Chapter 145 My boyfriend just likes heroes to save beauty!!

Boss Yang has a “good habit.” ”

That is, every morning when she wakes up, she brushes her neck bib

After all, I mixed in circles, and I must pay attention to the recent developments

And now, Naza’s side has just had an accident, and she noticed it all of a sudden

Yesterday, when she chatted with Lin Fei, Lin Fei had already told her that the matter had been reconciled

So Boss Yang couldn’t understand how things were already so out of control after one night.

Right now, hearing Boss Yang’s inquiry, Lin Fei also spoke quite helplessly: “Sister Honey, the other party has indeed agreed to settle!” ”

“But I estimate that this matter should be Zhang Han behind his father’s back and secretly tossed it out in private.”

The relationship between Boss Yang and Nazha was also okay, so the next second, she asked softly.

“Naza, it doesn’t matter now, right?”

“Has she stabilized her mood?”

Lin Fei glanced at Naza, and then replied, “I’m still sad here.” ”

“Fat Dee and I are comforting.”

“But the most important thing right now is not comfort!”

“We’ll have to find a way to fix this.”

Hearing what Lin Fei said, Boss Yang pondered for a moment and a few seconds, and then she asked, “Is there any way you can do over there?” ”

Lin Fei thought about it and spoke.

“How to say, there must be a way.”

“But how to implement it, I haven’t thought about it yet!”

“But it’s imperative to eliminate the impact as much as possible.”

“Now [Wen Xin Entertainment] has completely torn her face with Naza.”

“They definitely can’t count on it, so let our Jiahang PR team help.”

[Wenxin Entertainment] It can be said that now he has completely given up Naza, did not see the other party, and called to cancel the contract and compensate? Now the online discourse is so strong

This matter definitely needs the most professional public relations team to deal with! So after hearing Lin Fei’s arrangement, Boss Yang didn’t think much about the next second, she nodded directly and answered the matter.

“I called the PR department and asked them to PR about it. After ending the call with Boss Yang. ”

Fat Di raised his head and looked at Lin Fei cautiously: “Is this matter troublesome to handle?” ”

Lin 28fei smiled and pinched her little face, “It’s okay, it’s not too difficult to handle.” ”

“The other party is playing the lowest and most clumsy means.”

“Let’s just come directly to cover the water block.”

After saying this, Lin Fei looked at Nazai again: “Naza, I still said that sentence just now!” ”

“With me, you don’t need to be afraid of anything.”

“This time, I will definitely ask you for justice to come back!”

“Don’t worry!”

Looking at the smile on Lin Fei’s face, Na Za bit Bo Yuan tightly!

At this moment, she felt warm in her heart

The previous panic and uneasiness have inexplicably dissipated a lot.

There seems to be a trace of unspeakable emotions tossing and turning in the heart.

“I’m sorry, Brother Lin Fei!”

“I’m the one who caused you trouble.”

Naza’s eyes were red and he said the words, just when Fat Di was about to comfort her twice

Suddenly, Naza’s cell phone rang, and he saw the caller’s name

A trace of panic suddenly flashed in Na Za’s eyes, and Fat Di immediately said: “Lin Fei, this call is from Zhang Han!” ”

“Zhang Han called?”

Hearing this, Lin Fei instantly froze

This guy, calling over, is he trying to show off his might?

“Fat Di, give me the phone and I’ll answer it!”

Hearing this, Fat Di immediately handed the mobile phone to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had just connected the phone, and a dark voice came from the mobile phone: “Naza, how is it?” ”

“Doesn’t it taste bad?”

“Now you know what it takes to offend me, right?”

Zhang Han’s words had just finished

Lin Fei’s calm voice came into the words.

“Zhang Han, did you come to show off your might when you made this call?”

“The game has just begun, you are so triumphant, will it seem a little too arrogant??”

“Do you really think that no one in this world can cure you?”

I thought that the person who answered the phone was Naza

As a result, it was a male voice that heard Zhang Han speak, and his whole person froze

In the next second, he immediately asked out loud: “Who are you?” ”

“How could Naza’s mobile phone be in your hands?”

Lin Fei smiled slightly and showed his own identity: “I am Lin Fei from Jiaxing!” ”

“As for Naza’s mobile phone, why it is in my hands, I think I don’t need to explain it to you.”

The person who answered the phone was someone from Jiaxing?

