Because they grew up together, Lin Fei knew Boss Yang very well.

She is very strong, except for the setbacks when she first debuted, and her eyes were red a few times

But after that, she didn’t cry anymore.

People will grow, and only by being strong can they go further.

This sentence is Boss Yang’s life creed

But now, under the impact of this 440 million huge assets, Boss Yang finally couldn’t help but break the defense again.

Can’t believe it’s true, but after repeated confirmation,

She really accepted this “huge surprise” in front of her!

Pulled out a tissue and wiped the corners of his eyes

Yang Mi raised her head and looked at Lin Fei:

“Lin Fei, do you remember the gambling agreement we signed?”

“Gambling agreement?”

Hearing what Yang Mi said, Lin Fei nodded:

“Remember, Sister Honey, what are you doing all of a sudden?”

Many celebrities, seemingly glamorous, are in fact just tool people in brokerage companies.

Only by truly coming out of a brokerage can you have absolute autonomy.

Yang Mi, after leaving the brokerage company, single-handedly founded Jiahang Studio

Although he is very famous, when he really works alone, he knows how bad this bowl of rice in the entertainment industry is!

In order to seek resources, Boss Yang signed a gambling agreement with Shangshi Pictures.

In the agreement, Shangshi Film will provide resources and related services such as work distribution for Jiahang Studio

Instead, Jiahang Studio needs to generate profits of at least 300 million yuan after tax within three years, otherwise it will have to pay huge compensation to Shangshi Pictures.

In order to achieve this goal, Boss Yang could only force himself and desperately lead Jiaxing to complete this goal.

On her emaciated shoulders, how much pressure she had endured, only the people of Jiaxing and herself knew best.

I don’t know if I can achieve this goal within the agreed time, but I have to work hard.

Now, the unexpected happened

Boss Yang never dreamed that she had already earned so much money just over half a year.

440 million yuan, of which 80 million has to be returned to others, but subtracting this 80 million, there is still 360 million yuan left.

This number has far exceeded the amount agreed in the original gambling agreement, right?

Although his eyes were still a little red, Boss Yang’s voice had gradually begun to return to calm

“Lin Fei, when I signed the gambling agreement with Shang Shi, I didn’t know if I could lead Jiaxing to accomplish this goal.”

“But I know that I have no choice, and since I chose to go it alone, I have to force myself.”

“But I didn’t expect that this thing of surprise would come so quickly!”

“Anyway, I… I’m here to say thank you! ”

“Thank you! It has been with me for so many years! ”

“Thank you, for all these years, you have been doing your best to help me!”

Boss Yang will show this state, presumably because of his sincerity

Lin Fei smiled slightly, and couldn’t help but reach out and pinch her little pink face:

“Well, with the friendship between the two of us, do you still need to say this?”

“However, Sister Honey, you must clearly distinguish that this money is not earned by Jiaxing, but by us as individuals.”

“Strictly speaking, we have not completed this gambling agreement.”

To speculate on futures, you use a personal account.

Not to mention that you have earned 400 million, you have earned 400 billion, and the gambling agreement signed with Shang Shi is not completed.

After all, this gambling agreement was signed by Shang Shi and Jiaxing.

It is necessary for Jiahang to generate a net profit of more than 300 million yuan within 3 years.

But you have to say that having this money in Yang Mi’s hands will not help, and it will definitely be impossible.

In addition to the part of repaying the debt, the remaining more than three hundred million, she can completely inject money into the studio as the boss.

When Jiahang has money, he can sign more artists and invest more in movies and TV series.

Before the studio’s account was only 780 million, Boss Yang was worried about everything, for fear that he would lose money

Now, it’s a completely different story.

With the money, she can continue to sing with Jiaxing boldly.

And all this was brought to her by Lin Fei.

To say not to be moved, it is completely impossible,

So at the moment, even if he saw that this guy was rubbing his own oil, Yang Mi only blushed, but did not make any protests.

“Lin Fei, now that the money has arrived, I can lead Jiaxing to move forward.”

“You wait for me a little, I’ll give the money from investing in the film to the road guide and their crew first.”

“Then all the money I borrowed before will be repaid first.”

Just when Yang Mi was about to send money to the crew

Lin Fei suddenly spoke:

“Sister Honey, the crew needs 70 million over there!”

“It takes 80 million to pay back!”

“In this way, you have about 290 million left in your account, how do you plan to use this money?”

Hearing Lin Fei’s inquiry, Yang Mi thought about it and spoke:

“Of this 290 million, I am ready to transfer half of it to Jiahang’s account.”

“As for the remaining half, I’m ready to transfer it to you!”

“Lin Fei, don’t rush to refuse first!

“You helped me earn so much money, if I take it all, I will have a bad conscience.”

“So, you have to take the money anyway.”

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