Chapter 113 Publish a New Book! Soul Ferry Chapter 1! 【Customize! 】。

I don’t know how many eras have passed.

Two gods were born on the earth.

One is named Fuxi, named Nuwa. Nuwa creates life, and Fuxi deduces gossip. Thus, order and rules emerged.

With life, there will be death.

Death is the destination, the end, the silence. It is also punishment.

The beings created by Nuwa fought each other for territory and food. In the end, a creature called humans won the war.

But they still haven’t stopped fighting.

On the contrary, they advocate violence more than other creatures. I don’t know how many eras have passed.

Several leaders have emerged among humanity.

They are called Shennong, Xuanyuan, Xuanyou, Punishment Tian…

Their stories are so old that no one can remember them. But their blood survived.

“Xuan You, we don’t have to be enemies.”

“No, Xuanyuan, I have no way back.”


Wu Shaohan let out a breath after writing the preface.

“Huh? Are you writing fantasy fiction again? ”

Bai Lu asked with a wink.

“No, it’s Kiko.”

Wu Shaohan explained,

“Chezi is generally used as a guide, explanation, etc. before the beginning of the main text of the novel, so that when they start reading the novel, they can fully understand the truth of things and the personalities of the characters.”


Bailu’s eyes are full of small stars,


“Teacher Wu”

“You come less.”

Wu Shaohan pinched her face.

“So what are you going to write next?”

Reba also came over and sat beside him as usual.

There was a pot of lychee on the table, and she peeled the shell and stuffed it into Wu Shaohan’s mouth.

“Just watch from the side.”

Wu Shaohan continued to code while chewing the lychee.


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