The two professors came to the laboratory deliberately early.

But as soon as I opened the door, I saw that Shen Zhe had arrived long ago.

Standing there thinking.

After hearing the sound of opening the door.

Shen Zhe beckoned to them, "Morning."


"So early."

They had already woke up half an hour earlier.

But I didn't expect it was one step later than Shen Zhe-.

They couldn't help but wonder in their hearts.

People who study so seriously in the research room every day.

Why would you not be interested in scientific research? !

Why don't you want to stay in their research institute? !

Could it be that there are other options for scientific research institutes?

Thought of this.

Professor Sun shook his head immediately.


How can China have a better research institute than the Capital Rocket Technology Research Institute!

In rocket manufacturing, the Capital Rocket Technology Research Institute is one of the top research institutes in the country.

Plus, only they know that Shen Zhe is good at scientific research.

The idea just now was immediately refuted by myself.

At this time, Shen Zhe has started to continue his work yesterday.

Professor Sun no longer thinks too much.

Put into work.

Epoxy resins are still being prepared today.

"When preparing, be careful not to add other fusion substances. If solvents and other toxic substances are added during the preparation process, it will not be good." Shen Zhe reminded.

Professor Sun and Professor Feng nodded.

"The epoxy resin is finished, what's the next one?" Professor Sun asked humbly.

Because he has never made epoxy resin.

So just understand this aspect.

But what is understood is not thorough.

Shen Zhe continued to say, "I will use graphene and natural nacre next."

"Natural nacre? Inorganic aragonite flakes with a mass score of about 96%?" Professor Feng looked at him suspiciously.

Professor Sun was also very puzzled, "What do you use natural nacre for?"

"If you want to use graphene that can be toughened, you need to use an organic epoxy resin with a mass fraction of about 99% as the matrix. Unlike natural nacre, which is an inorganic aragonite flake with a mass fraction of about 96%, the opposite is true. Nacre-like epoxy-graphene nanocomposite..."

Speaking of which.

Professor Sun immediately stopped his movements.

He took out his pen and Ben from his pocket and began to record.

Shen Zhe continued while preparing, “This technology uses the ice template process to prepare a graphene-based layered framework, and then infiltrate the epoxy resin into the framework to obtain a layered nanocomposite. Among them, the graphene framework only accounts for the overall mass fraction. However, its fracture toughness is increased to about 2.53MPam1/2, which is about 3.6 times that of pure epoxy resin."

"Does adding graphene only improve toughness?" Professor Feng asked.

Professor Sun suddenly fell into thought for a while, and then muttered, "There are other uses for graphene-added composite materials..."

Shen Zhe nodded, "There are indeed other functions."

"Because the reversed nacre-like layered epoxy-graphene nanocomposite has good fracture toughness, it can realize the application of traditional epoxy-graphene nanocomposite."

The two nodded thoughtfully.

Shen Zhe continued, "Not only that."

"Due to the conductivity of the graphene-based stent, the reverse nacre-like layered epoxy-graphene nanocomposite has a self-monitoring function, which can detect crack propagation through changes in resistance."

"Introducing the strategy of reverse imitation nacre layered structure can inspire the design of nanocomposites in the future, so that they have higher safety and self-monitoring capabilities..."

Shen Zhe concluded, “Therefore, this composite material can also be applied to different parts of the aircraft, including the frame, panel, and fuselage. In addition, the self-monitoring function also makes these parts safer and avoids catastrophic failures in key parts. ......"

Professor Sun said slightly in shock, "I even know the different kinds of parts used on airplanes..."

Professor Feng was also taken aback.

He knows everything! ?

Shen Zhe smiled. In fact, this is only after learning about the solid-liquid hybrid engine, and then learn more about it later.

In other words.

Once you understand a material, the use of these materials, the preparation technology, etc., you will all understand.

"I just learned about it by the way when I was studying epoxy-based nanocomposites," Shen Zhe said.

This statement is acceptable to the two professors.

·········Ask for flowers·········

The two nodded slowly, and then began to remember with a rush of writing.

While recording, Professor Feng asked, "Although graphene is added, the epoxy resin matrix is ​​tougher, but it seems that the tensile strength is still a bit weak?"

Shen Zhe nodded and thought about it, "Indeed, I really didn't expect this."

Professor Feng smiled triumphantly, "Young people, think about problems in a comprehensive way."

"But..." Professor Sun was also lost in thought, "How can this be solved?"

Shen Zhe's brain is running fast.

At this time, Shen Zhe's mind is full of knowledge about epoxy nanocomposites.

From the optimization of various shortcomings to the preparation technology, he probably calculated countless ideas in his mind.

...... ..... .......

Professor Feng thought Shen Zhe could not think of it.

So he said, "There should be books in this area, I'll go to the library to find them."

With that said, he just wanted to go out.

But at this moment, Shen Zhe suddenly stopped him, "No, I thought about it."

"Huh?!" Professor Feng was taken aback.

Why did he think of it so quickly? !

What kind of brain is this!

Professor Sun looked at Shen Zhe curiously, "What way?"

"Need dual composite materials!"

"Dual composite material?!"

Professor Feng stopped.

Professor Sun also stopped the pen in his hand.

"Is there anything that needs to be added to solve this problem?"

"Zirconium phosphate." Shen Zhe said, turning around and walking to the cabinet.

Start looking for zirconium phosphate.


He found it.

"Zirconium phosphate, wear resistance. By combining the fluorinated graphite material with the sheet-like nano zirconium phosphate through bifunctional or multifunctional molecules, the binary composite material prepared can be a good epoxy resin matrix, which can improve the epoxy resin. Mechanical properties such as the tensile strength of the resin matrix, and improve the friction and corrosion resistance of epoxy resin coating materials."

Shen Zhe's voice fell.

The eyes of the two people full of years of vicissitudes flashed in an instant.

Professor Sun said with some excitement, "Yes! Zirconium phosphate binary composites are OK!"

Professor Feng sighed and shook his head helplessly.

It seems that in today's preparation, he can only take notes and lay hands on Shen Zhe. Son.

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