In the evening, a convoy was heading to the mountainous area of ​​the West District and was about to reach its destination. The location chosen by the program group this time is similar to the loess landform. But there is a famous scenic spot nearby, very close to the program group, and the destination of the program group this time is also at this scenic spot.
Sitting in the rickety car, Xun Feng couldn’t help but want to sleep. Her head began to peck down like a woodpecker bit by bit.
Nine Zero Zero Su Ye saw her chick pecking at Mi’s head, and she laughed a little, but she still took the initiative to put her head on his shoulder and let her lean on it. Sure enough, after a while, she fell asleep. Su Ye thought that maybe the car ride was a bit tiring for her.
It was getting dark gradually, and the road in the mountainous area was even more difficult to walk, but fortunately, the program crew had already seen the destination.
The destination turned out to be a group of cave dwellings with some people still living in them. After investigation and negotiation by the program team, several cave dwellings were reserved for guests and program staff.
Cave dwellings are the representative of the happiness of the farmers here. The farmers here basically want to build a cave dwelling on the back of the mountain. Only when they have a cave dwelling and marry a wife can they be regarded as a family and a business. He is the representative building of farmers here.
Looking at the rows of cave dwellings, although they are simple, they have local characteristics, and they live in cave dwellings, which are warm in winter and cool in summer. Cave dwellings are a combination of man and nature.
An infiltrating peasant love for the land. Therefore, Su Ye was also very satisfied with this trip. In the cave, he experienced the hard work and diligence of the working people.
Su Ye tidied up the cave first to make it clean and tidy, then carried Xingfeng off the car and put her on the bed inside the cave, allowing her to sleep more peacefully.
Afterwards, I went to ask the locals for some water, and briefly washed Xingfeng, and then washed myself. In fact, water is very important here, and it can even be said to be scarce, but the simplicity of the local people still donated some water to the program group.
The next morning, the sun was shining brightly. Su Ye got up early and made a breakfast with the food given to us by the locals. Xing Feng walked slowly fromWhen I woke up in bed, I could smell the aroma of food.
She simply got up, washed up, and ran to the kitchen to look for Su Ye. Su Ye also happened to have finished breakfast and was greeting Xing Feng for breakfast…
Su Ye saw the poverty and hardship of the farmers, as well as their hard work and perseverance, so he wanted to help them. However, don’t know how to do it. After all, you can never see a poverty sweeper. I just wanted to save a village, but now I just came up with an idea.
The main purpose of being in the program group is still the scenic spot, so I went to the scenic spot early in the morning to take pictures, and Su Ye Xingfeng also went there.
I saw the torrential river flowing eastward without a break. Due to geological reasons, a natural waterfall has been formed since ancient times, and the water flow with a width of several hundred meters is bound by the two banks.
How fast the waterfall is, and the momentum is like pouring out of the mouth of a huge pot, which makes people feel his aura. Hukou Waterfall, this is the destination of the program group.
When Su Ye saw the vicious Hukou Waterfall, he felt a surge of pride. Xing Feng couldn’t help being shocked by his momentum, feeling the greatness and miracle of nature.
Seeing this scene, I couldn’t help but praise Hukou Waterfall, and the program team immediately started filming. .

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