It's still a familiar taste, or a familiar five-in-a-row.

With Zhao Changhuan's order, suddenly, a series of successful lottery sounds appeared in Zhao Changhuan's ears again!

"Ding: Congratulations, successful extraction, successfully obtained the novel "Tomb Robbery Notes"

"Ding: Congratulations, the extraction is successful, and the music "Like Water Flowing Year Fate" has been successfully obtained"

"Ding: Congratulations, you successfully extracted and successfully obtained the movie script "Forrest Gump"."

"Ding: Congratulations, successful extraction, successfully obtained the sketch script "Hello, Li Huanying"

"Ding: Congratulations, the extraction was successful, and successfully obtained the anime script "Black and White Matchless"

After reading all five rewards, Zhao Changhuan took a deep breath.

This time, he didn't know if his luck was good or bad.

Five rewards, covering five ranges, novels, music, movies, sketches, anime, all drawn this time!

If you want to say that the biggest loss should be that music reward.

Although the music of "Like Water Flowing Year Fate" is indeed good, however, a piece of music wastes a lottery opportunity, no matter how you look at it, it is not very worthwhile.

But Zhao Changhuan didn't care too much about these, at least this time the five lottery opportunities, didn't give him a trash draw, didn't he?

Regardless of whether it can provide abuse value, at least these five rewards, Zhao Changhuan can use it.

"Tomb Robbery Notes" is not very sadistic, you can put it first, write it if you want, and forget it if you don't want to write it.

Anyway, I have a fast hand, if I really want to, it won't take long to hit it all on the computer.

"Forrest Gump" is not particularly sadistic, and the main attribute of this drama should still be inspirational.

However, although the abuse point of this film is not very high, this movie is indeed a very good movie.

As long as it is made, the rating of this movie cannot be low.

If you really don't have time to shoot, it's not bad to let Old Zhao pat.

Old Zhao's technique, Zhao Changhuan is still at ease, and recently Old Zhao is also a little idle, give him a film, let him be busy.


Thinking that Old Zhao was not very kind to his last death last time.

Therefore, Zhao Changhuan decided that when he handed over "Forrest Gump" to Old Zhao to shoot, he would try to slaughter Old Zhao a few more times.

In addition to "Like Water Flowing Year Fate", "Tomb Robbery Notes" and "Forrest Gump":

The remaining two that Zhao Changhuan drew this time are a bit sadistic, both of which are works he can engage in.

First of all, there is the sketch script "Hello, Ying".

In the previous life, it was Jia Ling and Chen Chichi who starred in this skit.

This skit mainly tells the story of Jia Ling who travels back to her mother Li Huanying's youngest and most beautiful era and helps her mother pursue her first love, Ouyang Zhu

The whole sketch crosses the present with the past through the young age of Jia Ling's mother, and the misplacement of identity triggers various comedy effects!

However, although it is a skit, the end of this sketch is very tear-jerking.

The bittersweet and bitter warm scenes in the family in the past, as well as the sadness of the absence of the child, at the end of this sketch, deeply stung the hearts of the audience and made countless viewers cry.

Comedy and tragedy have never had such a clear dividing line.

Good comedy, good tragedy, can make the audience laugh and make the audience cry.

Affectionate in laughter, the sketch will not be "small"

It just so happens that my mother has been engaged in screenwriting, and Zhao Changhuan feels that he can also go to the sketch world to stir up a wave of storms by relying on "Hello Li Huanying"!

In addition to "Hello Li Huanying", the last anime script "Black and White Matchless" drawn by Zhao Changhuan is also good.

Although there are still problems with its production level, the plot setting is still quite good.

The most important thing is... Cruel...

This anime has a plot that is not the slightest bit of abuse.

After watching that episode before, Zhao Changhuan was full of depression for a night, and he didn't fall asleep for a night!

However, the results of the anime "Black and White Matchless" were very bleak on the earth in the previous life.

The viewing clicks are not very high, and the production team is basically losing money all the time.

But in fact, the production of this drama is actually very sophisticated!

He contains a lot of Chinese elements, the fighting is also very smooth, for the drawing of the scene, it is also antique and graceful!

Especially the tenth episode... At the beginning, after watching the tenth episode of "Black and White Matchless", Zhao Changhuan felt that this drama was simply the leader in national comics!

The picture is smooth, the drama is emotional, and the music is very well coordinated!

The philosophy of the Doll Fish Studio that made this anime is: "Never compromise on budget and channels without sacrificing quality, and insist on making original, story-based animations with their own worldview." "

Such a good-looking anime, there should be a lot of clicks, right?

Ten million?? Million? Million??

It can't be even 100,000, right?

Yes, it's such a good-looking anime, at the beginning, his clicks didn't even have 100,000.

To be precise, the click of the tenth episode of "Black and White" ....

Only one point and ninety thousand.

At that time, seeing this number, Zhao Changhuan's whole person was confused, and immediately, there was only grief left in his heart.

Although later, after the publicity of countless tap water netizens, "Black and White Matchless" finally gained some popularity, but it is still weak, and it is still weak after all.

"Black and White Matchless" is a national comic, itself, there are a lot of containment, the market at that time is that most netizens in Huaxia look down on the national comic.

Although it is said that later, the market of Chinese animation is getting better and better, and more and more people support national comics...

However, these have nothing to do with "Black and White".

"Black and White Matchless" has been buried in that era, when no one is optimistic about national comics.

Remembering the original bit by bit, Zhao Changhuan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Pass, let him pass!

"At least this time, I will never let you be buried again!!" _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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