Chapter 90 In just three months, you can earn 2.4 billion!!

Liu Wei came from a game design background, and after graduation, he and several classmates jointly founded Mi Xianyou Studio.

Relying on Shanghai’s college student support policy, he and his team obtained an interest-free loan of 100,000 yuan, and a small office that was free to use but only had a term of half a year.

After saving money and paying countless hardships, Liu Wei led his team for a year, and finally made the studio’s first game [FlyMe2TheMoon].


The market reputation is quite good, but unfortunately, because it is a small game, Mihayou does not earn much money because of it!

But fortunately, relying on the good reputation of this game, Mi Xianyou Studio was fancyed by a big boss from Hangcheng!

This big boss named Liang Tao directly took out 1 million and injected funds into Mi Xianyou Studio!

With Liang Tao’s investment, Liu Wei instantly ignited their hopes for the future!

They didn’t dare to slack off for a second and immediately began working on the studio’s second game.

History 2 years,

【Honkai Gakuen 1】Born!

Liu Wei and Mi Xianyou, who had high hopes for this game, originally wanted to use it to completely make the name of the studio, but the response and feedback of the market instantly poured cold water on them!

Poor low downloads! There are also few positive ratings!

This game, they are completely devastated! Why did you come to work?

It’s because it’s really poor!

Now, Liu Wei almost can’t even pay his employees’ salaries every month

If it weren’t for him and his partners, working part-time outside to earn money, Mi Xianyou would almost not be able to survive.

Liu Wei also tried to plead with Liang Tao, hoping that he could invest a little more!

It’s a pity that Liang Tao, who didn’t see any hope of return, directly rejected Liu Wei

And said that he may sell his shares in Mi Xianyou in the near future!

If he can, Liu Wei also wants to sell some shares in exchange for some money to support Mi Xianyou!

But where do buyers go?

Over the years, Liang Tao has invested in them! Other than that, no one else could be found.

Looking at the small cart in front of him, Liu Wei flashed a trace of helplessness in his heart, he is now very confused, and he doesn’t know whether his persistence is right or wrong!

But in any case, at least the days in front of you still have to grit your teeth and get through.

Just when Liu Wei finished chatting with the foreman and was about to push the car to continue working, suddenly, his mobile phone rang.

The caller was one of his three partners, a classmate named Chen Feng.

“Old Chen, is there something wrong?”

Liu Wei’s words had just finished speaking, and Chen Feng’s extremely nervous voice came from the phone: “Old Liu, you are now… Where now? ”

“Me? I’m working on the construction site now, what’s wrong? ”

“Why are you so nervous? Did something happen to the studio? ”

Hearing Liu Wei’s inquiry, Chen Feng couldn’t help but swallow his throat: “Old Liu, no matter what you are doing now, hurry up and give me back!” ”

“Our studio has guests!”

“And who is coming, you definitely can’t imagine!”

“I… My mom, I… I still can’t believe it could be true! ”

“You hurry up and get me back, don’t delay for 1 second, got it?? A guest in the studio? ”

Feeling that on the other end of the phone, Chen Feng seemed to be excited and nervous, so Liu Wei asked: “Our broken studio, there are still guests patronizing?” ”


On the phone, Chen Feng’s excited voice soon wore it: “It’s the big star Yang Mi!” ”

“And the big star Fat Di!!”

“How! Old Liu, did you never expect it? ”

Hearing Chen Feng’s excited voice, Liu Wei only felt that the whole person was stunned for a moment,

“Big star Yang Mi?”

“Big star Fat Dee??”

“I said Lao Chen, did you have some spring dream last night!?”

“Still not awake?”

“What are you kidding me about!”

“Why didn’t you say it was Digga Ultraman?”

Seeing that Liu Wei didn’t believe it, Chen Feng was immediately anxious: “I said Lao Liu, can I fool you in this kind of thing?” ”

“You hurry up and get me back, don’t let the family wait for you here, okay?”

“The two big stars came with President Liang!”

“Mr. Liang said that he sold his shares in Mi Xianyou to them.”

“Now I came here to get to know each other, chat with us, and visit our studio by the way!”

“If you don’t come back, we’ll go and tie you up!”


