"At that time, my grandmother sold the whole house in order to pay for my mother's medicine."

"When she left, I only had 10,000 yuan left in my hand."

"After finishing her funeral affairs for the old man, there will be nothing left."

"The street office sent me to the orphanage for a week before I ran away."

Yang Lanlan asked, "Why did you run?"

Su Cheng said: "Because I have some mental problems. You think, in less than three years, the whole family will die. Even adults may not be able to bear this stimulation, let alone a child under eight years old. "

"At that time, I was a bit withdrawn and out of gregarious, and was bullied by other children almost every day."

"So, taking advantage of the dean's absence, I sneaked out and begged and wandered in society alone."

"I told you that you might not believe it. From the age of eight to ten and a half, I never had a full meal or slept in bed."

Yang Lanlan asked: "Then where do you sleep?"

Su Cheng said: "In spring, summer and autumn, I sleep on benches in the park. Winter is the hardest. I can't find a suitable place, so I sleep in the trash can."

"Although it's cold, you can carry the wind!"

"The funniest thing, do you know what it is?"

Yang Lanlan pursed her lips and asked, "What?"

Su Cheng said with a smile: "When they wake up in the morning, they throw out the garbage. Open the lid and see a child inside. Nine out of ten people will scream on the spot in fright, and then run away with their heads in their arms. That scene is absolutely laughable."

Hearing Su Cheng's words, Yang Lanlan couldn't control her emotions anymore, she burst into tears and flowed out.

The audience, especially those middle-aged people with children, also feel sympathy.

They really can't imagine the scene of an eight-year-old child sleeping in the trash can in winter.

In the live broadcast room, pop-up windows popped up like mushrooms after rain.

"Damn, I burst into tears."

"Brother Cheng is so pitiful."

"If my child lived like this, I would cry to death."

"It's really not easy for Brother Cheng to live to this day."


Seeing Yang Lanlan crying, Su Cheng quickly handed her a tissue and said with a smile, "Sister Lan, there's no need to act, and I'm not here to make a fool of myself."

"Who did it?"

Yang Lanlan said angrily: "I admit that I did act in the past, but I really didn't act today."


The audience all laughed.

Su Cheng said: "Actually, I have nothing to say about my childhood. The main theme was begging and wandering. In two and a half years, I walked all the way from the northeast to Cangcheng."

"Unexpectedly, a few days after arriving in Cangcheng, it snowed heavily, and I caught a bad cold with a fever of 40 degrees."

"I wanted to find a place to hide from the snow, but after walking a few steps, I fainted on the ground."

"When I woke up, I found myself in a martial arts gym, and I met someone who changed the fate of my life."

Yang Lanlan said: "Is that the grandfather you mentioned?"

Su Cheng hummed and said, "My grandfather is a veteran. In the war 40 years ago, his left leg was broken and his right eye was also blind. In addition, he has a bad temper, so no one dares to approach him." , is a well-known old bachelor in Cangcheng."

Hearing this, some netizens in Cangcheng immediately became excited.

"I'm from Cangcheng, do I know who he is?"

"Su Qing, brother Cheng's grandfather is Su Qing."

"My God, Brother Cheng is actually the little blind Su who is following old blind Su."

"What old blind man are you talking about upstairs? Little blind man? Isn't that disrespectful?"

"Sorry, I said a nickname. In Cangcheng, everyone calls it that."


The on-site director immediately notified Yang Lanlan of the content on the barrage.

Yang Lanlan said: "Su Cheng, some netizens in Cangcheng recognized you and said that you are the grandson of Mr. Su Qing."

Su Cheng laughed loudly, and said, "He should be talking about Old Blind Su and Young Blind Su, right?"

Yang Lanlan hesitated, nodded, and said, "Yes."

Su Cheng said: "Back then, in the whole Cangcheng, everyone who knew us and my father called us that."

"My grandfather is blind and bright-minded, and he is versatile in both civil and military affairs. After learning about my life experience, he regarded me as his own grandson."

"From that day on, he taught me Kung Fu in the morning and literacy in the afternoon."

"I know that this opportunity is a gift from God to me, so I practice hard and study hard."

"Soon, eight years later, I have grown up, and my grandfather is also old."

"The rest, I have already said."

"Hehe, this is all my experience."

Yang Lanlan let out a long breath and said, "It's so legendary. Su Cheng, you are a legend."

Su Cheng said with a smile: "I have experienced ups and downs in my half life. I have tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships and the vicissitudes of life, but I have never accepted my fate."

"My grandfather is the person who has the deepest influence on me. He is optimistic and open-minded, jealous and fearless, and I am almost a copy of him."

"That's why I dared to expose the shady scene in front of the national audience."

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