"Bright Sword" has a novel version and a TV series version.

The difference between the two is very big, the TV series version of "Bright Sword" is actually only one-third of the novel version of "Bright Sword"!

As for why the rest was not filmed? The reason is simple, that is, the second half of the novel is too sensitive.

The director wants to shoot, but does not dare to shoot, once you dare to shoot those contents, above, = dare to seal you, and you have no temper to seal!

The second half of the "Bright Sword" novel is not the same as "Alive".

"Alive" was unblocked, in addition to the power of the majority of netizens, what really matters is that although "Alive" touched that period of history, it finally had a degree.

But the second half of "Bright Sword" is different, and the second half of "Bright Sword", that is really, the irony of that period in history.

If you want Zhao Changhuan to evaluate, in fact, the second half of "Bright Sword" is the real classic.

However, Zhao Changhuan is now not very afraid to shoot the second half of "Bright Sword".

On Earth, shooting the second half is a suicidal act, let alone in this extremely strict blue boundary.

However, if you don't shoot now, it doesn't mean you won't shoot in the future.

Later, if it is possible, Zhao Changhuan can change something, he... There may be prizes for the second half of the "Bright Sword" book to be filmed as the back of "Bright Sword".

But that's all an afterthought.

Now, what Zhao Changhuan has to do is to be honest and seriously shoot "Bright Sword"!

It not only lives up to the expectations of the old man, but also lives up to the expectations of thousands of Blue World Star Huaxia veterans.

It also lives up to the drama "Bright Sword" itself.

If the classic masterpieces in his previous life were photographed by himself, Zhao Changhuan really wanted to commit suicide by seppuku himself.

In addition to the role of Li Yunlong, Zhao Changhuan also chose other roles in the play very appropriately.

Each actor's acting skills are very strong, and they are very in line with the image, not like the anti-Japanese war films of Lanjie Star in the past two years, the male protagonist and male with all kinds of anti-Japanese soldiers are handsome guys and beautiful women and small fresh meat.

These people, Zhao Changhuan all auditioned for them, except for a few who were particularly unsuitable, and finally had no choice but to replace, the others were very in line with Zhao Changhuan's needs.

Especially Li Youbing, playing the real fucking mother is a good one!

Shouted when he was seen auditioning; "Second battalion commander, where is your mother's Italian cannon?" , Zhao Changhuan directly clapped his hands!

There is the existence of Lao Li! This drama is already half successful!

Li Youbing himself also likes the role of Zhao Changhuan very much.

The day after reading the script, Li Youbing was wearing two black circles Zhao Changhuan, and a vigorous praise of Zhao Changhuan was a wizard!

This war is rough!

The soldiers of that year, where could it be like in the anti-war films on the market now, everyone was fluent in Mandarin, everyone was polite and never said dirty words?

Li Yunlong, the character who shouts dirty words every day, is the role of the real compound resistance war at that time!

Moreover, there are too many characteristics of the character of Li Yunlong, he is bold, has revenge, and likes to scold people, but he is absolutely unambiguous in major matters, and his doctrine is particularly firm!

Such a character with advantages and disadvantages is a real living person!

Where is it like other anti-war films on the market now, each protagonist is the same as Superman, perfect has no shortcomings at all, is that still a person?!

Li Youbin likes the role of Li Yunlong he wants to play very much, and also likes the script of "Bright Sword" very much!

Of course, his favorite is still those lines in the play!

"Brothers, do you know what I like Li Yunlong?"

"I like wolves, wolves are fierce and slippery, especially wolves, tigers are afraid of three points when they see them!"

"From now on, I, Li Yunlong, want to let the devil know that when I encounter our independent group, I encounter a group of wild wolves, a group of howling wild wolves!"

"In the eyes of our wolves, any opponent who calls for battle is a piece of meat in our mouths, we are a group of wild wolves, eating the meat of the devil and chewing his bones. Wolves walk thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs go thousands of miles to eat! "

"Another ten or twenty years, Huaxia is still Huaxia, you can't die!"

"When the narrow road meets the brave, the spirit of the bright sword is the soul of our army." What the sword points to, is invincible! "

"When the enemy meets, the sword will be shining!" The soul of the Chinese army too! "

Zhao Changhuan is a genius for his mother!

Born to be a god director born for anti-war films!

After all the old actors in the crew read the script of "Bright Sword", they got such an answer!

Originally, everyone thought that Zhao Changhuan was young, could not make anti-war films, and could not write excellent anti-war film scripts.

However, when everyone read the script that Zhao Changhuan gave them and chatted with Zhao Changhuan separately, they finally understood!

Zhao Changhuan this time, is really here!

He didn't try to make a war film with the idea of giving it a try and falling down!

He wants to use real kung fu, rack his brains, take it seriously, and bet on a big wave!

This time, he came with the idea of saving the entire anti-war film!

When filming "Bright Sword", Zhao Changhuan maintained his usual style, fast gunner.

But fast, does not mean not refined, Zhao Changhuan slowly fused fast and refined together, in the quality of assurance, as soon as possible to improve the speed!

"My God, little Director Zhao, this... This is also too godly, right?? "

"At this speed, I feel that it won't take long to shoot this drama!!"

"When I was in the upper part of "Dear", I also followed Director Xiao Zhao, at that time, Director Xiao Zhao's speed was not so fast, I could only guarantee the essence, but I didn't expect that this was just a drama, and Director Xiao Zhao could already grasp the essence and speed together!"

"I've been in the actor industry for so many years, and I've really never seen such a director, you say he's fast, right? He shot very well, you say he is fine, he shoots at the same speed as casual! "

"In fact, the most important thing is the actor, didn't you find it? The actors Xiao Zhao is looking for are too professional, too strong in acting, filmed for so long, no actor has ever had a laugh, many shots are over and over again, can this not be fast?! "

Under the shock of all the crew and the dragon set actors, "Bright Sword" was filming quickly like a rocket. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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