Chapter 59 The scale of 10 billion, win-win cooperation!!

Generally speaking, after accepting the A round of financing, a company will not open the B round of financing so quickly, the main reason is that the money raised by the enterprise will not be spent for a while, and the investor’s side also wants to see the specific market response of the enterprise after receiving the financing.

However, if there are surprises, the situation becomes different.

For example, once the company receiving financing has been widely recognized by the market and has good development potential and trend, then it is possible to open the B round of financing as soon as possible after opening the A round of financing, although there are not many, but this kind of thing is not unique, but at this moment, Lin Fei is still a little shocked by the idea generated by the world’s investment.

After the A round of financing, opening the B round of financing as soon as possible is rare in the market, but it cannot be said to be unique, but after the A round is completed, the B round of financing is immediately opened, which is really rare.

From these words spoken by Shen Huajun, Lin Fei sensitively captured several messages:

First: the world’s investors are very optimistic about the growth potential of motorcycles.

Otherwise, they will not give a recommendation to start a series B financing immediately.

Two: The reason why Tianxia Investment can’t wait to promote this matter, it is estimated that they also hope to break through the bottleneck of development, otherwise, they can continue to watch a wave of motorcycles, and then enter when they are really sure.

These investors, indeed, are not idle people, and it is indeed quite remarkable that they can have such great courage.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn’t help but ask a question: “Motorcycle’s bicycle, it’s not impossible to start the B round of financing immediately.” ”

“But I still want to ask, what is the purpose of your world investment?”

Hearing Lin Fei’s inquiry, Shen Huajun also smiled slightly, and told Lin Fei some of the situation of their investment in the world: “Mr. Lin, although we don’t have much time to contact, I personally feel that Mr. Lin and I still have quite an eye.” ”

“Since you have already asked this question, then I will not hide it from you, and directly open the skylight with you and say bright words.”

“Our world’s investment is indeed quite large in China.”

“But we still have a big gap from the top group of investment banks.”

“Today, we have also encountered some development bottlenecks.”

“If you don’t make a breakthrough as soon as possible, it will be like sailing against the tide, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.”

“If we want to compete with so many colleagues, in the case of strength not as good as others, we can only pay attention to three words, fast, accurate, ruthless!”

“Otherwise, we wouldn’t have come here and proposed with Mr. Lin to let Mo’s bicycle start the second round of financing as soon as possible.”

Tianxia Investment is a large investment bank with a market value of hundreds of billions of yuan, which seems to be not small, but compared with Hua Bank, Penguin, Sequoia and other investment institutions with assets of trillions, there is still a certain gap.

Throughout the domestic investment community in recent years, there have indeed been many good investment projects, but the financiers have always been so few, which is nothing more than Huayin Sequoia and a few of them in circles.

Competing with other investment banks under the same conditions, Tianxia Investment does not occupy any advantage, so in order to accelerate their own development, they can only choose to go the other way and win in alternative ways.

For example, if others are still in the wait-and-see stage, they may start in advance, and for example, if the risk rate assessed by others is less than 30%, they will invest, and the world investment, which may assess a risk level below 50%, will directly choose to shoot!

After understanding this matter, Lin Fei’s approach to investing in the world instantly felt not strange.

It turns out that what they want to do now is to take the lead, even if they increase the investment risk level by a few times, they will not hesitate?……

Mo’s bicycle has now begun to take shape, just accepted a round of financing of it, has officially entered the next stage of development, in this new stage of development, motorcycle bicycles are equivalent to just starting, some investment institutions, in fact, have already eyed it, just waiting for it to take a few more steps to see, and then consider whether to take action on it.

And this matter for Tianxia Investment, they really can’t afford to wait, if let the motorcycle bike take a few more steps, attract other investment banks, everyone is like a big shark flock, by that time, Tianxia Investment really wants to squeeze in.

So the best thing to do is not to wait for motorcycles to take this first step, they will start first.

The simple description is a word, I don’t need to continue to wait and see you, you directly accept my financing, I will take you to the B grade market to develop, let you directly take another step.

This is the so-called ‘risk-taking’ spirit in the investment industry!

Seeing that Lin Fei was silent, Shen Huajun thought about it and said something else.

“Mr. Lin, do you have an idea?”

“For example, no matter how many rounds of motorcycle financing are you going to follow?”

Hearing this, Lin Fei instantly raised his head and looked at Shen Huajun: “Did President Shen judge this by himself?” ”

Shen Huajun nodded: “Actually, it is not surprising that President Lin has this kind of thought. ”

“After all, the angel wheel and A wheel of the motorcycle bicycle, you directly invested money into it.”

“In the future, it is not impossible to continue to invest money.”

“After all, investment does not have to be done by investment banks, but all individuals and enterprises with money can enter this industry at any time.”

“Now, aren’t even the banks starting to invest?”

“Next, the point I want to tell you to Mr. Lin is that Mr. Lin’s idea is very good, but in terms of details, it really needs to be improved.”

“Keep following the bike, it’s no problem!”

“However, it is also better to allow capital to enter appropriately.”

“Mr. Lin, you and Mr. Yang were in the entertainment industry before.”

“Although the circles are different, there are many truths, and the principles are the same!”

“What I mean by these words, I think you should be able to understand.”

What Shen Huajun said was very truthful, and Lin Fei also thoroughly understood his hint.

That is, if there is really any good project that can make a lot of money, don’t think about playing alone, proper cooperation will be more conducive to development.

Yes, this truth is not only applicable in the investment industry, but also in the entertainment industry.

