Chapter 64 Ye Xuan: Sometimes if you don't push yourself, you don't know that it's useless to force yourself!

I never thought that the recording location of this running man was not only selected in the antique Qinhan ancient city, but even the guests also restored the costume style one by one.

It's a feast for the eyes to watch.

Zhou Sheng and Zheng Kai are both dressed in white robes and blue dresses, quite bookish.

Sha Yi and Li Chen were one in black robes and one in gray robes, both of them showing stability.

The female guests Yang Ying and Song Yuqi are red and black heroines dressed, with a free-flowing and relaxed spirit of rivers and lakes.

Bai Lu was wrapped in a purple Chinese robe, her hair was raised high, and she looked crisp and neat.

Ye Xuan, who got off the car last, was dressed in black and trimmed with gold embroidery, looking very noble.

As everyone appeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room brushed the screen even more frantically, obviously licking the screen at everyone's appearance~.

It's just that compared to the cheers of netizens in the live broadcast room, this wave of guests who just got off the carriage feels not very good-.

Zheng Kai, who got off the car first, stepped on the ground with a little unsteady, and now he was even more dizzy.

"I took a carriage, and the whole person felt bad."

"Have you ever tested the feelings of people who get motion sickness? I don't get motion sickness now, I also get motion sickness! Bai Lu, who also felt dizzy, nodded her head one after another.

"Another new experience!" On the contrary, Song Yuqi, who has been singing and dancing for many years, is still full of vitality, and looks at the ancient city of Qin and Han in front of him with a curious face.

Ye Xuan, whose physical fitness far exceeded everyone's, was also calm.

At this moment, his gaze had fallen on the staff who were walking towards the guests in the distance.

I saw this staff member in ancient costume slowly standing in front of the guests, saluting and introducing at the same time.

"Hello adults, I am the ceremonial officer in charge of entertaining you, I am specially waiting for your arrival today, we still have two adults on the way, please wait for a while."

The voice fell, and Sha Yi subconsciously played a treasure.

"Which two adults need the seven of us to wait?!"

It's just that as soon as these words came out, Ye Xuan on the side automatically answered, laughing and ridiculing.

"Brother Sha, are you sure it's seven?"

Obviously there are eight guests on the scene, why is there one less person out of thin air?!

"Your lord, you should learn math again." Bai Lu, who also reacted, also covered her mouth and snickered.

"It's over, elementary school math is returned to the math teacher." Yang Ying also teased with a light smile.

After being ridiculed by several people one after another, Sha Yi realized that he had missed his calculation, looked embarrassed, and hurriedly corrected.

"Eight, sorry to count wrong!"

Amid the laughter, a new carriage came from a distance.

Soon, the two new guests this time, Hou Minghao and Li Yunrui, got off the carriage one after another and greeted a group of running male members.

After a short welcome ceremony, the ceremonial officer continued to introduce the rules.

"Hello my lords, today among you there are envoys who have come from far away from other countries, specially brought treasures to be presented to the great king, and our great king is very much looking forward to your treasures."

"Therefore, a banquet was specially set up on this evening, and the honor of nine guests was unconventional, and everyone agreed to offer treasures with their own hands."

The guests at the scene nodded one after another, apparently receiving a new wave of game information.

At this moment, the ceremonial officer in front of him suddenly changed his words, and his voice sank.

"However, not long ago we caught an assassin, and this assassin assassinated the king."

"Through torture, we learned that there is another assassin among the ten of you who intends to assassinate the king under the guise of offering a treasure."


All the guests followed at the same time.

Everyone reacted immediately.

That's obviously the point today!

Under the gaze of the guests, the ceremonial officer waved his sleeves and shouted loudly.

"Come, bring the assassins, this is the ninety-ninth assassin we have captured this month."

When the words fell, two staff members dressed in ancient guard costumes escorted a black-clothed assassin forward.

At this moment, in order to win back the previous game of bad mathematics, Sha Yi has followed the calculation.

"Ninety-ninth this month? An average of three or four a day, right, this assassin is quite a lot! "

"It's that every time someone goes in, someone stabs him, right?" Zhou Sheng also smiled and said.

Ye Xuan still smiled in a serious tone. "It seems that this security needs to be strengthened."

