Chapter 55: Ye Xuan who killed with a knife! Tear a name tag and use the art of war?

"Zhou Sheng out! Zhou Sheng out! "

The sound of the radio sounded again, and it also fell into the ears of Li Chen, who had just completed the conversion task in the opera house.

Breaking his fingers, Li Chen shouted in amazement.

"Three people have already been eliminated?! How is it so fast? I don't know who tore it ....."

Muttering all the way, Li Chen continued to look for clues.

When passing the seat in the theater, his footsteps jerked, and when he glanced at it, he saw what was hidden in the gap in the seat-

Running Man Newspaper.

Walking over quickly, pulling out the newspaper, Li Chen's gaze swept over quickly.

"In recent days, there have been continuous traffic accidents caused by reverse driving in the city, and the perpetrators have driven in the opposite direction, causing serious traffic disorder, and the perpetrators still insist that the other party is fully responsible after the incident..."


The content of the strange conversation all day kept flashing "four eight zero" in his mind, and Li Chen suddenly raised his head and exclaimed uncontrollably.

"The traffic rules are reversed?! Everything is anti-?! "

In other words, this is not the real world at all?!

It's the world in the mirror?!

Just before Li Chen could react to this news, a voice sounded out of thin air.

"Big Black Bull, what are you shouting? It almost scared me. "

Turning his head and seeing Zheng Kai, who was dressed in blue clothes and red pants, walking over with slow steps, Li Chen subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who scares whom? You almost scared me to death, I just learned a big news! "

"What news?"

Confused, Zheng Kai took the newspaper handed by Li Chen and quickly browsed it.

Looking at it, he gradually showed a look of abruptness, and muttered even more in his mouth.

"No wonder the people I tested today are all people in the mirror, it turns out that the people of our entire opera troupe today are people in the mirror!"

As if the thoughts in his mind were all opened up, Zheng Kai suddenly turned his head to look at the NPC staff of the opera house and slowly said his speculation.

"If it's the mirror world, the reason why these NPCs don't adapt is precisely because they are not mirrored people, they are all people?!"

After saying this, Zheng Kai quickly walked to the cleaner NPC on the side and tore off the name tag behind the NPC.

Seeing the word "person" hidden behind the name tag in NPC, Zheng Kai suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"This is the shortcut to fast adulthood!"

He doesn't need to complete the conversion task at all.

At this moment, Li Chen was still analyzing with a serious face.

"If everyone can become adults quickly, all members will already be human."

Understanding Li Chen's unfinished meaning, Zheng Kai took the stubble.

"That is, now there is a showdown between people and people."

And as soon as these words came out, Zheng Kai saw Li Chen's gaze looking straight towards him.

Secretly shouted in his heart that it was not good, seeing Li Chen pounced, Zheng Kai hurriedly dodged sideways.

"Big Black Bull, we just talked and laughed, how can you be so ruthless?!"

While speaking, Zheng Kai quickly moved back, and his brain quickly turned.

"How about we join forces first?! After killing everyone else, how about we have another peak showdown?! "

He hasn't even torn anyone yet!

In case it is torn off by Li Chen, how can it be played later?!

Hearing Zheng Kai's voice, Li Chen's posture of tearing up also took it back.

That's right, too.

As the strongest of the entire running brothers, he is not in a hurry at this time.

"Okay, let's temporarily alliance first, solve others first, and then we will PK."

Seeing that Li Chen temporarily gave up the idea of tearing his name tag, Zheng Kai suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, a startled voice suddenly came from outside the house.

"Brother Kai, didn't you say that you would team up with us?!"


Looking for prestige, Zheng Kai looked in the direction where the voice came from with a confused expression.

I saw Ye Xuan scratching his head at this moment, with an incredible look on his face.

Look at his gaze, as if like a scumbag who has always abandoned himself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When Zheng Kai reacted to what Ye Xuan said, the big word "ignorant" was engraved on his brain.

When did he team up with Ye Xuan?!

He didn't touch Ye Xuan at all today!

"Ye Xuan, you can't talk nonsense!"

At this moment, taking in the look of Zheng Kaimeng's circle, Ye Xuan's afterlight quickly glanced at the big black bull Li Chen who was stunned on the side, and only felt happy in his heart.

He originally happened to hear the alliance between the two and planned to make a joke casually.

But now it seems that this dissociation scheme will work?!

His mind spun around quickly, and Ye Xuan suddenly showed a look of resentment.

"Brother Kai, half an hour ago, you took the initiative to find us, saying that you would tear the big black bull in alliance with us!"

"Why did you abandon us in the blink of an eye?!"

As soon as Ye Xuan's words fell, several female guests behind Ye Xuan were stunned.

Especially white dew.

She can follow Ye Xuan the whole time tonight!

Why hadn't she seen Ye Xuan and Zheng Kai meet?!

At this moment, Yang Ying, who was turning in his head, reacted for the first time.......

Ye Xuan, this is to destroy the strong alliance of the two people of Big Black Bull and Little Cheetah!

The idea of watching a good show arose in his heart, and Yang Ying followed with a hurt look and aimed his finger at Zheng Kai.

"Brother Kai, are we talking nonsense, don't you know in your heart? After so many years of brothers, will we still talk nonsense?! "

As soon as Yang Ying's words came out, Zheng Kai only felt that the old blood in his heart was about to spurt out.

When did he form an alliance with Ye Xuan in front of him?!

This is nonsense!

With a blue forehead, Zheng Kai looked at the big black bull who had not spoken on the side with a depressed expression, and explained with a straight face.

"Big Black Bull, you shouldn't be deceived by them, right? This is obviously their trick! "

When he said the last sentence, Zheng Kai's tone was full of bitter hatred that he had been wronged.

Ye Xuan's gang is clearly a rake!

He had thought that the big black bull in front of him would believe his words.

Without thinking, the next moment Zheng Kai saw Li Chen raise his head and quietly stare at himself.

The foreboding was born, and Zheng Kai secretly shouted in his heart, and hurriedly swallowed his saliva.

"Big Black Bull, they are definitely lying to you, I really didn't ally with them!"

At this time, seeing that Zheng Kai was more anxious to explain, Li Chen on the other side believed Ye Xuan's words more and more.

If Zheng Kai didn't have a ghost in his heart, he was so anxious to explain what to do?!

Is it true that he is stupid when he is a big black bull?!

The front foot and Ye Xuan have already formed an alliance, and they are even embarrassed to find an alliance with themselves?! 3.2

Obviously, he wanted to take advantage of him to relax his guard and tear himself up!

This Zheng Kai is really a hundred kilograms of weight, ninety-nine kilograms of heart eyes!

The flame in his heart rose upward, and Li Chen rushed towards Zheng Kai.

Seeing Li Chen move, Zheng Kai immediately fell to the ground and protected his name tag.

However, no matter how strong his strength is, he still can't compete with Li Chen, the big black bull who has always been known as the strongest in the running boy group.

A hissing sounded, and seeing the name tag that was torn away by Li Chen, Zheng Kai gave up struggling and lay on the ground, looking at Ye Xuan who was watching the play on the side with a resentful face.

"Ye Xuan, can you return my innocence now?!"

He kind of got it!

Ye Xuan's main focus is to kill people with a knife!

As for?

Just tear up a name tag, why are you still playing the art of war?

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