Chapter 79 Negative and negative, can definitely yellow them!!

The next day, at five o’clock in the afternoon, Boss Yang invited Sister Qing to the restaurant, and just after meeting, she told Sister Qing the ‘idea’ that Lin Fei thought of yesterday.

After listening, Sister Qing was also confused in an instant, and she looked at Lin Fei in disbelief: “Lin Fei, what the hell is your idea!?” ”

“How many popular traffic students are recommended to the [Ancient Sword and Qitan] crew?”

“Are you sure you’re not holding them, you’re stepping on them?”

“How do I feel, why is your idea so unreliable?”

“You shouldn’t have been bought by Shang Shi, right?”

“How could you come up with such an idea?”

Seeing Sister Qing’s confused eyes, Boss Yang also smiled with tears and laughter: “Sister Qing, don’t say it’s you!” ”

“Yesterday, when I first learned about this, I was dumbfounded.”

“I think, regardless of the acting skills, but these people at least have okay traffic!”

“It’s really a fortress into the [Ancient Sword and Qitan] crew, if you don’t make it even more popular!”

“But guess, what did Lin Fei tell me?”

“He said to me, what is extreme must be reversed, what positive is negative!”

“I don’t even know what to say.”

Hearing Boss Yang’s complaint, Sister Qing couldn’t help but laugh: “Then you still follow him around?” ”

“There is no way, Lin Fei feels that this method is reliable, so I can only go with him.”

Hearing the conversation between Boss Yang and Sister Qing, Fat Di couldn’t help but interject: “Sister Qing, I think that my master’s idea is very good!” ”

“You don’t know, one of these traffic students recommended by him has appeared in the play, and I can’t stand it!”

“And now, pile them all together, let alone officially watch the show!”

“Just thinking about it, I’m going to get goosebumps all over my body.”

Seeing Fat Di’s ‘scared’ look, Sister Qing couldn’t help but look at Lin Fei: “Lin Fei, I honestly ask you now!” ”

“Do you really think this idea is reliable?”

Lin Fei nodded: “Sister Qing, I just deceive anyone, and I won’t lie to you!” ”

“Look, with our current relationship between Jiahang and Shang Shi, how can we possibly help them?”

“The reason for this idea is to sneak them in private.”

“Actually, I don’t hide from you, yesterday I did think about whether to recommend a few box office poisons to the [Ancient Sword and Qitan] crew!”

“But then I think about it, the people of the Shang world are not fools.”

“If you replace these box office poisons with popular traffic students, maybe with your ability, you can arrange this.”

“Sister Qing, now I want to ask you, is this idea I came up with, is it highly feasible?”

Hearing Lin Fei’s inquiry, Sister Qing also fell into deep thought, and after ten seconds, she raised her head and spoke, “Just like you just said!” ”

“If it is to arrange box office poison to Shang Shi, unless their heads are kicked by a donkey, they will never accept this kind of person.”

“But if you change it to a traffic student, there is some room for maneuver in this matter.”

“If I really use my strength, it won’t be a big problem.”

“It’s just… It’s just…”

“How to say, I’m still a little worried that this matter is not very reliable!”

“After all, how can anyone recommend a popular boy to his nemesis?”

“In case [Ancient Sword Qitan] becomes even more popular… Aren’t we going to be angry to death? ”

Sister Qing will feel unreliable, which is also normal.

After all, those few popular little students are so popular, each of them represents the box office and attention, stuffing them all together, even if [Ancient Sword Qitan] was originally a bad drama, it can’t be able to instantly become popular, and now, expect them to make this drama yellow? It feels like a bit unlikely.

It’s just that with Lin Fei’s character, it will help Shang Shi develop, that is absolutely impossible, the more I think about it, the more Sister Qing feels that her head is buzzing, although the entertainment industry is very big, there are all kinds of strange things, but this kind of ‘rare thing’ she Zhao Qing is really the first time to see.

In fact, don’t say Zhao Qing, originally Lin Fei himself felt that this matter was unreliable.

However, the data evaluated by the system will definitely not go wrong! That’s why he made this decision steadfastly.

“Sister Qing, I know what you are worried about!”

“But don’t worry, this kind of thing will never happen!”