Liu Wei’s mobile phone fell to the ground all of a sudden, and after a few seconds, he was a little flustered and nervous, and quickly picked up the mobile phone; “Old Chen, this… Is all this true? ”

“You wait for me, I’ll be right back!”

“Be sure to entertain your guests!”

After Liu Wei said hello to the contractor at the construction site, he didn’t even change his clothes, and rode back to Mi Xianyou on an electric car non-stop

This is a base for college students to start their own businesses, and Misenyou’s studio is here

The 3 offices, together less than 120 square meters, Liu Wei got off the battery car and trotted directly towards the building where the studio was located!

“Old Liu, why didn’t you come back until now!?”

“I’ve been waiting for you for half a day!”

“Wait, what’s going on with your face, this hand?”

“Don’t tell me, you didn’t even wash your hands, why didn’t you even change your clothes?”

Liu Wei hurriedly said:

“I’ve just finished working from the construction site, where is the time to change clothes!”

“You wait for me, I’ll go wash my hands and face first!”

“So, where are Yang Mi and Fat Di?”

“Is it in the studio?”

Chen Feng nodded: “Sit in the reception room!” ”

“I’ll get you a set of clean clothes, you quickly change them first!”

“Don’t say anything else, after changing your clothes and cleaning up, I quickly came to the Mi Xianyou studio is quite small, said to be a reception room, in fact, it is a small room, there is a sofa, a coffee table, Lin Fei and Fat Di and Boss Yang when they first arrived, even this sofa was full of computers and equipment!”

Chen Feng still took the people from the studio non-stop and cleaned up this place, so that he could barely sit down.

The sofa is not long, and the number of people sitting will seem a little crowded, so Lin Fei gave the sofa to Fat Di and Boss Yang in line with the principle of ladies first, and he and Liang Tao sat on the bench that had just been moved.

“Xiao Chen, hasn’t Xiao Liu come back yet?”

Hearing Liang Tao’s inquiry, Chen Feng hurriedly replied, “President Liang, Liu Wei, he has returned.” ”

“He washes his hands and comes right away!”

Hearing this, Liang Tao didn’t say anything more, but looked at Boss Yang and Lin Fei and spoke: “President Yang, President Lin, this is Mi Xian You!” ”

“Xiao Chen and Xiao Liu, the two of them, are quite capable.”

“After graduating from university, I started this studio from scratch.”

“They also have a partner, named Seinfeld, but he was sick these days and didn’t come to the studio.”

Just as Liang Tao was making an introduction for Lin Fei, Liu Wei, who had changed his clothes, had already walked in…

Sure enough, it’s really Yang Mi and Fat Di!

Seeing the big star that he usually only sees on TV, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, all of a sudden, Liu Wei was really nervous: “Teacher Yang… Fat teacher! ”

“Hello… That one…… That I… I. I’m from Misenyu Studios… Liu Wei! ”

“To meet two teachers here, I… I’m really honored, I…”

Seeing Liu Wei nervous, even stammering when he spoke, Fat Di couldn’t help but roll his eyes cutely: “Mr. Liu, I’m not called Fat Teacher!” ”

“Our age gap is not big, just call me Fat Di!”

“I’m just here as a follower today, you mainly have to talk to my master and my honey sister!”

Boss Yang didn’t hold back, and glared at Fat Di fiercely, this woman, why is she everywhere?

Say less, can’t you hold back?

However, at this time, Boss Yang didn’t care about Fat Di, and in the next second, she directly raised her head and looked at Liu Wei: “Liu always from Mi Xianyou Studio, hello, nice to meet you!” ”

“I’m Yang Mi from Jiaxing Studio!”

“If you don’t mind, just call me President Yang.”

Seeing that Liu Wei was still nervous, Liang Tao was a little speechless: “Xiao Liu, you have already heard about the matter, right?” ”

“That, I sold the shares I held in my hand, Mi Xianyou, to Mr. Lin and Mr. Yang.”

“From today onwards, they will be your Mi Xianyou partners.”

“I came here today to introduce you all to get to know each other!”

“It just so happens that Mr. Yang and they are also interested in visiting the Mixian Tour!”

“Otherwise, will you introduce them to President Yang?”

