The middle-aged woman is called Shuya, and the middle-aged man is called Zhang Haihong.

They are a couple and they had a child.

Five years ago, when they went to the village to go to the grave, their children were abducted by traffickers.

For five years, exactly five years, Zhang Haihong and Shuya did not leave the countryside.

They searched the entire Jin Province, the entire Celestial Empire, but in the end, they did not find their children.

Today, they returned to the city, bought a random movie ticket, and came here.

They.. Decided to give up.

But sometimes, there is providence.

The two people who lost their children who could no longer survive, when they were ready to give up looking for their children and return to normal life, the movie tickets they bought at random were "Darling"

In the cinema, with everyone's expectations, "Dear" officially began to be screened!

Countless challengers rubbed their hands, apparently, ready not to cry.

Soon, the story of the movie begins to unfold.

There are four main characters in this movie, namely the protagonist Tian Wenjun, Tian Wenjun's divorced wife Lu Xiaojuan, the boss Han Dezhong, who also lost his children, and Li Hongqin, the wife of a trafficker who has been kept in the dark and deceived and raised children for a long time.

In the movie, the protagonist Tian Wenjun played by Huang Bo and his wife Lu Xiaojuan were once a loving couple.

But later, the relationship between the two was exhausted due to time and quarrels, and in the end, they chose to divorce.

After the divorce, the only hub that connected the two was left, that is, the lovely son Tian Peng.

Looking at the interaction between the protagonist Tian Wenjun and his cute son Tian Peng in the movie, the audience in every cinema screening room feels incomparably warm in their hearts.

The same goes for Shuya and Zhang Haihong.

Think of five years ago, their children were so cute.

It is the same as the interaction between Tian Wenjun, played by Huang Bo, and his son Tian Peng in the movie, saying that "his uncle and his second uncle are all uncles, and the high tables and low benches are all wood".

Five years ago, Zhang Haihong also had the same interaction with his cute little son.

But now...

It can't be done anymore....

His children will never come back.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Haihong continued to focus on the movie.

It was at this time that in the movie, Xiaotianpeng saw his mother's car.

While chasing Mom's car: Oda Peng was captured by human traffickers!

Seeing this scene, almost every audience in every movie theater was stunned!

Stop and see, your kids are following you!

Your child he: He was captured!!

Go back and take a look!

The protagonist in the movie, Tian Wenjun, played by Huang Bo, finally discovered something wrong after the child did not return for a long time!

Immediately, Tian Wenjun found his wife, but found that the child was not here with his wife!

At this time, the two couples finally realized that their child was lost!!

Their children, abducted by human traffickers!!

Tian Wenjun, played by Huang Bo, panicked in an instant!

He started looking frantically, he started calling the police, his voice was trembling!!

His expression was helpless to the extreme, he was confused, he was nervous, he was afraid!!

Seeing Huang Bo in the movie, audiences in major theaters across the country are like seeing people who have really lost their children!

Zhang Haihong, on the other hand, is like seeing himself at the beginning!

After learning that the child was indeed abducted by human traffickers, Tian Wenjun and his wife in the movie began a journey to find the child.

Holding the child's photo, Huang Bo began the search for people.

["Hello everyone, I: My name is Tian Wenjun and this is my son: Tian Peng, who went missing near his home at about 5 p.m. on July 18, 2009. "】



"He wore a yellow coat, a red running shoe, and a gauze on his forehead. "】

"Please contact the person you meet with this phone number on the photo. "】

["I thank everyone, and please pay attention, especially the children begging by the road"


In the movie, Huang Bo's voice is trembling, and his eyes have always had tears!

As he spoke, he was choking slightly.


"If someone buys my son. 】

"He eats peaches allergic. "】

"Don't give him peaches. "】

At this moment, Zhang Haihong couldn't hold back anymore, and tears suddenly flowed out!

He remembered his child....

His children are also allergic to peaches...

Zhang Haihong's smiling face appeared in his mind.

In his mind, the cries of his children, taken away on surveillance, appeared.




Zhang Haihong raised his hand and began to fight himself frantically.

"I'm damn it..."

"I deserve hell..."

"But: Can you give me my baby back. "

"Take my child, please: Give me back my baby.."

Zhang Haihong's sudden behavior surprised the audience in the entire screening room.

Seeing this, Shuya immediately held Zhang Haihong down and apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Our children were also taken by traffickers five years ago, so: So.."

Shuya's head was lowered tightly.

She knows that it's very bad to disturb people in the cinema.

She was ready to be scolded by everyone.



The cinema was quiet, and no one was angry at the actions of the two of them.

The silence lasted two seconds.


A loud voice appeared!

"Traffickers who draft codes!!"

Immediately afterwards, there were one after another voices cursing the traffickers!!

"The trafficker should die the whole family!!"

"Human traffickers directly sentenced to death, Ling Chi !!"

Originally, in the cinema, there were already many audiences who couldn't help but burst into tears.

Now there are more of these sounds in my ears, and all of a sudden, everyone can't help it!!

Zhang Haihong and Shuya cried directly into tears.

Soon, the staff arrived!

After a wave from the staff, everyone stopped shouting at the same time.

This is a cinema after all, and the movie has just begun.

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