“As long as you arrange these traffic students to the [Ancient Sword and Qitan] crew, I guarantee that they will definitely be cold!”

Sister Qing really doesn’t know where Lin Fei’s honey confidence comes from, forget it, since he feels that this matter is reliable, then it doesn’t hurt to help him out.

Thinking of this, after pondering for a moment, Sister Qing also spoke directly: “Okay!” ”

“Since you think this is reliable!”

“Then this favor, I’ll help!”

“Let Lu Han, Xiao Zhan, Wang Erbo and the three of them, all participate in [Ancient Sword Qitan], right?”

“Okay, I’ll handle this for him in the next two days!”

Seeing that Sister Qing agreed, a smile instantly appeared on Lin Fei’s face, “Sister Qing, then this matter, please!” ”


Sister Qing’s work efficiency is very high, after making a promise to Lin Fei, she left Shanghai on the same day and flew to Sun Media, a popular first-line traffic student, Lu Han’s brokerage company, Sister Qing has a wide range of contacts, and she and Sun Yongle, the number one of Sun Media, are old friends.

So she came directly to the headquarters of Sun Media.

“Sister Qing, why are you free to come to me as a guest?”

Looking at Sun Yongle, Sister Qing smiled: “Why do I come to your seat, don’t always be unwelcome?” ”

“How can you, can you come to my seat, our Sun Media is Pengxing Shenghui, okay?”

Sun Yongle smiled and poured a cup of tea for Sister Qing, and then he couldn’t help but speak: “Sister Qing, is Shang Shi very chaotic now?” ”

Hearing Sun Yongle’s inquiry, Sister Qing nodded helplessly: “It’s not just chaotic, it’s just a mess, okay?” ”

“From top to bottom, it’s all going on a big shuffle.”

“Several first-line and second-line have been completely blocked.”

“I don’t know where the future will go, what will happen!”

“But I guess even if I want to turn over, I’ll have to go through it for a long time.”

Hearing Sister Qing’s emotion, Sun Yongle smiled: “This time in our entertainment industry, it can be regarded as a big earthquake.” ”

“I didn’t expect that Yang Mi would really die with Shang Shi.”

“When I first learned about it, I was really scared.”

“I think even none of you Shang Shi people expected that the Shang Shi of Nuoda would be planted in the hands of a Yang Mi, right!?”

Hearing this, Sister Qing shook her head slightly: “Actually, it can’t be said that they were planted in Yang Mi’s hands!” ”

“In the final analysis, if it weren’t for those high-level people in the Shang World who tossed out so many illegal things themselves, would they have ended up like this?”

“You can’t live by yourself, that’s what you say!”

“Lawlessness, even if Yang Mi does not expose them this time, I am afraid that others will be exposed in the future.”

For this topic, it is not good to talk too deeply, after all, Sister Qing is still a person from the Shang world, so after a few small talks, Sun Yongle changed the topic, and the next second, he asked: “Sister Qing, I remember that you and Yang Mi have always had a good relationship.” ”

“Now people in the circle are spreading the word that Yang Mi has fallen into the big man in the investment world.”

“Is this true?”

“Shorting Shangshi stocks is the first to enter the market for those who invest in the world.”

“Should it be, the person next to her will be related to this world investment, right?”

Hearing Sun Yongle’s inquiry, Sister Qing smiled helplessly: “Forget about other people’s gossip, Mr. Sun, why did you start gossiping like this?” ”

“Forget it, since you asked, I’ll tell you some of the things I know.”

“Those gossip, it’s all nonsense!”

“Yang Mi, if she really became a big man in the investment world, people would watch her being bullied by Shang Shi? Channel? ”

“If there is a world investment to come forward, Shang Shi guarantees that he will not even dare to put a fart, do you believe it or not?”

Sun Yongle thought about it seriously, and he suddenly felt that Sister Qing’s words were very reasonable.

If Boss Yang is really someone behind him, Shang Shi dares to bully them, the gold owner behind them has already called back as soon as possible, how can he make trouble, and be stuck by people’s card channels for so long?

Seeing that Sun Yongle seemed to want to talk to himself about gossip, Sister Qing also had a little headache and spoke: “President Sun, gossip is this thing, let’s not talk about it.” ”

“Actually, I have something I want to tell you about this time.”

