From Zhou Runfa's body, he couldn't feel the feeling of a superstar. On the contrary, he felt that there was no difference between Zhou Runfa and those ordinary gamblers.

Seeing Zhou Runfa still put the bet on the table, Shen Zhe stretched out his hand to hold him, and said in a calm voice.

"You have lost too much money in this place today. There is no need for this matter to continue!"

Zhou Runfa hadn't noticed Shen Zhe's arrival at all.

Now seeing Shen Zhe not only appearing, but also blocking him, his brow frowned first, then he stretched out a hand and said excitedly.

"You are now lending part of my funds, and I promise that I will follow you as soon as the incident is over."

Shen Zhe frowned when he heard this sentence.

As a movie star, this guy, logically speaking, shouldn't be so poor.

"So what about your funds?" Shen Zhe asked in a cold voice.

"The last movie I paid you was 40 million yuan. In the upper part of the movie, you seem to get a part of the box office from the other party's hands. Together, these large and small have reached hundreds of millions. Now that you Ask me to borrow money, have you already lost all your funds?"

When Shen Zhe said this, his face began to become more and more ferocious.

After now, Zhou Runfa has not yet confirmed what he said.

This also allows him to make sure that the money in the other party's hands has been spent.

Sure enough, after his words fell, Mr. Zhou Runfa asked in a daze.

"Have I made so much money in the past?"

"So I have lost 100 million in this place today?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Runfa suddenly began to smile.

"If this is the case, then the god of luck should be on my side. Now if I work hard, I should be able to earn back all the subsequent amounts of funds."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Runfa still entered everyone's gaming table.

Shen Zhe looked at this scene, shook his head and sighed.

The one who is not far from Zhou Runfa is Hua Tsai, but he is not much better than Zhou Yunfa. He is also sitting at the gaming table now and doing similar actions with Zhou Runfa.

At this time, the people next to the gaming table caught Shen Zhe's attention. Shen Zhe fixed his gaze on these guys, then got up and returned to the front of the gaming table.

The assistant had also noticed Shen Zhe's actions at this moment, and he said triumphantly.

"Now it seems that even if you win, your friends will help you lose completely in the next second."

After Shen Zhe heard this sentence, a sarcasm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

No wonder these guys will let him and Zhou Runfa have a conflict, it turns out that they are waiting for him here.

At that time, if Zhou Runfa and Hua Tsai were trapped in this place, he would have no way to keep them here, only to fish them out with his own money.

This is why the two of them can get more funds here unscrupulously.

Shen Zhe thought of this and stood up suddenly.

At this time, after adjusting a few angles to make sure that all his body shape had entered the screen, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The assistant looked at Shen Zhe with a serious face, and a bit of panic began to show in his eyes.

He had a hunch that what Shen Zhe said next would definitely not make him happy, and even these few words might cause them a lot of trouble.

But he didn't have any reason to refuse Shen Zhe. He could only control the panic gaze in his heart and stare at Shen Zhe.

"I know that gambling in this place is completely legal, and the two of them have lost a lot of money when they came to this place. Since they both have to continue to gamble, I hereby assure you that from here From a moment on, any penny they owed had nothing to do with me."

"If the people in this casino really have the courage to attack them, you can consider lending them."

Shen Zhe's words fell, and everyone present was full of shock as they looked at Shen Zhe.

No one thought that Shen Zhe would say such things in front of everyone.

Zhou Runfa and Hua Tsai came here with Shen Zhe to attend the event. If Shen Zhe does not control them, doesn't it mean that the two of them can only fend for themselves here.. ......

All of a sudden, Zhou Runfa and Hua Tsai's fans began to scold Shen Zhe loudly.

"In addition, you guy is really shameless. You seem to be able to wear a pair of trousers with them on weekdays. Now that you see them addicted to gambling, you start to peel them off constantly. You think what you did. Are things reliable?"

"If you want me to say that you should obediently take out your money to help both of them pay off their gambling debts. If it weren't for you, it would be impossible for the two of them to come to this place!"

"You have caused them to get gambling now. If you don't help them, who can you expect to help them? One hundred million is not a small sum!"


The vast majority of personnel are especially committed to moral kidnapping.

Although occasionally some people will stand up to speak for Shen Zhe, indicating that Zhou Runfa and Hua Tsai are already adults and they are capable of taking responsibility for their actions.

But as soon as you say such a thing quickly, everyone will directly refute it loudly. The people who say this are all Shen Zhe fans, and for a while, everyone is in a state of indefatigable words.

Shen Zhe glanced in his live broadcast room from time to time, and saw that many people expressed disapproval of what he said now. He also only smiled faintly, and then turned to the screen. Said.

"none of your business!"

Shen Zhe's positive reply first made his live broadcast room quiet for a few seconds, and then soon more and more people began to constantly refresh the screen in the live broadcast room.

Even after Shen Zhe's fans uttered this sentence, it was difficult to control the dynamics of Shen Zhe's live broadcast. All kinds of insults began to appear for a while.

Fortunately, Shen Zhe had already had a basic tone about these things. After a cold glance, he transferred his own affairs back, and then saw the assistant next to him.

"Although I don't know how much money your casino is willing to invest in the two of them, I have to say that if I don't get ahead, those funds will definitely not be able to come back.".

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