The camera turns.

The Walled City of Pig Dragon.

One after another tube building.

The yard was full of people.

"Can't coolies be forced?"


The voice fell.

The coolie stepped on the sack on the ground.

With force under his feet, the sack flew onto his back.

Everyone took a deep breath.

"As soon as I look at this person-he knows martial arts!"


"Not ordinary, not ordinary!"


Then the tailor master and the deep-fried hawker appeared one by one.

But everyone did not pay much attention.

The picture slides to a man who is washing his hair and brushing his teeth under the faucet.

The huge screen allows the audience to see clearly.

Although covering the lower body.

But everyone can still see his movements.

Halfway through the hair wash, the man is taking off his pants.

Halfway through.

Suddenly, the water stopped.

"Chartered woman! Chartered woman!"

The camera turns to behind the man.

I saw this man's pants were only halfway through.

Most of his ass was exposed.

"Why is there suddenly no water?"


"Hahahaha! Can this brother put on his pants and talk!"

"This tone is so laughable!"


Laughter filled the movie theater.

At this moment, they even forgot the murderous scene at the beginning of the movie.

Look back.

The protagonist appears.

Xing Zi took Fat Boy Cong to cut his head.

Looking down, he didn't expect the man's trousers to remain the same.

"Crack, click!"

The sound of scissors opening and closing sounded in my ears.

"It's finished, thank you, fifty cents."


"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Why cut it so beautiful! Who told you to cut it so beautiful? Find the difference?!"

The voice fell.

Fat Boy Cong, who had been bowing his head, immediately raised his head.

Exposed and looked fierce.

But everyone knew it was a pretending expression.


The coat was thrown away immediately.

The fat all over his body was exposed.

In every move, the fat swayed.

And on the chest, there are two crossed axes.

"Axe helper?"

"I don't know, maybe it is."

"But I always feel different from the few people I saw at the beginning of the movie."


The audience murmured.

At the same time, he squeezed a sweat for this little barber.

"Big brother, don't be angry, he is my friend, let me tell him." Xingzi said to Fatty Cong.

As he said, he walked up to the little barber, and persuaded, "Brother Axe, you have seen the two axes with your own eyes, bad guys, you cut his head so beautifully and dead, you know?"

After some dialogue.

The haircut brother suddenly realized, "Oh, so you blackmailed me."

Although he said so, his face remained blank.

Turned his head again.

Xingzi yelled, "Big Brother!"

But the camera turned.

Fat Tsai Cong actually fell asleep on a stool!


"Hahahaha! Why are you still asleep!"

"Even if you are pretending to be more serious!"

"Hahahaha! Take it!"


Xingzai brought Fat Boy Cong to find fault.

But Fatty Cong fell asleep.

Xingzi had to bite the bullet and put it on.

The residents all gathered.

Xingzi wanted to find someone who looked weak to kill the chicken and the monkey.

"Come here, the lady who took the onion!"

Auntie walked over with a smile on her face.

Originally thought this aunt was just an ordinary aunt.

She punched Xingzi in the stomach.

Unexpectedly, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The painful expression on her face shows that this aunt may not be an ordinary person.

Zhou Xingxing looked around the circle of people.

Finally found another person who was very weak.

Xingzi shouted bluffingly, "That dwarf! The five-and-a-half inch one is you."

"Hahaha five and a half inches? Wu Dalang?"

"It's a drama!"


In the picture, a man in the crowd craned his neck and looked around.

He looked half a head shorter than the person next to him.

But when he came out.

The audience realized that this man had been sitting all the time!

After standing up, the people around him reached his chest!

At this time, Star Tsai spoke again, "I despise those dishonest people the most in my life, sit down!"


"Hahahahahaha! Why is it so high!"

"It turns out he's been sitting all the time!"

"So long legs hahahaha!"

"Laughing at me hahaha!"


When Xingzi saw an old man.

He was sure, this person would definitely be able to beat it.

But when the old man came out of the crowd.

Look at his muscles.

The star took a step back immediately, "I didn't call you old man, I called that..."

He frantically searched the crowd.

Finally saw a little boy.

·········Ask for flowers·········

"That kid!"

"Little devil, I have endured you for a long time, come out!"

When the little boy came out.

I saw that the muscles of the little boy turned out to be bigger than the muscles of the old man just now.

It was in sharp contrast with the thin star boy.

At this time, Xingzi waved his hand in despair, "It's OK, it's big enough, big enough."



"Hahahaha! I can't help laughing at me!"

"How come the people here are not ordinary people!"

"Everyone looks so awesome!"


The audience held their stomachs and laughed so hard that they couldn't help themselves.

Some viewers even burst into tears.

"Just look for the fault like this?"

"I came to the wrong place!"

"Hahahahahaha! Our hero is so miserable!"

....... ... .......

"Hahaha, no, I still want to laugh when it's so miserable."


at this time.

The same is true in the theater where Shen Zhe is located.

The audience laughed.

It seems to forget that this movie is actually an action movie.

But after all, this movie was played by Zhou Xingxing in the last world.

This world is still played by Zhou Xingxing.

But there is no ambiguity about where to fight.

This movie has a long history in the last world.

Many of the details in the movie are now shown that they are not doing very well.

Such as special effects.

In this world, Shen Zhe revised some of the shortcomings in this movie.

The special effects are also the best.

Only then was it released and presented to everyone.

The movie goes on.

"A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses will meet each other!"

The star lit up something that looked like a firecracker.

"call out!"


The firecracker flew out.

But it's not the same as imagined.


An unremarkable explosion sounded.

"Wait for you, don't leave! You!" Xingzai said cruelly.

Walk out while talking.

The camera moved with him.

At this time, a person walked in at the gate.

I saw a big hole in the man's hat.

Messy hair.

There was still smoke on his head.

Walked in and took a look.

The man has a face full of flesh.

Fiercely asked, "Who threw the firecracker?"

"Hahahaha! The real axe gang members are here."

"Hahahaha! Throw your head on!"

"Hahahahaha, I can't help but laugh at me!"


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