Entertainment: The Movies I Made Can Extract Skills

Chapter 42 It didn't take long.

On China Weibo.

Sophie's official Weibo was established.

After the establishment of Weibo.

The first thing is to make a statement and buy a hot search.


A topic of "Sophie Company Statement" appeared before everyone's eyes.

"Sophie is an oral multi-target multi-kinase inhibitor with dual anti-tumor effects. On the one hand, it can directly inhibit tumor growth by inhibiting the RAF/MEK/ERK signal transduction pathway; on the other hand, Sophie can pass Inhibiting VEGFR and PDGFR to block the formation of tumor blood vessels and indirectly inhibit the growth of tumor cells. Sophie is mainly used in the treatment of patients with advanced liver cancer and advanced renal cancer in my country, and the effect is very good.

Reasons for Sophie's pricing:

Sophie is an imported medicine, which will be sold on the China market after being imported into China Narr Medical & Health Co., Ltd. Because it is an imported medicine, it must cost a lot to compare the cost of the circulation link between India and China. However, the specific cost depends on the connection between China Naer Medical and Healthcare Company and the logistics. Our drug prices are absolutely fair. And reasonable.

Let’s talk about our Sophie medicine:

1. Sophie has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the long-term research process. The shoveling process uses cutting-edge technology and advanced equipment. At the same time, strict control of complex procedures makes the drug more expensive than ordinary drugs. According to user feedback, Sophie's treatment effect is very good, and it can obviously improve the quality of life of patients. Therefore, it is no longer possible to measure Sophie's value by price alone. The effect is more important.

2. Sophie has a high affinity and a high degree of targeting. It only acts on cancer cells, but does not kill normal cells. It is one of the important drugs for the targeted therapy of advanced kidney cancer and advanced liver cancer. In this way, accurate target bombing treatment and less damage to normal cells also require high-tech drugs to be produced, which determines that its price will be a bit more expensive than ordinary drugs. "

It is clear.

This reply is very official.

Find out the reasons why a bunch of prices are set in this way.

But stop talking about the excessively high prices of medicines.

Just say that it is a bit more expensive than general drugs.

See the end.

Netizens were suddenly out of breath.

"What's more expensive! Is this more expensive!"

"One bottle of medicine sells for ten thousand! Why don't you grab it!"

"I just studied pharmacy. It is really difficult to make pharmacy. I have checked Sophie's drug. It is indeed effective against cancer, but it is really difficult to cure. Cancer is an incurable disease. It can be done. Inhibiting the spread of cancer is already considered rare. The medicine is indeed expensive. The key is that this medicine is indeed used to inhibit the spread of cancer, and it is indeed effective."

"Isn't it like it was mentioned in the movie? Where is Cheng Yong? Are there any pirated drugs?"

"Who dares to take pirated drugs now?! Are you crazy? What if you die?"

"So cancer patients can only take just-in-case medicine?"

"Sophie’s answer is too official. Simply put, our medicine has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and technology, so it is expensive. Maybe Sophie originally sold for 10,000 in India, and it will cost a bottle of 10,000 when shipped to China. , So it is not only their problem, but also related to China's agents?"

"Naer? I found it! Many imported medicines are distributed from here! The prices are extremely high!"


At this time, the CEO of Naer Medical and Healthcare Company was shocked when he saw this statement on the Internet.

The following comments have already begun to speculate.

Sophie sold 10,000, and went to China distributors to raise the price by nearly three times?

What a joke!

His Sophie Pharmaceuticals' own drug prices are ridiculously high!

Sophie deliberately did not make its offer.

Naer Medical and Healthcare was launched to attract firepower.

Now some netizens have found their company.

Just what he knows about Chinese netizens.

After a while, netizens will definitely call the company.

If something goes wrong.

Don't talk about Naer.

It is estimated that he, as the CEO of Naer Medical and Health Care Company, must not even be able to get out of the house.

He immediately picked up the phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"Assistant, now no matter what you are busy with, put down your work, look at the current Weibo hot search, this Sophie company actually wants to throw the pot on us! Does it want our company to become the target of the public? Let's find Suo now The Philippine company issued the drug price contract, and then found out the list of each transportation price, and posted it on Weibo together to dispel our relationship with the incident!"


Seeing this statement from Sophie, the CEO of Naer Company was a little panicked.

This incident can be big or small.

Recently, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" has been extremely popular.

All netizens felt the same way.

The CEO of Naer's company also visited it.

Even he walked out of the cinema with red eyes.

I have to say that this movie made by Shen Zhe is really touching.

Although this movie is related to his own industry.

But he doesn't think his company can have anything to do with the heat this time.

To this day, he found out that he was wrong.

He did not expect that this matter continued to ferment, but now it fell on his head! .

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