Chapter 54 Yang Da flickered online, and the road guide was flickered and lame!!

After ‘flirting’ with Lin Fei for a while, Boss Yang ran to the side to work, and Lin Fei took advantage of this free time to evaluate [motorcycle’s bicycle] again.

【Investment project: motorcycle sharing bicycle (urban service)】

【Profit cycle: 20 days】

【Project return rate: 400%】

Seeing this rate of return, Lin Fei instantly found that his judgment was not wrong.

This should be the rate of return for motorcycles when they accept the next round of financing.

The project is indeed burning money, but the speed of this financing is also really fast, and the second round of financing will be opened in 20 days, right?

Lin Fei also wanted to take a good look at how much this motorcycle could grow in the end, all, no matter how many rounds of financing it had to follow, before the return rate was not lower than 100%1, he was determined!

Just as Lin Fei was thinking about some questions about [motorcycle bicycle], suddenly, Boss Yang, who was dealing with work on the side, spoke: “Lin Fei, last night, the road guide called me again. ”

“Road guide?”

Hearing this, Lin Fei instantly raised his head: “Are you looking for money again?” ”

Boss Yang smiled helplessly: “Do you still need to say this?” ”

“Can he do anything other than call me for money?”

“This time, we invested in rice balls with a high profile, and the movement in the circle was quite large!”

“Although the road guide is a little on the street, but such a big thing, it is normal for him to hear about it.”

“You don’t even know, yesterday I just picked up the phone and heard him crying on the phone!”

“That voice is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who hear it.”

Hearing what Boss Yang said, Lin Fei couldn’t help but smile, Director Lu always thought that Boss Yang was really difficult, so he gritted his teeth and insisted until now, as a result, now it’s good!

Everything is exposed, and the mentality of the road guide does not explode, which is not normal.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei asked with some curiosity: “Then how did you answer Lu Dao?” ”

Boss Yang blinked his beautiful big eyes and spoke, “What else can I say?” ”

“It must have used Shang Shi’s side as an excuse to appease Lu Dao.”

“Speaking of which, Su Youwei also inadvertently helped us with that dog thing.”

“Otherwise, I really have a headache how to treat the road guide here.”

“However, there was a sentence from the road guide yesterday that reminded me.”

“When things are put there, it is always one thing, and it will definitely not work if it is not solved.”

“We really can’t leave the guide idle on the crew’s side indefinitely, right?”

“What do you think?”

Lin Fei understood the meaning of Boss Yang’s words.

I didn’t call Director Lu before because she and Lin Fei needed to use this money for a more profitable business, so compared to this matter, the daily consumption of the crew was nothing at all.

But now, what Boss Yang said is also right, if it is delayed for a while, it cannot be delayed for a lifetime!

A week consumes hundreds of thousands, maybe it’s nothing, but what about ten weeks?

What about a hundred weeks?

In the long run, this is not a small amount.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Fei raised his head and looked at Boss Yang: “You mean, let’s free up some funds and let the road guide shoot the movie first?” ”

Hearing this, Boss Yang quickly shook his head: “That’s not, you can make a few bucks by making movies.” ”

“We are people who do great things, we can’t spend time on this!”

“You have to put your money to good use.”

I have to say that Boss Yang’s current ‘appetite’ and ‘vision’ have been nurtured by Lin Fei.

Making movies is very profitable, and making TV series is also very profitable, but compared with the income these days, movies and TV series can be flashed away.

Tens of millions of thrown in, you have to wait a year and a half to generate income, this is simply a waste of time and life, okay?

With that effort, it’s better to follow Lin Fei to the stock market for a wave.

After understanding all of Boss Yang’s thoughts, Lin Fei roughly knew what she wanted to express, and in the next second, he couldn’t help but smile and said, “I understand what you mean.” ”

“That is to say, the kind of pair that wants to arrange something for the road guide to do without wasting money!”

Hearing this, Boss Yang nodded: “That’s right, that’s what I thought!” ”

“It’s just that this time and a half, I really haven’t thought about how to arrange the road guide.”

“Lin Fei, do you have any suggestions over there?”

Soon, Lin Fei began to think seriously, and after about half a minute, he finally spoke: “Sister Mi, I do have a pretty good idea about this matter.” ”

“If I’m not mistaken, when Lu Dao went to college, he seemed to study marketing, right?”

Boss Yang nodded: “Yes, I have also heard about this matter. ”

“When Lu Dao first went to college, he studied marketing, and then after a year of study, he dropped out of the college entrance examination to play drama.”

“But, this is good, why do you say this?”

Seeing Boss Yang’s doubtful eyes, Lin Fei smiled and said, “Honey sister, look!” ”

“At present, the development of this motorcycle is getting better and better.”

“It’s getting bigger.”

“Next, after the A round of financing for motorcycles, the proportion of shares held by the two of us has exceeded 70%!”

“But now a problem has come to the fore, we don’t have people to put in the motorcycle company.”

“You say, how about we arrange the road guide for the time being?”

“Usually you can supervise motorcycles instead of us,”

“At the critical moment, he came from a marketing background, and he can also help promote motorcycles.”

“The more I think about it, the more I feel that it works.”

“It’s also a good use, don’t you think?”

Hearing Lin Fei’s words, Boss Yang’s whole person fell into a petrified state, at this moment, she couldn’t believe her ears, in order not to let the road guide ‘idle’ there, he actually planned to arrange the road guide to the motorcycle’s bicycle?

I’m going, this idea, is it serious?

Although it has been preaching the street for many years, but the road guide is more or less a director, you let the family do this kind of thing, can people be happy?

Thinking of this, Boss Yang couldn’t help it instantly: “Your suggestion is very nice.” ”

“But I’m afraid that the Lu guide will not agree.”