As soon as Leng Buding's words came out, everyone also laughed endlessly.

At this moment, the ceremonial officer continued to perform his duties, speaking to the assassin seriously.

"You raise your head and open your eyes to see, is there anyone here who is going to assassinate the king?!"

The eyes of the guests also fell on the assassin in black.

Just when everyone thought that the black assassin was going to identify one of them, they saw the black-clad assassin blurt out.


"Huh?!" Zheng Kai was stunned by this unexpected answer, and couldn't help but ask now. "Do you want to take another good look?"

"The ceremonial officer just said that one of us, have you forgotten who it is?" Bai Lu said with the same smile.

Ye Xuan had already spontaneously walked in front of Sha Yi and turned on the naming mode.

"Isn't that this? Wouldn't it be a change of clothes and forgetting who the assassin was? "

At this moment, Song Yuqi, who was standing next to Ye Xuan, also laughed and walked to Sha Yi's side with great cooperation.

"It must be this, take a good look!"

Only Sha Yi, who was backstabbed by these two people, looked resentful.

"Why do I look like an assassin?"

At this moment, the black-clad assassin shook his head again.


Seeing that the black-clothed assassin did not say, the ceremonial officer waved his hand decently.

"Come on, twenty big boards!"

And these words were about to fall, and the black assassin, who had been still hard-mouthed, hurriedly raised his head, and his voice was full of impatience.

"I said!"

The speed of the change of words immediately made all the guests stunned.

"Don't you struggle a bit?!" The smile on Shayi's face couldn't be held back.

"That's all you say?!" Bai Lu's eyes widened.

"Do you still have the backbone of an assassin?! This board hasn't been played yet? Even Ye Xuan laughed and teased.

At this time, the barrage also brushed the screen one after another.

"Assassin: Anyway, it's better to say earlier and less to get beaten up!"

"Assassin: Backbone, but not much!"

"NPC: You old six! Do you still want me to be beaten?! "

"Backbone?! How can this thing be eaten as a meal hahaha"


Just as everyone was swiping the screen, the black-clothed assassin had already explained the information of his accomplices.

"There is an assassin among you codenamed Jing Ke..."

The voice of the black-clothed assassin fell, and the ceremonial officer on the side also took the stubble.

"In fact, your conspiracy has long been discovered by our great king, and in order to collect your tribute, and at the same time prevent you from being unfavorable to the great king, the great king has arranged five guards with superb martial arts among you."

"At the same time, the most intelligent guard leader is also among these five, I believe that under his leadership, the safety of the great king will be guaranteed..."

In this way, the guests at the scene also gradually understood the rules of the game.

Isn't this just a different package of "who is undercover"?!

Seeing that the assassins and ceremonial officials left one after another, Zheng Kai continued to ask about the next process.

"May I ask when we can go to the assassination..." (Read the violent novel, just go on the Feilu novel network!) )

Hearing this, Ye Xuan on the side immediately turned his head, raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"Brother Kai, you started to blow yourself up?!"

This time I thought about assassinating the king, what is this not an assassin?!

"It seems that this is our assassin today!" Bai Lu had already cooperated with Zheng Kai to keep an eye on Zheng Kai.

"Brother Kai's suspicion is too big!" Song Yuqi also nodded affirmatively.

Seeing that all the guests looked at him suspiciously, Zheng Kai, who was mouthed for a while, only felt that his heart was struck by lightning.

Who understands?!

He really just had a mouthful for a while.

Is this the end of the mouth fast?!

The live broadcast room was also full of laughter.

Not long after, everyone listened to Director Yao's voice and followed.

"Dear members, welcome to Qinhan Film and Television City..."

"At present, five of your ten are foreign envoys, one of whom is codenamed Jing Ke, who intends to plot against the Great King under the guise of offering treasures, and the other four envoys are also dissatisfied with the Great King and decide to assist Jing Ke."

"And the other five are the national bodyguards arranged by the great king, and one of them is the commander of the bodyguard."

"The ten guests will be randomly divided into two groups, each with guards and assassins..."

At this moment, the staff has sent a new grouping result.

Group 1: Li Chen, Bai Lu, Ye Xuan, Song Yuqi, Hou Minghao.