It’s just that whether to do this or not, Lin Fei feels that he should still evaluate it well!

Whether to do it yourself or play together may seem like a simple multiple-choice question, but behind it, there are really many things hidden.

Just like investing in movies and TV series, you can often see that behind a big production, there will be several or even a dozen investors, why will find so many people to invest, not that people alone can not afford to invest, but, some things are best taken out to share together, so that someone can help you fight disasters together!

As Shen Huajun said just now, this truth is not only applicable in the entertainment industry, but also in the investment circle.

Accepting financing from an investment bank does not just mean that you have divided the profits to others, but also that others have helped you share a lot of unnecessary risks and troubles.

According to the current development trend of motorcycles, it will only get better and better, at this time, it is only worth about 100 million, it may not attract the covetousness of others, but what about when it grows to 1000 million, or even 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

It is guaranteed that there will be many cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods who will not be able to sit still.

Just this, it is only external, internally, the self-development of motorcycles will also encounter many troubles in all aspects.

For example, to open up the market, these need someone to talk, to communicate, to speak.

And behind you, once you have big capital to help you back, do you have more confidence when you talk and do things?

People who only value their own interests can’t go far anywhere, such as Huayin, Sequoia, which have a market value of trillions, aren’t they also formed by the integration of several investment institutions?

Now, Shen Huajun seems to have said so much, but in the final analysis, he finally wants to express it to himself, only four words.

“Win-win cooperation”!

That’s what he’s really trying to say at the moment.

Seeing Lin Fei pondering, Shen Huajun continued to speak: “Although we invest in the world, our comprehensive strength is not as good as Huayin Sequoia,”

“But we are definitely not something that others can easily handle.”

“If Mr. Lin, your side, is willing to accept our capital injection, our world investment can make a guarantee, and we will definitely do our best to help motorcycles develop.”

“Let’s not talk about other things, let’s just talk about market development, and the people who invest in our world will talk about it, the effect will definitely be much better than yours, right?”

“So, Mr. Lin, please be sure to seriously consider our proposal…”

Mo’s shared bicycle project belongs to the urban service category, since it is an urban service project, it is impossible to avoid negotiating more than ten details with ZF.

Zheng Xiong and a few of them, to put it bluntly, are just college students who have just graduated, do you expect them to deal with some old fritters?

But once the people from the investment bank behind it come forward, the effect and power immediately become different.

Accepting foreign financing is indeed more beneficial than disadvantageous, and Lin Fei has to admit that what Shen Huajun said is right.

It doesn’t matter if you make less money, the most important thing is peace of mind, in fact, what Shen Huajun doesn’t know is that even if he doesn’t come to this trip, in the next few rounds of financing of motorcycles, he will also choose to accept investment bank financing, but at that time, I don’t know if I choose to invest in the world.

Why Lin Fei wants to open the A round of financing of motorcycles alone is to prevent the equity in his hands from being diluted, so as to expand his equity and bring higher returns to himself.

B round, in fact, he can also enjoy it exclusively, but it does not necessarily have to be the people who invest in the world, now they really put the word sincerity on their faces, as Shen Huajun said, this is a win-win situation, the chat is already so pleasant, the other party has also said so many heart-wrenching words to himself, there is no need to be so indecisive.

After pondering for a full 2 minutes, Lin Fei suddenly raised his head and looked at Shen Huajun: “Mr. Shen, our motorcycle can accept the financing of the world’s investment.” ”

“But let me ask first, what are your financing requirements?”

Seeing that Lin Fei went straight to the subject, Shen Huajun pondered for a moment and spoke directly.

“Mr. Lin, I don’t like to be like a vegetable market, so I have to bargain for everything.”

“Let me just talk about my bottom line.”

“In the B round of financing, we can invest 100 million yuan, but we want no less than 45% of the shares of motorcycles.”

Before the A round of financing, the bicycle market value of motorcycles was 50 million, but with Lin Fei completing the A round of financing for it, the bicycle market value of motorcycles is 100 million

Tianxia Investment is willing to give 100 million, to 45% of the shares, this price is not only

It’s not low, and it’s fair.

But in the next second, Lin Fei suddenly said something that caught Shen Huajunhe off guard: “President Shen, I still like this adventurous spirit that you invest in the world.” ”

“Since you all already have so much courage, why don’t we just order it and play a big one at once?”

“The world invests and injects 185 million yuan into motorcycles! I’ll give you 45% of the shares! ”

“Similarly, my side also injected 500 million yuan into motorcycles, how?? As soon as these words came out, the voice in the conference room immediately became silent, as if even a needle dropped on the ground could be heard. ”

Boss Yang, who had been sitting next to Lin Fei, obviously noticed that even those colleagues from Tianxia Investment behind Shen Huajun had begun to become stunned, why did everyone react so much?

It was because everyone was really shocked by Lin Fei’s amazing proposal at this moment.

“You and me, inject 500 million at the same time?”

“Give us 45% of the shares?”

After Shen Huajun’s brief loss of concentration, his eyes instantly froze: “President Lin, what you mean, I seem to understand!” ”

“Are you trying to say that we will directly skip the B round of financing and directly open the C round of financing?”

Even though everyone in the conference room was looking at him with shocked eyes, Lin Fei still kept the clouds light and breezy, and in the next second, he looked calm and said, “That’s right, that’s what I thought.” ”

“Since you all dare to play big in the world!”

“Why wouldn’t I dare?”

“Directly skip the B round of financing and open the C round!”

“I don’t know Mr. Shen, you invest in the world, dare to take this plate?”

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