“People signed a contract with us Jiaxing to come to film, and they wanted to be ashamed of their past.”

“It’s not for bike-sharing.”

“I’m afraid that before I say this, the road guide will be able to come to us with a knife and trouble us.”

“No, let’s change the way!”

Lin Fei took a sip of tea and said helplessly: “Sister Honey, do you think there is any other way besides this method?” ”

“Right now, our channel is stuck by Shangshi,”

“There are only 2 choices, either put the road guide there and raise it, or arrange for him to do something else first.”

“Other than that, there is simply no third option.”

“Of course, it’s up to you to decide exactly how to do it.”

What Lin Fei said was ‘truth’, and Boss Yang naturally understood.

Indeed, what he said makes sense, there are only 2 ways to go at the moment, either let the road guide be idle or do something else.

Boss Yang can also be regarded as an ‘old capitalist’, and after a little measurement, he quickly made a decision in his heart: “Lin Fei, I thought about it just now, what you said is not unreasonable. ”

“Director Lu is idle in the crew every day, don’t eat fat when you turn back.”

“So let him go to the motorcycle side to help.”

“It’s just specific, how do you think I should tell him about this so that he will not resist so much?”

Seeing that Boss Yang was moved, Lin Fei smiled and said, “In the beginning, how did you ask Lu to leave the mountain, how to do it now!” ”

“Do you still need me to teach this?”

How do you ask the road to exit the mountain?

Hearing this, Boss Yang instantly realized, and in the next second, she said with a smile: “I know, I’ll call Director Lu!” ”

“Share the good news with him!”

Boss Yang was very efficient in doing things, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Lu Dao: “Hey, Lu Dao, we are really difficult at this time.” ”

“Shang Shi’s side really did things too well.”

“I don’t even know if I can keep going.”

“I don’t understand, I just said that I didn’t take their play, why did they make such a big battle against me?”

“Director Lu, I, Boss Yang, really bitter in my heart!!”

Boss Yang really deserves to be a professional actor, and the ‘sense of grievance’ oppressed by Shang Shi’s large company is vividly performed by her at this moment!

On the other end of the phone, after receiving Boss Yang’s call, the whole person began to feel numb, and in the next second, he said a little cautiously: “President Yang, I already knew about this yesterday…”

“So I… I didn’t call you today to urge you for money. ”

Boss Yang sighed faintly: “It’s not a matter of urging money, even if you urge it, I don’t have it!” ”

“Actually, when I call you, I actually want to find a guide to complain to you.”

“After all, we are all people in a difficult situation right now!”

“Director Lu, you said, we all just want to prove ourselves, why do others have to force us so much?”

It may be infected by Boss Yang’s emotions, listening to this, Lu Dao also began to become sad: “No way, this is the reality!” ”

“When you are hot, others chase you and hold you, and go around fawning over you.”

“When you can’t do it, immediately turn your face and don’t recognize people!”

“Especially in our entertainment industry, this is even more vivid!”

“Mr. Yang, I probably know what you mean by making this call.”

“Don’t worry, although I want to prove myself, but right now that you are really in trouble, I won’t really force you!”

“When your situation really improves completely, I will seriously plan for [baby]”

“Back to my crew, let’s also communicate, some irrelevant people, let’s dismiss them first.”

“Can I save you a little, yes, can you?”

Boss Yang sighed helplessly: “On the crew’s side, in fact, it can’t save much.” ”

“Lu Guide, I won’t hide from you.”

“Actually, I called this time, I have other requests.”

Hearing this, Director Lu suddenly had a very bad premonition: “President Yang, shouldn’t you be planning to disband the crew?” ”

“I don’t agree with this matter, you can say anything else!”

Director Lu is hoping that this drama will turn over the battle, in addition to Boss Yang looking for him to film, if he misses this opportunity, can he find others to invest in him?

So right now, before Boss Yang finished speaking, the guide on the other end of the phone was instantly anxious!

Seeing that Director Lu seemed to have misunderstood something, Boss Yang hurriedly explained in the next second.

“Lu Guide, you misunderstood!”

“I didn’t have the idea of terminating the crew.”

“This contract is in black and white, am I the kind of person who will break the contract?”

“Actually, that’s the situation.”

“Not long ago, I made an investment.”

“Motorcycle, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it?”

“This time, I want to ask you to free your hand for a while… Come to the motorcycle side and help me do something…”

Boss Yang on the phone, told Director Lu about some specific 3.1 situations, and Director Lu, after listening to Boss Yang’s words, lay in the groove, and his whole person was instantly stupid, “President Yang, oh… What did you just say? ”

“Let me go to the motorcycle side to help?”

“Supervise the business and run the market in an instant?”

“No, Mr. Yang, I’m a director!”

“Although I did study marketing for a year when I was in college, the little things I learned have long been returned to the teacher as they were.”

“If you ask me to volunteer to film for something, I will definitely have no problem with that.”

“But this…”

Before Director Lu finished speaking, Boss Yang hurriedly said, “Director Lu, don’t be presumptuous!” ”

“For your ability, I trust it from the bottom of my heart!”

“In fact, it’s not too much trouble, you can even make a movie, and you can’t supervise a company?”

“The company and the crew are actually similar, so you just treat all the people who ride motorcycles as actors?”

“What you have to do now is to supervise a step of urban workplace investment drama and make it come out smoothly!”

“If the motorcycle can get up, we Jiaxing will not have to be afraid of the business world.”

“Don’t you want to join forces with us and make Shang Shi suffer a lot?”

“And I’m here, and I can make a promise to you!”

“Once you’ve earned money on your bike, you’ll double the money you have invested in the movie!”

“What do you think??”

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