Sister Zifeng put on a professional posture, took a deep breath, and plunged into the water.
Following Su Ye’s appearance just now, she swung her arms leisurely and swam steadily towards Su Ye.
The last one was hugged by Su Ye, and the water splashed all over the place, and the air was filled with a sweet smell.
It worked!
Sister Zifeng wiped her eyes in disbelief!
I am a landlubber, but I actually succeeded! I was able to swim alone for a while!
Sister Zifeng jumped in the water excitedly, stretched out her arms to wrap around Su Ye’s neck, and caught off guard and pecked Su Ye’s face.
“Our Zifeng is smart, we can learn everything quickly!” Su Ye was not stingy with her praise, stretched out her hand and pinched sister Zifeng’s soft face with a smile.
Sister Zifeng, who had learned how to swim, couldn’t sit still anymore, so she swam in the water while pulling Su Ye.
This is probably the vitality of the vigorous girl.
The two had a simple dinner at the restaurant by the beach.
I have to say that swimming is really exhausting, and the two of them ate everything.
By the time they walked out of the restaurant, the night was getting darker.
The two held hands and prepared to enjoy the fireworks show by the sea.
Watching fireworks with Su Ye is also one of sister Zifeng’s wish list.
Sister Zifeng leaned her head on Su Ye’s shoulder, blowing the sea breeze, beautiful like a painting.
“Biu! Biu! Biu!”
Following a few sounds, gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the night, embellishing the dark sky with various colors.
The light from the fireworks hit the faces of the two people, as if a layer of heat had been filtered, and the outlines became more dreamy.
I saw Su Ye turned sideways, holding sister Zifeng’s face in one hand, bowed her head and kissed.
There seemed to be a ray of light falling on Su Ye in Sister Zifeng’s eyes.
Accompanied by the blooming of the fireworks, the pair of lovers leaned on each other. 213
Two minutes later, younger sister Zi Feng leaned shyly in Su Ye’s arms, her face flushed.
Su Ye looked at the soft and waxy man in his arms. Even if he was a two-meter-tall man, his heart would melt when he saw Zi Feng’s sister.
Sister Zifeng was like a cute kitten, her head rubbed against Su Ye’s chin from time to time, which made Su Ye’s heart itch.
Just as the two of you were talking about each other, there was a sudden noise not far away.
“Honey, wake up! What’s wrong? Wake up quickly!”
“Is there anyone calling?!”
Sister Zifeng and Su Ye who heard the voice suddenly trembled.
There is a situation!
It looks like someone is in danger!
Su Ye and Sister Zifeng looked at each other, then walked towards the direction of the sound.
Both of them were enthusiastic people, and they wanted to see if there was anything they could do to help.
When they got there, they were already surrounded by onlookers.
The two finally poked their heads out, only to find a middle-aged man lying motionless on the ground.
The woman next to her was already sobbing. She kept patting the man, but there was still no reaction.
The onlookers were also talking about it, with anxious expressions on their faces.
But no one seemed to have a solution, quietly waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
“I beg you to save my husband! His heart has been bad!” The woman lying on the ground cried out pleadingly.
“Is there any medical staff here? The heart is not good. Could it be a heart attack?”
“The nearest ambulance here will take about ten minutes to arrive. It would be great if there are some rescue measures.”
The onlookers were also talking about it, but still no one stood up.
Su Ye and Sister Zifeng were also very anxious. Their hearts were not good. Looking at the current situation, it was very likely that they had a heart attack.
In that case, there would be no waiting for the ambulance to arrive!
I can’t manage that much anymore!
Su Ye and Sister Zifeng looked at each other.God has explained everything.
I saw Su Ye frowning tightly, squatting in front of the fainted middle-aged man.
He briefly checked his current situation.
However, it was even worse than imagined!
My pupils are dilated, and I can’t even feel the light source outside, nor can I feel my heartbeat!
This is no ordinary heart attack! But sudden death!
“Sudden death!” Su Ye frowned and said seriously.
The woman who heard these words collapsed to the ground.
Even the hearts of the onlookers began to tense up!
Sudden death! This is a very urgent disease!
The golden rescue period is only three minutes!
If I wait until the ambulance arrives, I am afraid that the person will die long ago. If he is lucky enough to be rescued by then, the brain will be deprived of oxygen for too long, and he will also be in a vegetable state.
It seems that the situation is more serious than expected!
The onlookers clenched their hands into fists and prayed silently for this middle-aged man in their hearts.
The woman looked at Su Ye as if she was grasping at straws.
