Entertainment: The Movies I Made Can Extract Skills

Chapter 101 It has been two months since Sophie Tosylate was launched on the market.

Except for two movies.

Netizens are still concerned about the efficacy of Sophie tosylate.

At this time, the editorial department of the People's News Network.

At the meeting.

"Sophie tosylate has been on the market for two months, and the online attention to Sophie tosylate is still unabated. Let's interview patients who have purchased Sophie tosylate and ask how the drug works.~" Editor said.

At this time, a reporter asked, "Where can I find these patients? Are you looking for volunteers from the clinical trials at that time?"

The reporter shook his head, "These clinical experimenters have already interviewed. Let's go to the hospital to see. Now, there must be many doctors who understand the efficacy of Sophie tosylate and the conditions of patients."

"Do I still need to interview Shen Zhe?" a reporter asked.

"Shen Zhe has already interviewed, plus looking at recent hot searches, Shen Zhe should be very busy recently, and there is nothing to interview. Let's interview some patients."


End of the meeting.

People.com reporters start to act!



In the hospital, patients and their families come and go.

This is the largest hospital in the capital.

Capital Harmony Hospital.


There was noisy noise in the corridor.

Although the nurse said several times, don't disturb other patients to rest.

But someone is still talking.

The reporter took the photographer to the office of the deputy chief physician.

"Boom boom boom——"

The reporter knocked on the door a few times.

There are conversations in the office.

But because the sound is not loud.

So the reporter couldn't hear anything.

After hearing the knock on the door.

Soon there was a voice in the house.


The reporter pushed in.

"Hello, I am a reporter from People.cn. I would like to interview you with a few questions."

The deputy chief physician nodded, "Wait a minute, I have another patient here."

"Okay." The reporter nodded, "You are busy first, we are not in a hurry."

Came to the hospital.

Even if the reporter is in a hurry, he must wait until the doctor is finished.

After all, the patient is the most important.

"Looking at the results of your laboratory tests, it is confirmed that it is the advanced stage of liver cancer." The doctor's expression was very heavy.

"Huh?" The patient seemed a little unbelievable, "What did you say?"

"It's definitely an advanced stage of cancer."

The patient looked at the doctor dejectedly.

All this happened too suddenly.

He looked at the doctor in disbelief.

The whole figure seems to be tens of years old.

He opened his mouth slightly, as if to say something.

But suddenly he was stunned.

At this time, the doctor suddenly said, "I know it is difficult for you to accept, but fortunately there are anti-cancer drugs with very good efficacy..."

When the doctor said this.

The reporter suddenly whispered to the photographer beside him, "Quickly turn on the camera."

The photographer reacted instantly.

Boot immediately.

"This anti-cancer drug is very effective. Do you know Sophie from India?"

The patient nodded, "I know, I can always hear this name on the Internet a while ago. It is said that a bottle of 28,000 yuan, is this the good anti-cancer drug you said?"

The doctor shook his head, "Have you heard of Sophie tosylate?"

"I've heard the name on the Internet, doctor, the effective anti-cancer drug you said is Sophie tosylate?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes, this medicine can replace Sophie."

The patient heard the doctor's words.

The dim eyes instantly brightened.

"That means I can still save?"

"Receive drug treatment on time and come to the hospital for review regularly. There is no problem. Don't give up fighting cancer!"

"Okay, thank you doctor! Now that something has happened, am I giving up!"

The doctor nodded.

Wait for the patient to go.

The doctor turned to look at the reporter.

"Has it started shooting?"

The reporter looked at the doctor with apology on his face, "Sorry, doctor, we are here to interview you to learn about the efficacy of Sophie tosylate and the situation of the patients who have taken this drug. We just heard that The patient is a cancer patient. You also recommended Sophie tosylate to him. We are like taking this opportunity to take a picture, but if you don’t want it, we can also cut off the previous paragraph.”

The doctor waved his hand indifferently, "Forget it, just take the shot, not to mention that there is nothing shameful. Just ask what you want."

"The first question is, I just heard that you recommended Sophie tosylate to patients. This drug has been on the market for two months. I don’t know how effective the drug is? Is it really a substitute for Sophie? Did the patients who took Sophie tosylate develop new symptoms?"

·········Ask for flowers·········

The doctor thought for a while, and then said very firmly, “I can assure all patients around the world that Sophie tosylate can definitely replace Sophie. So far, patients taking Sophie tosylate have not experienced any The problem, it can be said that it is a very good and affordable medicine. I have many patients who come back for review. The basic condition is stable, and the indicators have stabilized."

"Sophie tosylate can be said to have saved the lives of all cancer patients!"

The doctor said this.


The door was slowly pushed open.

I saw a little girl poking her head out.

Seeing this little girl, her serious face instantly became amiable.

He asked gently, "Xiaohui? Why are you here? Where is your mother?"

...... 0 0

"Mom went to the bathroom, the door was not closed, I just heard toluene and phenanthrene..."

The doctor smiled and nodded, "It's the medicine you took."

Speaking of this, the little girl's big eyes suddenly flashed brightly.

"I know! Mom said that after taking this medicine, I can go to school!"

At this time the camera slowly focused on the little girl.

This little girl is very thin and looks only five or six years old.

"Mom said this medicine is very good! The person who developed this medicine is also very good! It's called Shen Zhe! What a nice name, I think Uncle Shen Zhe must be a kind person! Mom said that this medicine requires a lot of money to buy from foreign countries. , And Uncle Shen Zhe only sells for a few hundred..."

The little girl said excitedly.

Only then did she see the camera above her head.

"Auntie, am I going to be on TV?"

The reporter was taken aback.

Seeing the little girl's innocent eyes, she smiled and nodded, "Yes, Xiaohui is going to be on TV."

"Then can I talk to Uncle Shen Zhe? Can I speak to Uncle Shen Zhe?"

The reporter looked at her tenderly, "I'm not sure if Uncle Shen Zhe can see it, just say whatever you want."

There was a little light in the little girl's big black eyes.

Just like the stars in the night.

Exceptionally shining.

"Hello, Uncle Shen Zhe, my name is Xiaohui! Thank you Jia... Jia Fei, sorry I can't remember the name, after taking this medicine, I feel that I am much better now, now, now I hope I can see you one day!"

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