“Right now, our Shang Shi is planning to shoot the matter of [Ancient Sword and Qitan], do you know?”

Sun Yongle nodded: “I know!” ”

“The Internet has now begun to do overwhelming propaganda…”

“Presumably, this is all your Shang Shi behind the push?”

“I guess you Xiao are really anxious.”

“At present, negative public opinion has not been reversed, and the stock market has been played by others!”

“The loss is so big, I want to borrow this drama in a hurry and return to fame later.”

Hearing what Sun Yongle said, Sister Qing also nodded: “Yes, you are right!” ”

“Now the entire business world is all counting on relying on this drama to turn over fiercely!”

“Actually, I came to Mr. Sun this time to ask, do you Sun Media have any ideas to arrange for someone to go to [Ancient Sword and Qitan]?”

Hearing this, Bie Yongle instantly became interested: “Arrange people to the [Ancient Sword and Qitan] crew?” ”

“Really fake?”

“We, Sun Media, can still have this kind of opportunity?”

Regardless of Shang Shi’s current situation, at least for the drama [Ancient Sword and Qitan], Sun Yongle is still quite interested.

The main thing is that this drama has not officially started filming, the popularity has already risen, plus there is the original work as the basis, presumably no matter what, the ratings of this drama will not be too bad, and at present, Shang Shi has become miserable like this, all counting on relying on this drama to complete a turnover!

Therefore, in the later stage of the Shang Shi, more and more publicity for this drama will definitely increase!

This kind of crew, which is in the warm-up stage and already has a tendency to fire, has always been very popular in the entertainment industry!

It’s just that it doesn’t have a certain relationship, it’s difficult to stuff people in, so Sun Yongle will show a surprised look at this time.

And now, Sister Qing said this sentence to herself, could it be that Shang Shi took a fancy to an artist under his Sun Media?

Seeing Sun Yongle’s curious expression, Sister Qing smiled and said, “President Sun, we are all old friends.” ”

“In that case, I will hide it with you.”

“The person I fancy is Lu Han!”

“If you want, I can help lobby with the crew after I go back!”

“The male one has been booked in advance, but the male second, the male third, I feel quite promising.”

“Of course, I just said that it is quite promising, whether it can be done specifically, I can’t give you an accurate reply yet.”

“So for now, I’m still saying what I just said.”

“I don’t know what Mr. Sun’s attitude is on your side?”

Sister Qing’s words, this has just been said, Sun Yongle can’t wait to speak.

“Of course we are willing to have this kind of good thing come to the door!”

“And Lu Hanhe, he just happened to have a gap recently.”

“As long as the [Ancient Sword and Qitan] crew is willing, we can let him rush to the set at any time.”

“…… 3.9……”

Hearing this, Sister Qing was relieved, and in the next second, she said with a smile: “Okay, since that’s the case, then after I return to the Shang world, I will help lobby a hundred.” ”

“Mr. Sun, seeing that you are also quite busy, I am not here, so I will bother you more.”

“I have other places to run, I will take this matter to heart, and when there is specific news later, how about I call you immediately?”

Sun Yongle stood up and nodded with a smile: “Okay, then this matter will trouble you sister Qing!” ”

“If you have something to do this time, I won’t keep you.”

“Next time you come to my guest, please give me a chance to entertain you!”

“Okay, no problem, then I’ll come back to bother President Sun and Sun Yongle again when I have time next time, and after communicating with Sun Yongle, Sister Qing will immediately rush to the next entertainment company.”

In just a few days, she ran Lu Han, Xiao Zhan, Wang Erbo and the brokerage company to which the three belonged.

As Lin Fei had expected, the persuasion operation went very smoothly, and he knew that [Ancient Sword Qitan] was going to catch fire, which agency would be unwilling to stuff its own artists into the crew?

It’s just that at the moment, I just got the brokerage company behind these three popular students!

The real highlight is still Shang Shi’s side!

Sitting on the plane, Sister Qing has been seriously thinking about how to propose to the company in order to smoothly stuff all these three popular students into the crew.

Really no, this matter may still have to find Su You to ‘do a favor’ for that dead fat man.”

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