The audience was instantly excited.

Hearts followed by their throats.




"I knew it, it could be done!"

"It will definitely be happyend!"

"Ignite Jupiter!!!"

"come on, come on, come on!"

"Quickly, quickly!"

The audience in the theater also cheered up with Liu Qi's shout.

The space station is ready to evacuate.

Moss is directing Liu Peiqiang, who is desperate and indifferent, to let him go to the standby dormant pod-.

On the ground, all other rescue teams are also evacuating.

They want to go home.

Hurry up and see the last time of your family and children.

Only Liu Qi and a group of people rushed to Sulawesi Engine 3 for the final rescue!

In the car.

Li Yiyi is tensely assigning tasks.

The team is divided into four parts.

Li Yiyi, how do you always load the ignition program.

Captain Wang Lei and others went to fix the firing pin and ignite!

Liu Qi and Tim go to install flint.

And Han Duoduo and Zhou Qian were in charge of roaming and contacting reinforcements.

Everything seems to be arranged smoothly.

But things didn't go so smoothly!

Everyone has encountered difficulties!

Jupiter's gravity makes this place still trembling!

The earth is shaking!

Falling rocks, buildings, and steel!


Everyone present felt desperate.

Everyone's emotions floated up and down as the plot progressed.

At this time, their hearts seemed to have fallen to the bottom.

This is not the most desperate.

The program set by Li Yiyi can no longer be loaded after loading to 99%!

The flint on Liu Qi's side also failed to load because of a machine failure.

So he was alone and got into the flint ignition point to check for malfunctions.

In this place, even protective clothing can't stand it.

Even an accidental fall into the abyss is a death!

But he went anyway.

Several people, Wang Lei, used a power device that was about to run out of power to push the firing pin!

He was smashed by steel from the sky until his life was dying, but he was still fixing the hardware.


"Who will help us?"

Sulawesi III engine.

The master control room, in the ruins.

Han Duoduo was crying in despair.

She was desperate and could not help.

Watching teammates hurt themselves because of saving themselves.

Other teammates are also pushing the firing pin.

My brother is fighting for his life even more, knowing his life or death.

"Uncle Liu Peiqiang! This is Han Duoduo! We still have the last hope!"

At the critical moment, she suddenly found the nameplate dropped to the ground.

The number on the nameplate can be used to contact Liu Peiqiang of the space station.


When she told Liu Peiqiang about the plan.

Moss said that as early as seven hours ago, an Israeli team of scientists proposed it, but after deduction...

The chance of success is zero!

In order to preserve the human fire, we can only give up.

Everyone took a deep breath.


"What the hell is this?"

"The chance of success is zero?"

The audience was stunned for an instant.

The story of saving the earth is really a lot of twists and turns.

But now even the protagonist’s plan to "ignite Jupiter" has zero chance of success?

Where's the male lead halo?

Why was it proposed first?

Why is the probability almost zero? !

However, they did not give up.

This is a plan with zero success rate.

In the picture.

The light blue flame spray of the planetary engine pulled out a long tail.

The distance between the flame and Jupiter is rapidly shortening.

However, the maximum flame spray distance can only reach 75,000 kilometers.

It is five thousand kilometers away from lighting Jupiter!

"Sulawesi III Engine"

"New Jiapo No. 1 Engine"

"Jakarta No. 4 engine... three flames, none of them reached the tipping point..."

Moss's cold voice again pronounced the failure of the plan.

"Transfer? Where is the transit? Is there any hint in front of doesn't seem to be..."

At this time, Chairman Li concentrated on thinking.

There is no clue.

Chairman Zhang also frowned.


This is really a dead end...

In the picture.

Hearing moss's cold voice, everyone was stunned.

Does everything end like this?

The Wandering Earth project failed?

Humankind perish like this?

Just when the audience is thinking about a turnaround.

Liu Peiqiang took action.

"ChinaCN-11 rescue team."

"This is the space station, and I am Liu Peiqiang."

Liu Qi was taken aback.

Immediately turned his head and looked to the sky.

"The space station has another 300,000 tons of fuel, and the deflagration can reach 5,000 kilometers directly. If you ignite the space station, you can ignite Jupiter."

"Liu Peiqiang, what are you going to do!"

"Wang Lei, let go!"

"Wang Lei is not allowed to let go!"

"Liu Peiqiang, shut up!" Liu Qi shouted hoarsely.

·········Ask for flowers·········

"Wang Lei, this is an order."

"Wang Lei, you fucking bastard!"

Liu Qi roared into the hearts of the audience.

Once the space station was ignited, Liu Peiqiang died heroically.

Some viewers pinched the roots of their thighs, trying to hold back their tears.

Some viewers couldn't help but shed tears directly.

"Li turn off the engine one by one!"

"Liu Qi..."

"Shut up, shut up and shut up!"

This shut up, shouting how helpless Liu Qi was as a son.

Although he hates Liu Peiqiang in his heart.

But it's more love, reluctance, four years.

Seventeen years.

He hasn't seen his father in seventeen years.

This is their first call in 17 years.

This is the first and last time.

....... 0

"Son!" Liu Peiqiang interrupted him.

Liu Qi finally calmed down.

How many years has he longed for this son.

Now I finally heard it.

He bowed his head slumped.

Tears flickered in Liu Peiqiang's eyes.

"Son, I'm sorry."

Heard this sentence.

The audience burst into tears.

At this moment, those viewers who were holding back their tears finally had their tears surging like a river bursting.

"Dad is going to perform the task again. This is the most important task in my dad's life."

"You said that you will be back when I can see Jupiter."

"you're lying."

Liu Qi said desperately.

"You were four when I left, but now you have grown up." Liu Peiqiang's heart was full of guilt.

But no way.

It's work.

"Dad told you that Dad is in the sky, you can see Dad as long as you look up."

The space station drove in extremely fast.

"This time."

"You can definitely see me."

Liu Qi cried.

"Come on, son."





The space station exploded.

Liu Peiqiang was flooded with red flames.

The whole auditorium was suddenly quiet.

Everyone held their breath.

He stared at this scene with his eyes rounded.

Some people covered their mouths in shock.

Some people look away and don't want to see this scene.

Some people's tears directly muffled their eyes.

The soothing sad BGM sounded.

Everyone is quiet...

The so-called turnaround is to exchange the life of one person for the life of human beings on the entire earth! Son.

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