The daily life of the crew is boring and exhausting, with such high-intensity shooting every day.
Meng Feibai not only has to act, but as a director, he also has to coordinate the overall situation. The pressure is greater than others.
At the same time, in China.
Meng Feibai promised Qin Lan the heroine before, “Blame You Are Too Beautiful” was launched, and the girl Chen Yao, Meng Feibai, naturally did not forget, and let her play the role of Lin Xiang.
After all, this girl is calm in reality, but no matter how far away she is, she can still have a top-notch addiction-!
Of course, Meng Feibai doesn’t have time to think about these things. He is now focusing on filming.
Because he was acting as a soldier, Meng Feibai directly shaved his hair.
The other actors also shaved their heads. Since they are soldiers, they were never allowed to shout at me with several layers of thick hairspray.
However, Peng Yuchang hesitated that his hairline was too touching, and he was really good after he shaved his head.
In the first few days of playing with Peng Yuchang, Meng Fei laughed for nothing several times.
It’s rare for Meng Fei to laugh in vain, and the cameraman certainly won’t let it go.
“When he begged me to save his child just now, I was very good at it. He told me that the man was saved, but the family was gone!” Du Jiang sat on the scrapped car and looked ahead sadly.
This scene is a conversation between Xu Hong and Yang Rui after saving the refugees.
That was the conversation that destroyed the atmosphere.
Zhang Yi sighed and said, “Their country has become such a mess. At most we can complete the task, and we can’t do anything else.”
“Peace is precious!” Du Jiang exclaimed.
Zhang Yi turned his head, glanced at him winkingly, and pretended to say casually, “Eh…Xiaohui is also very precious!”
Du Jiang’s expression: “???”
These daily plots belong to the mediator in the tone of the entire war, allowing people to get a little bit of relaxation after the tension of the war.
In the previous life, these mediators were not cut into the feature film due to the space. Meng Feibai sacrificed some relatively long war scenes to squeeze out the time for these mediators.
Because only with the addition of these mediators, these characters can be more like a person, rather than a tool man with a halo.
Because the plot after that was very cruel. Zhuang Yu and Zhang Tiande sacrificed, Lu Chen lost his arm, and Yang Rui was contaminated by nuclear radiation. Meng Feibai planned to keep all these plots.
“Look, you’re holding a gun, how do you react when someone comes behind you, do you have to turn around all of a sudden?”
“And you, how did you act just now? How do you know that there is someone behind you? Does the script remind you that there is someone behind you? You can’t play the result!”
Meng Feibai was on the set, lecturing to Wang Yutian and Jiang Luxia.
One of them plays Shitou and the other plays Tong Li. They are considered a team.
So when the two of them had problems, Meng Feibai packed up and gave lectures together.
Neither of them came from professional actors, so their acting skills are still a little behind Peng Yuchang and Du Jiang.
Not to mention the two actors Zhang Yi and Meng Feibai, they are even more incomparable.
But no matter how rotten the wood is, without the hands-on teaching of a director of Meng Feibai’s level, he will slowly enter the state.
These two are not dead wood. On the contrary, they have pretty good talents, but they just don’t have basic acting training.
During the filming process, Meng Feibai also taught some basics.
Both of them were very grateful to Meng Feibai. If Meng Feibai was not several years younger than them, they both seemed to be apprentices.
In the entertainment industry these days, it is really important for an actor who is not a professional to meet a good director.
Facing a good director, a beginner can benefit a lot even if he just gives a few casual pointers.
Zhang Yi and Hai Qing also acted as acting teachers, teaching the actors of the crew.
. . . . . .
Filming in the desert is very difficult, especially fresh water needs to be transported by air.
What was airlifted was fresh water for drinking. As for taking a bath…
It’s not bad if you can wash your face once a week, but it’s not bad if you can wash your face once a week.
After all, this is a desert. Do you want to take a bath every day in such harsh conditions? With whom is this?Including a few little girls behind the scenes in the crew, they cried to Meng Feibai, but they were all scolded back by Meng Feibai.
Anyway, it’s just two words: “No money.”
He won’t get used to some people’s hypocrisy. No matter how spoiled Meng Feibai is, he doesn’t think that these people can be pampered by him. If he can survive by himself, who else can’t?
Well, Meng Feibai has already forgotten the objective fact that he is already a rough guy.
To say that you have no money is to say that you really have no money. After all, money must be spent wisely.
Props, government troops’ remuneration, medical staff’s remuneration, which one doesn’t cost money?
Especially the medical staff. These medical staff came from China with the most complete equipment, but the cost was one of the largest.
Because in fact, people are injured every day on the production team. After a long time, the environment adapts, and fewer people get sick.
The explosion scene is too dangerous, and someone will be affected if you don’t pay attention.
Zhang Yi ran slowly two days ago because of the blasting scene. He was thrown out and his foot was almost dislocated. The rest of the performance was performed with a limp.
Except for a few special scenes and a few bullet times by Gu Shun, the entire movie was shot on location.
If you want to fry it, it’s really fried.
For example, those chariots were really blown up.
Uh… Of course it is a one-to-one model. The real tank is not to mention expensive, and the Moroccan military will never sell it to the crew to blow it up.
It doesn’t matter how much money you give.
After all, for this place, armaments are much more important than money. Take a chariot and a crew to film a movie, let alone here.
…. . . .
None of the five big hooligans know how to do it, and prodigals are not such a way to lose.
Everyone was shocked when they saw the flying dust and the explosion that soared into the sky.
In the past ten years or so, there has not been a domestic war film that can be produced, especially a modern war film.
“Wolf Warrior 2” is actually more inclined to action movies, and the elements of war have instead become a foil.
And the battle formation of “Operation Red Sea” was the main tone just now.
This movie will tell the world that China can also make its own war movies, and the standard is by no means lower than Hollywood.
In fact, Meng Feibai has never valued Hollywood and Oscars before, because he knows that in Hollywood and the Oscar trophy, stereotypes are more important than hard power.
It is not how good your movie is that can win an award, but whether you fit the stereotype of a beautiful Chinese.
Political correctness, that’s how fucked up it is.
Long Xian is the only one who really broke into Hollywood by relying on his strength and gained a firm foothold as the protagonist.
When other Chinese or even Asians go to Hollywood, they are either supporting roles or buffoons. That place does not rely on strength to speak at all.
That’s why Meng Feibai said, first serve the Huaxia audience well, and then think about rushing out of the country to the world.
If there is a conflict between the two, Meng Feibai will choose the domestic market without hesitation.
ps: Guys, please talk more in the comment area, don’t let the comment area cool down!
pps: In addition, take a look at the top post and click to read it. towel.

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