Chapter 16 Song Yuqi examined: Ye Xuan, not a joker!

Seeing that he was getting darker and darker, Sha Yi's face was like black charcoal, and he only felt that he couldn't argue.

"You're all a bunch of fools!"

Silently said that he pulled a zipper, and Sha Yisuo stopped talking.

O heaven, O earth, destroy it!

He is the great wrongdoer in the history of running men!

Only Ye Xuan, who was sitting in the center, hooked his lips, quite satisfied with the rhythm he carried.

The game has come to the third game, and Song Yuqi has become the king of the new round.

At this time, Zhang Da was the first to raise his watch and said.

"If you are a spade, you should choose those of us who have worked hard for the spades."

Seeing that Zhang Da was so positive, Song Yuqi immediately nodded.

"Then the eldest brother is a knight, and the queen's words will choose Zhou Sheng."

Soon, the three entered the card drawing room together.

King Song Yuqi drew a spade and a joker, Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, as if she had thought of something, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Pursing her lips, she handed out the joker card.

Queen Zhou Sheng drew a red spade and a spade.

Thinking of his identity as spades, after his eyes gurgled back and forth, he decisively chose spades.

In this way, faced with a joker card and a spade card, the chapter as a knight is greatly chosen——

"The knight's choice is, spades."

The spades went further, and the guests were once again surprised.

Zhou Sheng was the first to run out and hurriedly explained.

"I took spades and jokers, I chose spades."

As soon as he said this, Zhang Da who followed him suddenly shook his head like a rattle.

"No way, absolutely no spades! All I got was a spade and a joker! "

Once again, there was a discrepancy between the words of the two!

In other words, someone must be lying!

Seeing that the two of them were lying with a glance and I attacked each other for lying, Song Yuqi, as the king, suddenly showed a thoughtful look.

She obviously sent a joker, if Zhou Sheng sent a red peach...

No matter how Zhang Da chooses, the final answer will never be spades!

Well, there is only one conclusion!

Zhou Sheng is lying!

He must not be a spade!

In this way, Zhou Sheng is either a spade or a joker!

In his heart, Song Yuqi immediately explained the reasoning process of his own talent.

"If the eldest brother didn't lie, Zhou Sheng would have a hundred percent problem. That's how I played my cards just now..."

As soon as the voice came out, the eyes of all the guests fell on Zhou Sheng.

Obviously, Zhou Sheng's identity is only one foot away from being exposed!

Zhou Sheng, Wei Ye!

At the sight cast by everyone, Zhou Sheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva in panic, and his brain suddenly fell into a blank.

He also didn't expect that the cards he casually made up were actually incompatible with Song Yuqi and Zhang Da at the same time!

That's a coincidence, isn't it?!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly interjected.

"Yuqi, you said you got a spade and a joker.

You know that if you finally type Joker, it will add a new member to the Joker camp.

As a spade, why do you play joker, and not spades? "

Ye Xuan did not finish the rest of the words, but everyone had automatically added the second half in their hearts.

Could it be that Yuqi is a joker?!

As soon as Ye Xuan's voice fell, Yang Ying followed and stood up.

"Yes, just now Brother Kai also had no choice, and hit a spade.

You don't have a choice now, why did you hit a joker? "

Zheng Kai, who was named by name, also raised his head and looked at Song Yuqi with a suspicious gaze.

Sensing that multiple pairs of eyes were looking straight at him at the same time, Song Yuqi suddenly circled.

"I just wanted to test them..."

But halfway through the words, Song Yuqi stopped talking.

Because she found that the eyes of everyone looking at her were obviously a look that you must be a joker.


Can't wash it!

At this moment, the whole scene who has a common language with her is probably Shayi, who is quietly drinking yogurt on the side.

It seemed to have noticed Song Yuqi's gaze, and Sha Yi on the side looked at the light red dust, and handed over a bottle of yogurt very intimately.

"Yuqi, drink some milk! Calm your mind! "

Thinking that he still had the mind to drink milk, Song Yuqi obviously started to worry.

At this moment, Director Yao's voice suddenly sounded.

"The chess pieces have come to the magnifying glass, so the king of this round, Yuqi, can choose a player to check the faction he belongs to.

"After the king selects a player, we remove the player's real faction card and give the remaining two faction cards to the king."

"The king can choose any one and know which side the other side is not on."

Can you test people?!

Song Yuqi's beautiful almond eyes blinked.

Cha Zhousheng?!


Zhou Sheng must have a problem!

This opportunity cannot be wasted!

So who to check?!

At this time, Song Yuqi's gaze looked straight at Ye Xuan, who was the first to ask him a question.

If there were no Ye Xuan's question, the rest of the guests would not suspect that they were jokers!

In other words, Ye Xuan may also have a problem!

Rolling her eyes, Song Yuqi quickly made a choice.

"I choose to check Ye Xuan!"

Hearing the voice, Ye Xuan also raised his eyelids.

It seems that Song Yuqi is suspicious of herself.

After calculating in his heart, Ye Xuan still looked at ease on his face, and said slowly.

"Of course, you have no problem testing me, but I am a red spade, and it is a waste for you to test me."

As soon as this posture of retreating into progress came out, Bai Lu on the side also couldn't help but wonder.

"Checking Ye Xuan is indeed a bit of a waste of opportunity. Do you want to check the other, more suspect? "

Saying that, Bai Lu took the scepter in her hand and pointed straight at another flying guest.

"Like Chen Zheyuan, he is very suspicious! Just now, I thought about it according to Joker's thinking. "

As soon as these words came out, Li Chen echoed.

"Chen Zheyuan has always felt that the chessboard is unfair to the joker, and just now he felt that the chess piece route of the joker is more complicated than the camp of spades, is this not the self-exposure of the joker?"

Obviously, Li Chen, who belongs to the same spade force as Ye Xuan, is also trying to dispel Song Yuqi's idea of checking Ye Xuan at the moment.

It seems that he thinks that what the two said makes sense, and Song Yuqi obviously showed a hesitation on his face.

After glancing between Chen Zheyuan and Ye Xuan for a long time, Song Yuqi's eyes crossed with firmness, and finally called out his answer.

"I still choose to check Ye Xuan."

What is Ye Xuan's true identity?!

She must let Ye Xuan's identity be revealed!

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room surged with it.

"I didn't expect it, Ye Xuan, you will also have such a day!"

"Oops, I'm afraid Ye Xuan's identity will be exposed!"

"Let you bring the rhythm, bring the rhythm to bring the trouble!"

"If you draw red spades, you will die directly, and the rest will be either spades or jokers!"

At this moment, the staff stepped forward and handed over two camp cards that excluded Ye Xuan's true identity.

"Ye Xuan is not-"

Song Yuqi already showed a look of victory and casually drew one of them.

Immediately afterwards, she read the final result with a look of amazement.

"Joker card!"


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