"Old man Li, I really didn't abuse .."

In the face of everyone's questioning, Zhao Changhuan immediately showed an innocent little sheep expression.

Seeing Zhao Changhuan's expression, the three old men directly wanted to pull up a stool and beat someone!

It's all so sadistic, you tell us? You didn't abuse it?!

Could it be that Zhao Changhuan, known as your dog, also set up a more sadistic plot in the second half of the TV series "Bright Sword"? ?

"Xiao Huan, your "Bright Sword", now we have also seen level twenty-three, you tell me, later, is there any plot of abuse?"

Old man Li asked a little trembling.

His heart, but he really can't stand it.

"Well, if you mean the "Bright Sword" I sent for review, you can rest assured that although he also has some pathos behind him, he is not so sadistic .."

Zhao Changhuan spoke.

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, it seemed that something had come to mind, and everyone was shocked!

"You just said, if, we mean the "Bright Sword" you sent for review, the back is not so cruel, does this sentence mean..."

A bad thought appeared in Old Master Li's heart: "In addition to the official version of "Bright Sword" that you sent for review, there is actually a plot that you did not send to the review department?!" "

"Not really."

Zhao Changhuan smiled slightly: "The final version of "Bright Sword" that I shot has been sent to the review department, but "Bright Sword" does have the second half, but I didn't shoot it. "


Old man Li asked.

Zhao Changhuan showed a big smile: "Whether this abuse is cruel or not, it is difficult to judge." "

"Let's put it this way, if I sent it for review, the abuse of the drama version of "Bright Sword" I shot is sixty, then... In the second half of "Bright Sword" that I didn't shoot, the abuse was one hundred eighteen. "

As soon as Zhao Changhuan came out, all the people present who had seen "Bright Sword" couldn't help but tremble.

Sixty, one hundred eight?


"Did you write a story in the second half of "Bright Sword" that you didn't shoot?"

Old man Yang asked a little tremblingly.

Zhao Changhuan nodded: "I wrote it, and when I filmed it, I wrote the whole story in the form of a novel." "

"So, can you show us?"

Old man Li swallowed a mouthful.

Zhao Changhuan shook his head: "Ahem, this is goodbye.... Don't watch the second half, it's good for everyone, you don't want to be abused, don't you? "

"Yes, yes, don't look at it.. Don't look at it .."

As soon as Zhao Changhuan's words came out, all the people in the audience nodded.

Then, everyone chatted casually for a while, and after chatting, the three old men and the people from the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department left the Zhao family.

Today, the real purpose of coming to them is to see what kind of god man the director who can shoot "Bright Sword" is!

As for cutting people, it's actually a joke.

After leaving the Zhao family, the head of the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department and the auditors of the Film and Television Department stayed in Yaodu for a while, and returned to the Capital Review Department the next day.

And the three old men did not leave, and the three old men really stayed in Yaodu as they said in the Zhao family.

Because of work problems, Governor Li left with Chairman Zhao, the head of the audit department, the next day.

As for Lieutenant General Yang, he did not leave.

It is said that for some reason, he will be very idle these days, so these days, he will also accompany the three old men and stay in Yaodu together.

Since he did not return to the capital, he could not continue to watch "Bright Sword" in the review screening room, so the next afternoon, the three old men sent Lieutenant General Yang to Zhao's house and asked Zhao Changhuan for "Bright Sword".

Zhao Changhuan naturally gave the U filled with "Bright Sword" to Lieutenant General Yang very cheerfully.

"Director Xiao Zhao, you are: Writing a novel? "

When Lieutenant General Yang came to Zhao's house, Zhao Changhuan was writing a female novel.

Seeing Zhao Changhuan writing a novel, countless curiosity suddenly rose in Lieutenant General Yang's heart.

Zhao Changhuan answered Lieutenant General Yang with a smile while speeding up the codeword: "Yes, I am writing, a female novel, Lieutenant General Yang may not be very interested." "

""Ten Years of One Pin Wen Ruyan", the name is good."

Yang Zhong glanced at the name of the novel that Zhao Changhuan was writing, and then, without taking the book to heart, took the USB flash drive and returned to their residence.

Seeing Lieutenant General Yang leaving, Zhao Changhuan shook his head and smiled, and then accelerated again, speeding up his codeword speed.

Since he had all the novels in his mind, and these novels did not have many words, Zhao Changhuan felt that he could get all these novels done in a few days.

That is, when Zhao Changhuan was crazy about coding, the publicity Liu Yue did on the Internet finally officially arrived in front of the eyes of netizens.

Little bird pushes the book: "Today, I recommend a few good books, read the first few chapters, they are very good, suitable for chasing!" "

Flower Drop Books: "This female frequency novel, a little good-looking, recommend it to everyone!" "

Xiaoyu: "Has anyone read the book "Liangsheng, Can We Not Be Sad"? "

Liu Yue's publicity is very simple, that is, he spent a sum of money and invited more than a dozen pusher books on the neck to recommend these books to Zhao Changhuan.

Although the way she chose this propaganda is simple, it has to be said... Really useful!

Not long after these big Vs launched Zhao Changhuan's five books, tens of thousands of female readers clicked into the five women's books issued by Zhao Changhuan!

Almost every book, Zhao Changhuan has already posted a few chapters.

For a male frequency book, a few chapters may be nothing.

But for this chapter of several female books: A few chapters can completely pull female readers! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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