Liu Wei looked at Liang Tao and hurriedly said, “But… OK! ”

“That, Mr. Yang, then I… Then I will briefly introduce you to our Misenyou studio! ”

“Our studio’s main business is making games, and the market is the mobile market…”

“Simple… To put it simply, it is… It’s just…”

Hearing Liu Wei stammer, Lin Fei was also a little speechless, such an introduction, you introduce to the evening, it is not a big head!

There was no way, Lin Fei could only interrupt Liu Wei: “President Liu, that, about some information about Mi Xianyou, we have actually learned some from President Liang!” ”

“So some unnecessary things, there is no need to introduce them.”

“This trip, we came here to understand the current situation of Mi Xianyou!”

“I heard that the game developed by the studio before has been released?”

“What about the specific response?”

Hearing Lin Fei’s inquiry, Liu Wei was a little embarrassed: “President Lin… We…… The game we developed is called [Honkai Gakuen 1]! ”

“It’s really already on the market, it’s just… It’s just that the response is not too good! ”

“However, we are already working on new games immediately!”

“This time, we will definitely be able to make up for the previous shortcomings and make this game work for the studio!”

“So… So…”

Hearing this, Liang Tao couldn’t help but roll his eyes, he has been on the street for so long, he hasn’t given up, and the resilience of this Mi Xianyou Studio is also strong.

And Lin Fei, after hearing Liu Wei’s words, asked: “What is the name of the new game that is going to be developed?” ”

Liu Wei hurriedly replied, “It’s called [Honkai Academy 2]!” ”

“If Mr. Lin is interested, I can get the design copy for you!”

Lin Fei nodded and spoke, “Then bring the design copywriting to me!” ”

Soon, Liu Wei took the design copy of [Honkai Academy 2] to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei made an assessment,

【Investment Project: Honkaku Gakuen 2 (Game Production)】

【Profit cycle: three months】

【Return on investment: 3000%】

【Invest 8 million to get the maximum benefit! 】 】

Sure enough, the rate of return came from this project!

In three months, with an investment of 8 million, you can earn 30 times, that is, 240 million!

Thinking of this, he asked, “President Liu… How long will it take you to make this game? ”

“Mr. Lin, if you don’t mind, you. You can just call me Xiao Liu. ”

After speaking, Liu Wei spoke a little cautiously: “It took us more than 1 year to make [Honkai Academy 1]!” ”

“And now, with the production of [Honkai Academy 2], we have greatly improved both from the perspective of experience and technology, and some programs can be directly used from the previous ones!”

“So the production time will be greatly reduced!”

“Just give us half a year to make this game come out! Production time half a year? ”

Hearing this, Lin Fei’s brows instantly frowned, the system assessment showed three months, and by Liu Wei, how could it be half a year?

Looking at the dilapidated walls around him, Lin Fei seemed to have guessed something: “Liu Wei, you Mi Xianyou, has it been quite difficult recently?” ”


“President Lin… We have indeed been quite difficult recently, but please rest assured, this little problem, we will definitely be able to overcome, after all, the most difficult period of time, we have survived, this time… This time will definitely be possible! ”

Hearing Liu Wei’s words, Lin Fei was also a little crying and laughing, he didn’t come to listen to the swearing, and in the next second, Lin Fei directly spoke: “Liu Wei, what I actually want to ask is not this!” ”

“What I asked is, is it because there is no money that [Honkai Gakuen 2] is so slow to make?”

“If I say I can put another sum of money into the studio, can you guarantee that the game will come out soon?”

Lin Fei thought of the entry that invested 8 million yuan and could obtain the greatest benefits, and when he heard this, Liu Wei’s eyes instantly flashed with disbelief!

Mr. Lin, what did Mr. Lin just say?

He can, can he invest another sum of money in Mi Xianyou? Isn’t it a dream?

Liu Wei has not tried to raise a round of financing, but no one can look at them at all.

Gradually, he was dead set on the road of financing, but he didn’t expect that now, the peak turned around.

Forced to endure the excitement and excitement in his heart, Liu Wei hurriedly replied: “Mr. Lin, if we can attract investment, then I can guarantee that our Mi Xian Tour can definitely greatly shorten the production time of [Honkai Academy 2]!” ”

“It’s just… Just to do so, it may cost a lot of money! ”

“Mr. Lin, are you really willing to invest in us?”

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