Chapter 23 Ye Xuan: I'm just talking about the scene

In the midst of laughter, only Bai Lu's injured world was achieved.

Looking at Shangbai Lu's eyes full of resentment, Ye Xuan only felt that the crisp electronic voice in his mind was particularly pleasant.

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the White Dew Resentment Value Ten Points].

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the White Dew Grudge Value Five Points].

The prompt sounded one after another, and Ye Xuan's eyes couldn't help but light up.

The grievance value has increased by another fifteen points?!

Wouldn't that mean the previous mission....

Sure enough, the next moment the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and rewarding the sound of nature].

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and rewarding the master guitar skill

Two voices sounded in succession, and the corners of Ye Xuan's mouth immediately turned up.

Soon, a warm current flowed through his body, and finally stopped at the location of his throat.

Ye Xuan could clearly feel that if he had a guitar in front of him now, he would play it as simple as eating and drinking.

At the same time, when the warm current in his throat faded slightly, Ye Xuan glanced at Bai Lu beside him and said slowly.

"The reward will be divided among you in half."

As soon as the words came out, Ye Xuan was stunned.

Obviously, it is still his own voice, but it seems to be many times better than before.

If you put it on singing, the effect is absolutely extraordinary.

At this time, even Bai Lu on the opposite side froze.

Why is this guy's voice so good all of a sudden?

Why didn't I notice before?!

Thinking of Ye Xuan's voice so good, recalling Ye Xuan's reward, Bai Lu nodded a lot.

"Then I won't worry about you."

At this time, seeing that the victory on the field had been revealed, Director Yao shouted again with a loudspeaker.

"Congratulations to the joker players on the field for winning!"

"Congratulations to Ye Xuan, Yang Ying, Zhang Da won the final victory! Diamonds will be exchanged for golden beans provided by Nozomi Anmu! "

At the same time as the sound sounded, the staff had already sent small transparent bottles, and golden beans had been placed in the glass bottles.

The audience suddenly sounded with envy.

"Wow! I want it too! "

"It's so beautiful to look at!"

"Is it so arrogant?! What a gold! "

As Ye Xuan, who had the largest number of diamonds on the field, he obtained a full twenty golden beans.

Yang Ying, who had a slightly inferior number of diamonds to Ye Xuan, obtained ten golden beans.

Zhangda, who only had the initial value of diamonds, also received five golden beans.

At this time, taking the glass bottle handed by the crew, as the biggest winner of the audience, Ye Xuan had consciously sent it out one by one.

"Come and come, everyone keep it as a souvenir."

After all, even if he gives one to all the losers, he still has the most golden beans in the game.

Ma Boqian and Chen Zheyuan of the Red Peach camp took Ye Xuan's golden beans and laughed vigorously.

"Thank you Brother Ye!"

"We didn't come in vain today!"

Sha Yi looked at the shining golden beans in his palm, and also touched his chest, and said with a smile.

"Brother's injuries today have finally healed!"

The three people in the spade camp also smiled and accepted the golden beans sent by Ye Xuan.

At first, these resident guests were also worried about whether this top little fresh meat would have too much idol baggage.

But as the entire episode ended, their worries disappeared.

Next, it should be their turn to worry about whether their status as old people can be maintained.

After all, this first issue lost to Ye Xuan, and the three guests from previous seasons always felt that their faces were dull....

When Song Yuqi and Bai Lu received Ye Xuan's golden beans, the two of them also smiled extremely brightly.

"Hmph! You still have a conscience! Bai Lu's words were still angry, but the corners of his mouth had risen.

"Thank you Brother Ye!" Song Yuqi also recovered her initial vitality and thanked her joyfully.

Looking at the beautiful golden beans in her hand, Song Yuqi's gaze had already looked at the director team and asked curiously.

"What's next?"

After all, it was the first live broadcast, and even the resident guests of the running boy group brothers were not very familiar with the live broadcast process.

As soon as the question came out, the director team had not yet spoken, and Ye Xuan consciously took the stubble.

"You can be here today."

As soon as the voice came out, all the guests were stunned at first, and then burst into laughter.

Song Yuqi, who was closest to Ye Xuan, couldn't hold back his laughter at all: "The first time Brother Ye came, he said what I didn't dare to say but wanted to say!" "

"Is this going to be done on the spot? Hahahahaha! Bai Lu grinned and opened her gums again.

The rest of the guests also laughed crookedly.

Even Director Yao, who just wanted to answer, looked defeated by Ye Xuan, and now he was rubbing his stomach with a painful laugh, and he only felt that his face was numb with laughter.

The live broadcast room was even more cheerful.

"It's like I can't wait to get off work! Ye Xuan is my mouth! "

"Is this the rhythm of a strike on the spot?!"

"The main thing is not to let a word fall to the ground!"

"Awake Ye Xuan in the world!"

"Are the top big stars so grounded? All at once voiced the voice of my waiting workers! "


At this moment, Director Yao, who had finally recovered from the laughter, rubbed his cheeks and hurriedly spoke out.

Without making a sound, he was afraid that the ancestor in front of him would really leave work in a second.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Next, we briefly interview each guest's experience, and after the interview, everyone can go back to rest. "

As soon as the voice came out, Ye Xuan's head under the camera nodded quickly, and he almost wrote the words "you hurry up" on his face, and everyone was amused again.

At this moment, the director team in the background has begun to act as the host.

"When you get your identity today, do you feel about it?"

Yang Ying, who got the identity of the king, was the first to speak.

"I'm in a good state of mind. Although I got the deepest hidden joker, after all, I am experienced, hahahahaha! "

It's just that compared with Yang Ying, who has a good attitude, Sha Yi next to her spread her hands, and her expression is complicated.

"Then my mentality is quite bad.

How I want to be a bad person once, but I'm not a bad person.

I am obviously not a bad person, but I am treated as a bad person. What does this make me say? "

As soon as the words came out, the audience couldn't help but be happy.

It is obviously recalling Shayi's sad experience today.

Bai Lu, who was standing next to Sha Yi, felt empathy for Sha Yina, and now he consciously took over the right to speak.

"I feel like my soul has been hurt terribly today.

If someone else scolds me, that's a joke. Ye Xuan scare me, I guess I have to think about it before I go to bed..."

As soon as Bai Lu's ridicule came out, the audience was full of laughter.

At this moment, Director Yao's gaze was also on Ye Xuan next to Bai Lu, seeing that the two partners were quite topical, and now they were even more cue.

"Ye Xuan, what do you think of Bai Lu's performance today?"

I thought that Ye Xuan would say amazing words again, but I saw Ye Xuan speak seriously.

"Very good, flawless."

Director Yao also thought that Ye Xuan had converged a little, and Bai Lu on the side had already widened his eyes, and he didn't dare to say anything.

"I know that I am not doing well, how can you have the face to say that it is flawless?"

After all, she was deceived the whole time!

As soon as Bai Lu's words came out, he saw Ye Xuan shrug and said with an innocent face.

"I'm just talking about scenes. You all know that you have not performed well, how can you be embarrassed to say it? "

As soon as Ye Xuan's voice fell, the audience was stunned at first.

Scene words?!

When the reaction came, everyone immediately burst into laughter.

Your words are too perfunctory!


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