In the next second, Zhang Han’s brows instantly frowned: “I said buddy!” ”

“The contradiction is between me and Naza, are you sure that you Jiaxing have to eliminate this muddy water?”

I glanced at Naza, who was panicked like a deer

Lin Fei gave her a reassuring look

In the next second, Lin Fei directly opened his mouth and made his attitude clear to Zhang Han: “What if I say, this Shang Junshui I have eliminated?” ”

“Then are you going to turn over the wrist with us Jiaxing next?”

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Han was silent for a few seconds

I don’t know what he thought, so he directly gritted his teeth and spoke: “Do you think that my Jiaxing?” ”

“Cheng, since you have to help Naza, then let’s just go straight to the move!”

“Isn’t it Jiaxing? I’d rather take a closer look at what you can do. ”

“If there is any trick, I will accept it.”

With a click, Zhang Han hung up the phone directly, Lin Fei returned the phone to Naza, and then spoke: “Look at this, the other party should be planning to fight us to the end.” Hearing this, Naza suddenly bit Bo Yuan! ”

Sister Sun, who was standing on the side, asked a little cautiously, “Lin Fei, if this matter is handled, will it be tricky?” ”

Lin Fei nodded: “It’s indeed a little tricky, but it’s tricky and has to be dealt with.” ”

“Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal!”

“Shang Shi has done similar things to our Jiaxing before, but what do you think of the results?”

“Cool, is it Shang Shi or us Jiaxing?”

Hearing this, Sister Sun instantly felt a lot relieved

When Jiahang and Shang Shi fought before, almost the entire entertainment industry was paying attention

At that time, everyone thought that Jiaxing would be cold! But what about the end result?

But it surprised everyone.

The one who stopped eating directly turned out to be Shangshi!

Once a giant in the entertainment industry, it has now directly become a state of survival.

It’s not just Shang Shi who is unlucky

Even the big backers behind them have suffered huge losses!

At the moment, a small Zhang Han will not be stronger than Shang Shi, nor will he be stronger than Fengxing Investment, right?

Seeing that Lin Fei was willing to help, a trace of emotion flashed in the young lady’s eyes:

“Lin Fei, this time really, really troubled you!”

Lin Fei smiled and spoke, “Don’t rush to thank you first, let’s talk about it when the matter is resolved.” ”

At this time, the state of use is really a little bad! See her curled up there

Lin Fei could only comfort her again out loud: “Naza, don’t worry first.” ”

“Since I promised you that I will help you solve this matter, I will definitely be responsible to the end.”

Na Zha bit his thin lips, and the blood was about to come out: “I don’t understand!” ”

“If they scold me, forget it!”

“Why, why do you want to involve my father!”

“Don’t these people feel that they are excessive?”

For a person, family is always the most untouchable bottom line, and Naza will be so insecure because his father has passed away

And now, seeing people hacking her, they also involved her father

How sad she is in her heart now, Lin Fei can see it just by looking at it

Lin Fei thought for a while and sat down next to Naza: “I know, they did a very good job this time!” ”

“So, he Zhang Han, he must pay for this!”

I don’t know if Lin Fei’s composure brought Nazha some relief

At this moment, her mood finally improved a little.

“I’m sorry, Brother Lin Fei!”

“It’s all to blame on me, it’s me who caused trouble for you, for Fat Di, and for Sister Honey!”

“It’s me, it’s me who is so useless!”

Fat Di glanced at Naza angrily.

“When are you still saying such things!”

“Let me tell you so, my boyfriend just likes heroes to save beauty!”

“Just because my girlfriend is so beautiful, he will definitely help the bottom!”

“Big Color Wolf, do you think what I said is right?”

Hearing what Fat Di said, Lin Fei was really a little crying and laughing: “In your eyes, have I become a big colored wolf?” ”

Fat Di blinked his beautiful big eyes and spoke, “Isn’t it?” ”

“This makes me think of that Yang Chaoyue again!”

“If it’s a dinosaur who hits your car, will you still bring the other party to Jiaxing and let us sign her?”

Lin Fei felt that he couldn’t wash it completely now, and the satyr would be the satyr

It’s not a big problem.

After comforting Nazha for a while, Lin Fei directly sent a message to Boss Yang

Let her come to Naza’s house!

At the moment, this situation is not suitable for Naza to run out.