Group 2: Zheng Kai, Sha Yi, Zhou Sheng, Li Yunrui, Yang Ying.

"Before tonight's dinner, your two groups will make three substitutions, each time each team selects one team to exchange with the other."

0 ask for flowers

"After three changes, only if the envoy codenamed Jing Ke, and the commander of the guards, are placed in the same group, the envoy codenamed Jing Ke, can personally present a gift to the king, and the envoy camp wins."

"Then on the contrary, the goal of the guards camp is to find the envoy codenamed Jing Ke, so that he must not be with the guards..."

"Today, you can get clues through the competition, and you can inquire about the information of Jing Ke and the guards. Now please rush to the training ground..."

Under the spilly rules, the guests quickly grasped the focus of the rules.

The goal of the envoy camp is to find the commander and promote Jing Kehe and the commander to join the team.

The goal of the guards camp is to find Jing Ke, and prevent Jing Kege from leading the same team.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room also brushed the screen madly.

"It's a day to suspect that you are a day of making up the numbers of the world!"

"Is there anyone who doesn't understand the rules, I'll raise my claw first!"

"I'll explain the rules to everyone, just this way, this and that..."

"Upstairs, you are properly soy sauce, right?"

"I have to listen to this thing back and forth several times about the rules"


And just when the barrage brushed the screen, the guests followed the instructions of the director team, passed through the pavilion, and came to the training ground.

"What is this place? Don't do anything terrible! "Influenced by the phantom in the mirror in the last issue, for fear of any more frightening elements, Bai Lu's voice was still trembling.

"Do you need us to throw something?" Song Yuqi's beautiful eyes also widened.

"Why didn't I understand what to do next?" Sha Yi rubbed his chin, his eyes full of doubt.

At this moment, what appeared in front of everyone was a high wall.

The walls of the city wall are distributed with ten rows and eight rows of orange squares, each with a hollow circle hole in the center.

Just when the guests were puzzled, they listened to Director Yao with a loudspeaker and introduced.

"We all know that the training of ancient soldiers was very harsh. Soldiers practice skills such as throwing and jumping every day. Today's training program is called Stone Throwing. The two teams will take turns as siege and defenders. "

"Fifteen sandbags for the siege team and ten sandbags for the defenders, each game is thrown first by the siege team, and the support bar is raised in the area where the sandbags are thrown, and then the defenders defend."

"The area support rod where the sandbags of the defenders are thrown is retracted, and after the two teams are thrown, the siege team will use the remaining support rods to climb to the top of the wall to take off the flag, and finally the team with the shorter time wins..."

After the guests understood the rules, they went back to the dressing room to put on the WIA uniform.

"So, who of the two teams becomes the siege team first?"

Back at the training ground, as soon as he heard Director Yao's voice sound, Ye Xuan had already idly pointed to another group.

"They attack."

As soon as Ye Xuan said incomparably sloppily, he saw Director Yao in front of him nodding equally sloppily.


As soon as this "line" word came out, the five guests in the other group suddenly appeared the same question mark.

Is it so casual?

Don't you need to think about it?

That's too hasty, isn't it?

"Didn't ask our team's opinion?" Sha Yi's eyes were full of incredulity.

"Was it decided so easily?" Zhou Sheng was also stunned.

And in the face of this pair of guests who were hastily turned into a siege team, Director Yao still waved his hand extremely sloppily.

"Let's get started."

The five guests suddenly became messy in the wind.

The live broadcast room was also full of giggle.

"This really caught the Lord off guard!"

"Director: It's just that sloppy!"

"Ye Xuan dares to say, the director dares to answer!"

"The main thing is a casual!"

Not long after, the second group, which had become a sloppy siege team, had now taken the lead in discussing the sandbag strategy.

"I feel like I can only hit the bottom three rows of sandbags, after all, my height is here." Zhou Sheng was accustomed to turning on the self-deprecating mode.

Sha Yi, who was on the same team, patted Zhou Sheng's shoulder and turned on the cheering mode.

"Shengsheng, you have to force yourself, you can!"

When the words fell, Ye Xuan of the other team said the next sentence smoothly.

"Yes, sometimes you don't push yourself, you don't know it's useless to force yourself!"

As soon as the voice came out, the audience burst into laughter.

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