Ever since he was absent in the promotional video in the morning, he has threatened to leave the program group without himself. Seeing him acting like a monster, the program team felt that the program environment was messed up by him, so they agreed to his request.
Buttercup Xiaosheng, he didn’t expect to be fired by the program team. He just wanted to get the spot in the promotional film. After all, he guessed that the promotional film would be popular. If he was in it, he would definitely be well-known. Unexpectedly, he was fired.
Buttercup returned to the company disheartened. The manager asked him why he came back now, isn’t he still filming? And the show is pretty hot right now. Buttercup Xiaosheng said indignantly: “It’s all because of that Su Ye. If it wasn’t for him, how could I have been fired by the show crew?”
The agent thought about it. Anyway, he is not very famous. Now that Buttercup has 9 million fans, he thought of a plan. He secretly said to Buttercup, “You can secretly hint to the fans that you have been treated unfairly in the program group. Let the fans make a way for you to go back. What do you think?”
Buttercup Xiaosheng smiled sinisterly. This method is not bad. After a while, I will go to complain to the fans, and if I turn around later, I will say that it is not my responsibility, and I will definitely let myself go back after crying. After all, it was a shame that he was kicked out of such a popular show.
It was published in the newspaper the next day, and it really said: Shocked! A well-known young student was kicked out of the crew because of unfair treatment.
Fans began to issue statements for their idols, and began to attack the program group and Su Ye. In an instant, Su Ye seemed to become the public enemy of the entire network, the object of embarrassment.
The program group was affected by this. Su Ye smiled coldly when he heard this. Xing Feng looked at him worriedly, and asked, “Why is this person so vicious? It was obviously his fault, but you will be blamed in the end. What should we do now?”
Su Ye smiled confidently, and said to her, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. I’m going to find the director now. There must have been a camera on at the time, leaving some evidence. I will collect some black information about him later. See if he still Do you dare to use fans to target us?”
Xing Feng looked at him, her heart pounding. Sure enough, my man is different, and I have already figured out a solution. Su Ye said, let him ferment for a few days first, and when the whole network ridicules, we will show evidence to slap him in the face, so that we will achieve the best results.
After a few days, Su Ye’s slander was overwhelming. Many people sent him private messages to scold him. Feng Feng thought, if he could be so calm, he must have cried a long time ago.
Finally, at 12 o’clock in the morning of the first day, the program team released the dialogue between Buttercup Xiaosheng and himself questioning at that time, and he used to play big names, have personal relationships, disrespect others, and even seemed to have a tendency to suck.
After a night of fermentation, it really exploded the next day. Because Buttercup’s manager fell asleep and let his guard down on Su Ye. Unexpectedly, although he was allowed to deal a fatal blow to Buttercup.
Now the whole internet is ridiculed by that creamy kid. Everyone is talking about him, and fans have turned black one after another. The situation was reversed in an instant.
On the contrary, Su Ye stood up and said to let everyone be more rational. Su Ye’s behavior was praised by everyone. Thinking that Buttercup is even more unreasonable, let Buttercup quit the entertainment industry. Finally, Buttercup disappeared. .

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