips were blue, and he couldn't stop waiting for Youqing to be dead, but a doctor came out and said that the blood was not enough. The one who drew the blood, and when Youqing's head fell to the ground, the man panicked and went to call the doctor, who squatted on the ground and took the earpiece and listened: "The heartbeat is gone." "】

[The doctor didn't take it seriously, just scolded the person who drew blood: "You're really messing around.] ", ran into the delivery room to save the county magistrate's woman. 】

What a cold text...

The doctors didn't take it very seriously.

Youqingdu is dead!

This kind child, because their operation is dead!

They are: Didn't take him seriously at all....

Liu Shishi felt such heartache and heartache for the first time.

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