Entertainment: The Movies I Made Can Extract Skills

Chapter 215 Hello police officers, is there any case to be handled? Is something wrong with our comm

The director looked at them nervously.

After all, a police detective suddenly visited.

Anyone will be nervous when they change.

He is the director here.

The detective can come directly to the property.

Something must have happened to some household.

Then, their property must be inextricably linked.

Shen Zhe stepped forward and asked, "How long have you been here?"

The director swallowed and thought about it.

Then he said, "It's probably been more than twenty years."

"Then you should know that a fence on the east side of your community was damaged. When was it?"


The director frowned slightly as if immersed in memories.

"Although the fence in our community is old, the residents in the community rarely vandalize maliciously. I am really impressed with one damage. Because the community was not monitored back then, it was not possible to find out who maliciously damaged the property, so our property could only be repaired by ourselves. , I remember this thing seems to have passed for many years..."

"How many years can you remember exactly?" Shen Zhe then asked.

"It seems that it has been more than ten years..."

Very close!

The captain and detective looked at the director with excitement.

"Can you think about it again? Or was there any record back then?"

The director just remembered, "It stands to reason that the damage to the public facilities in our community will be recorded in 700, but this damage is too long, and we need to look for it."

Shen Zhe nodded, "About when will I find it?"

"This needs to be checked at the property company headquarters."

After all, I found this.

Find out the specific time, you can further determine.

Shen Zhe nodded, "Do you need us to go to your headquarters?"

The director waved his hand, "No need to be too troublesome. I will call directly and ask over there. Police officers, wait a moment."

After speaking, the director walked out the door.

Shen Zhe and others sat down on the sofa next to them.

The three employees walked to them with water glasses.

"Police officer, please drink water."

"Police officer, you need to wait a little while, after all, records from more than ten years ago may be difficult to find."

Shen Zhe took the cup, nodded and said, "It's okay, don't worry, as long as you can find the specific time and wait as long as you can."

Shen Zhe is not in a hurry anymore.

At this point in the investigation, the case is half clear.

The employee standing opposite Shen Zhe did not turn around in a hurry after reaching the water cup.

Instead, he stared at Shen Zhe closely.

Shen Zhe took a sip of water and looked up (cgbi) at him.

"What's wrong?"

"You...you look a bit like Shen Zhe."

Heard this.

The two people next to him suddenly laughed.

"Don't be like, he is."

The employee was taken aback for a moment.

"Are you really Shen Zhe?!"

The other two employees were also stunned.

They looked at Shen Zhe very happy.

"Director Shen, I watched your movie a few days ago!"

"I still watched the premiere! The final plot is really wonderful!"

"That reversal really scared me!"


Shen Zhe smiled and said politely, "Thank you for your love."

"But..." An employee looked at Shen Zhe gossiping, "Why are you here?"

"Is it the case ten years ago?!" an employee asked suddenly.

"It's been ten years..."

"Yes, can I still find out..."

Several employees were worried.

"If it is really a murder, it would be too scary..."

"But how did we find out our community?"

"Isn't the murderer in our community?!"

Speaking of which.

All three of them took a breath.

At the same time, he looked at Shen Zhe with a worried look.

At this time, the captain waved his hand, "Police secrets, no comment."

The worries on the faces of the three people suddenly became more serious.

They have come here to work for so many years.

I have never heard of any murders.

They were still young ten years ago.

If the murderer is really hiding here...

Was thinking about it.

At this time, the director came in.

"Sorry, police officers have been waiting for a long time, and they are still investigating. You may need to wait a little longer."

Shen Zhe nodded in understanding, "After all, it's a long time, and it's difficult to find out, but if you can think of the specific time, it's good."

The director scratched his head, "It's really difficult for me to think."

"It's okay, wait, I have one more question..." Shen Zhe said.

"You ask."

"Do your security guards patrol every day?"

"That must be patrolled every day! After all, anyone can come in the community, and we are also afraid that the residents will be in danger."

"When is the usual patrol time every day?" Shen Zhe asked.

"Starting at seven o'clock in the morning, patrol for one hour, and then patrol every two hours."

The director said.

A police detective began to record.

"It's like this every year?" Shen Zhe asked.

"Yes, this is the regulation since the establishment of our property." The director said with certainty.

The police detective recorded and said, "The patrol will start at 6 o'clock in the morning for an hour, that is, it will end at 7 o'clock, then the patrol will start at 9 o'clock, the second patrol will continue until 10 o'clock at noon, and it will continue at noon... Patrol at 6 o'clock in the evening and end at 7 o'clock?! The next patrol will be nine o'clock?!"

Calculated to this point.

The detective took a breath.

The time of death of the deceased was between six o'clock and eight o'clock.

If the murderer entered the community before six o'clock, leave after eight o'clock.

It's not that I just missed the patrol time!

On the day of the incident, the suspect returned home at nine o'clock!

The time just coincides!

To say that a coincidence is a coincidence.

The two coincidences are coincidental.

This is especially the third time anastomosis!

Could this be a coincidence!

How can there be so many coincidences in the world!

This is nothing more than man-made!

The captain listened in shock.

If these are not coincidences.

They really came to the right place!

The captain's expression looked a little excited.

Turning to look at Shen Zhe, "What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Shen Zhe shook his head, "Wait, the time of the damage has not been found out. All discoveries and evidence must be treated rigorously."

The captain nodded in comprehension.


After all, this case was 10 years ago.

From the announcement to the public that the case was to be reversed and the investigation started.

More than two months have passed now.

But it has progressed to this point.

The suspect is still a suspect.

He is the murderer without locking.

It's not just the captain.

The entire police station was very anxious.

But now that it has all progressed to this point.

Anxiety is also temporary.

At this time, Shen Zhe put down the water cup, turned to the director and asked, "Do you remember what happened ten years ago?".

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