After receiving Lin Fei’s summons

Boss Yang didn’t even go to the company, so he drove directly to Naza’s house and entered the house, and a group of people didn’t grind

They all went to the living room and talked about it.

Boss Yang raised his head to look at Lin Fei and asked.

“What are you going to do next?”

Hearing Boss Yang’s inquiry, Lin Fei thought about it and spoke.

“Right now, the best way to fight back is to find the evidence directly!”

“I think that in the hands of the [Classic of Mountains and Seas] crew, there should be relevant evidence to hear Lin Fei’s words, and Boss Yang also understands what he meant.”

That! and Zhang Han, the conflict that day occurred in the crew.

It is impossible for the crew of Nuoda to not even have a camera!

So, as long as you can find the video recording of the day, this matter will become much easier to solve!

However, after hearing the advice given by Lin Fei, Boss Yang felt a headache.

“Even if there are videos, the [Classic of Mountains and Seas] crew will not hand them over to us, right?”

“Don’t forget, they are in the same group as Zhang Han!”


“Moreover, just yesterday, Chen Qingyang of Phoenix King Media also called me.”

“Say let’s go home, don’t be nosy!”

“Right now, you have to communicate with them, does that work?”

Hearing what Boss Yang said, Lin Fei smiled and spoke: “If it doesn’t work, I can only say that I tried it to find out!” ”

“As things stand, it’s really impossible for them to give us the video!”

“But you have to know that the [Mountain and Sea Classic] crew doesn’t seem to be as good as Zhang Han!”

“To put it bluntly, this drama is invested by Phoenix King Media!”

“If I want to get the monitoring smoothly, I still have to find Phoenix Press.”

“Why does Feng Wang Media praise Zhang Han so much?”

“It’s because they want to have a good relationship with Zhonghan Group and the [Northeast Circle] behind Zhonghan Group!”

“As long as we can give enough benefits to impress them!”

“Enemies may not become allies!”

“Business world, what are the so-called true friends!”

“Sister Honey, do you think what I said is right?”

Boss Yang pondered for a moment, and then nodded: “What you said is indeed a way. ”

“Okay, then let’s try to contact Phoenix King Media first.”

“Look at them, are they willing to trade with the door estimate!”

The boss of Feng Wang Media called Chen Qingyang, and he only called Boss Yang yesterday

So Boss Yang has his contact information on hand.

After confirming the content of the conversation with Lin Fei, Boss Yang called Chen Qingyang.

“Chen Dong, I am the Yang Zuo who is willing to go!”

“Oh? It’s Mr. Yang, what’s the matter? ”

Boss Yang didn’t beat around the bush, and went straight to the topic as soon as he came up: “Chen Dong, I called you for the matter of Naza.” ”

“Right now, you already know about the hot search, right?”

“So I just want to ask, this conflict should have happened in the [Mountain and Sea Sutra] crew!”

“You guys over there, there should be relevant [monitoring], right?”

Hearing this, Chen Qingyang instantly smiled: “President Yang, this is really unfortunate!” ”

“That day, the crew’s monitoring just broke down.”

“You’re trying to pull Naza, aren’t you?”

“However, even if there is monitoring, it is useless!”

“The injury on Zhang Han’s head was indeed caused by her.”

“Things have come to this extent, and she can only blame herself for not apologizing in time.”

“Now some young female artists, I don’t know what they all thought yesterday.”

“With a little fame, it seems that I don’t know the sky is high and the earth is thick.”

“It’s still not beaten by society!”

“Mr. Yang, do you think what I said is right?”

Hearing this, Boss Yang’s eyebrows instantly furrowed: “Chen Dong! ”

“It won’t be so coincidental!”

“Just right, the monitoring is broken?”

“Forget it, Chen Dong, I won’t beat around the bush with you.”

“This time, we came with sincerity.”

“As long as you are willing to monitor us that day!”

“Price, you can open directly!”

“As long as it can be within our reach, I will definitely not cut a dime with you.”

“So, do you want to think about it again?”

Chen Qingyang smiled slightly, and quickly gave an answer: “I’m sorry, Mr. Yang!” ”

“I know that you Jiaxing have made a lot of money during this time!”

“But, our Phoenix King Media is not as poor as you think!”

“So, if you want to report a round through our side, then I can only say that you think too much.”

“What I want to say now is still yesterday’s sentence!”

“If you were really smart, you Jiaxing would have less water!”

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