Entertainment: The King Of The World Started From Being Banned

Chapter 98 Don't Expect High, Just Ten Times The Return

"Su Cheng, the average ratings of "Bright Sword" exceeded 8% last night, how do you feel?"

"Sorry, this is the launch conference of "Crazy Stone", and I will not answer any questions about "Bright Sword"."

"Su Cheng, both "Latent" and "Bright Sword" have achieved very good results, why did you suddenly invest in the movie "Crazy Stone"? Are you planning to enter the film industry?

""Crazy Stone" is a work I created on a whim after I accidentally saw news about gambling stones on the Internet. Just like investing in my own TV series, it is normal for me to invest in my own movies."

"As for what to say about entering the film industry, I think the question itself is wrong. As long as you are an actor, you are inseparable from the film."

"Brother Cheng, will you still shoot spy movies or anti-war movies? Or will you focus on movies in the future?"

""Latent" and "Bright Sword" have clearly expressed what I want to express. Unless there is something different, otherwise, I will not touch these two 17-themed TV series again."

"Whether I will focus on movies in the future, my answer is no. After "Crazy Stone", I may shoot a costume TV series. The specific situation will be discussed at that time.

"Brother Cheng, you seem to be looking for lesser-known actors in "Crazy Stone". Are you trying to save money?"

"You should say that all I look for are the most suitable actors. An actor is good or bad, not by the actor's fame, but by whether he is competent for the role he plays.

"My reporter friend, I can tell you clearly that in terms of pure acting skills, the three guys next to me all have the potential and possibility to become movie kings."

"You use words like not famous to describe my big brothers, which makes me very uncomfortable.

"You may ignore them today, but maybe they will overwhelm you tomorrow."

"And this tomorrow won't make you wait too long, most likely after "Crazy Stone" is released."

Su Cheng's answer made the eyes of Huang Bo, Liu Hua, Guo Tao and others heat up. While grateful in their hearts, they also secretly vowed to make a good film of "Crazy Stone" and slapped the reporter in the face.

"Su Cheng, it seems that you have great confidence in "Crazy Stone", can you predict its box office?"

"My expectations are not high, as long as the box office can reach ten times the investment."

"I take the exam"

"Isn't that high?"

"What a big breath."

"Sit and wait for a slap in the face."

"I suspect that "Crazy Stone" won't even make it to theaters."

"That's right, who made him offend Brilliant Film Company."

The reporters whispered.

Most people are not optimistic about Su Cheng.

After the opening press conference, "Crazy Stone" entered the shooting stage.

I have to say that these actors are very dedicated, and they have memorized the lines according to their dialect requirements long ago.

Although they are not well-known, their acting skills are stronger than each other.

As the pillar of Yandu Repertory Troupe, Guo Tao's performance style is two words, steady.

Every line, every look, every movement is very standard, like a precision machine, always in the best condition.

The advantage of this kind of actor is that he is absolutely reliable, no matter what the role is, he can perform it very well.

The disadvantage is that it is too stylized and too step-by-step. Although the task can be completed, it cannot give too much surprise.

In Xia Guo, such actors supported most of Xia Guo's entertainment industry.

Because there are too few actors who can surprise the director, they have a unified title of actor and actress.

It's like a pyramid, with the actor and actress standing at the top, and below are a group of actors like Guo Tao.

Without them, showbiz would be completely doomed.

On par with Guo Tao's acting skills is Liu Hua.

This guy is not very good looking, but he is very good at using serious facial expressions for comic effect.

Crazy Stone is all about this contrast.

Sometimes, even Su Cheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

However, it was not the two of them who performed the best, but Huang Bo, the supporting role next to Liu Hua.

Perhaps it is fate, Huang Bo and Hei Pi, whose development trajectory is completely different from that of the earth, are simply a match made in heaven.

The authentic blue bird words, coupled with humorous facial expressions and body language, make people laugh out loud.

After watching it for three consecutive days, Su Cheng became more confident in "Crazy Stone".

Soon, it was his turn to play.

The international bandit Mike Shuai, played by Su Cheng, is very tall, whether it is in dress or in the way he does things.

But he is always teased by several local thieves over and over again. The strong contrast makes this character no less funny than Heipi. The key is to watch Su Cheng's performance.

"Brother Cheng, your outfit is really trendy."

With his characteristic smirk, Huang Bo teased Su Cheng who just came out of the dressing room.

To say that Su Cheng's outfit is really trendy, he can be called the prettiest boy in the show.

He was wearing a leather jacket, a pair of sunglasses, and earrings on his ears. He walked with his head held high and his chest high, and he was holding a white suitcase 237 in his hand. He looked like a man. Proud successful people.

Su Cheng laughed and said: "Brother Bo, don't be envious. The main reason is that your temperament is suitable for playing a small thief like Heipi who can't stand on the stage. If you want to play the handsome and scumbag Mike, I guess you have to go to Bangziguo Plastic surgery.

Liu Hua said: "Brother Cheng, you really look down on Brother Bo too much. With his unique face, even if you pay a hundred dollars, you probably won't be able to become Mike."


"Ha ha ha ha"

Everyone laughed.

Huang Bo pointed to Liu Hua and Su Cheng and said, "Don't arrange me, you two. I rely on two magic weapons to walk in the entertainment industry. The first is talent, and the second is my appearance. I don't know how to appreciate it."

Su Cheng shook his head and said, "I really don't know where your confidence comes from."

Soon, all departments are ready.


Director Ning Hao gave an order, and Su Cheng, who was standing at the gate of the airport, straightened his back, walked forward with an unrecognizable pace, and walked forward with a haughty and domineering attitude.

His speed is very fast, chewing gum in his mouth, his aura is extremely powerful, and he is very conspicuous among the ordinary people around him.

Even if this is not acting, but in real life, I am afraid that everyone's eyes will be attracted by Su Cheng. .

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