With a plop, he knelt on the ground, put his hands together and begged Su Ye, “You must be a professional! Please save my husband!! He’s only over 40! Please, please!”
Even if the woman doesn’t say anything, Su Ye is ready to take action.
If he was really here waiting for the ambulance to arrive, then the chance of this man’s survival is extremely small!
So at least try your best to minimize the damage before the ambulance arrives.
Su Ye nodded and said, “I will try my best.”
Then she turned her head and gave Sister Zifeng a wink, signaling her to disperse the crowd.
The two have been together for so long, and they can understand each other with just one look.
Sister Zifeng quickly shouted to the crowd, “Everyone spread out! Give the patients some room to breathe! Don’t gather together!”
Under the call of sister Zifeng, the crowd gradually dispersed.
Everyone hopes from the bottom of their hearts for a good result!
I saw Su Ye lying down, leaning against the man’s ear, and said loudly, “Can you hear me?!”
But there was still no response.
Everyone’s eyes dimmed again.
Su Ye took a deep breath, then folded his hands, straightened his wrist and elbow joints, and put on a very professional look.
I saw his straight hands pressing on the man’s chest.
While doing CPR, he also asked, “Is there an AED nearby? Is there a staff member? Please get the AED!”
High-frequency CPR, but the man in front of him still didn’t respond at all.
Just relying on cpr can’t slow the man down. In such a situation, AED must be used!
The movements of Su Ye’s hands did not stop for a moment.
Although the woman on the side looked at Su Ye so young, she could read her extraordinary calmness from her movements and tone.
She absolutely believed in the young man in front of her!
He is the life-saving straw that can save her husband!
On the other side, sister Zifeng was running non-stop to find an AED for Su Ye.
Su Ye looked at the aed placed next to her by sister Zifeng, and also let out a long sigh of relief.
There is still a glimmer of life!
With this aed, I can still fight for the last time!
I saw Su Ye neatly sticking the electric shock patch on the man’s chest.
The Aed was placed on the left side of the man again, which is more convenient to use and observe the situation.
Although the current situation affects everyone’s heart, Su Ye is still working hard to keep every step correct.
There is no room for carelessness in the face of life!
Su Ye inserted the electrodes into the socket of the main unit, and observed and analyzed the man’s heart rate.
“Everyone don’t get close now! No one should touch the patient again!” Su Ye raised her volume and said loudly.
All the people present were shocked by this kind of courage, and they retreated wisely.
Even the paralyzed woman tried her best to move back.
Everyone understands that the most important moment has come! And they can’t be sloppy at all!
Sister Zifeng clenched her fists tightly, silently cheering for Su Ye in her heart.
Seeing that Su Ye made sure again that no one touched the man, he pressed the start button heavily.
As the power was turned on, the body of the man lying on the ground heaved hugely.
Everyone didn’t dare to blink, expecting a miracle to happen.
But the man lying on the ground still didn’t respond at all.
Su Ye was not discouraged, and took advantage of the gap to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the man without interruption.
Then came another round of electric shocks!
The intersection of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and electrodes can achieve the best treatment effect!
“My husband’s finger moved, just now!” The woman who was watching the situation intently said excitedly.
Everyone seems to have seen the dawn of hope!
The man reacted!
Su Ye still didn’t relax, and continued to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the man.
It wasn’t until the man lying on the ground slowly opened his eyes that Su Ye stopped and let out a long sigh of relief.
“He’s awake.” Su Ye’s tone was flat, but with a hint of excitement.
Less than three minutes!
The man who was still on the verge of death just now has slowly opened his eyes.
He is alive!
There was a burst of warm applause from all around.
“That’s great, young man! Just live!”
“Look at my excited eyesTears were about to flow out, and a life was saved by this young man. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. ”
“There will be good luck! A good person will live a safe life!”
“This not only saves a person, but also saves a family!!”
“Don’t say that this young man is quite handsome, he looks a bit like a star… He must have misread it.”
While checking on her husband’s situation, the woman knelt on the ground and thanked Su Ye.
She held Su Ye’s hand while she was crying, and said excitedly, “Thank you so much! You are our great benefactor! Thank you!!”
Su Ye just smiled and waved his hands, “It’s a good thing to be able to save lives, and we must pay attention to heart problems in the future.”
The man lying on the ground also slowly regained consciousness, and realized that it was Su Ye who saved him.
But his body was still very weak, so he could only lie on the ground. Under the moonlight, the middle-aged man’s eyes lit up.
It’s him!
But helplessly, his body was too weak, and he couldn’t even utter a complete sentence.
“Husband, do you want to say something?” The woman also noticed her husband’s lips moving slightly, so she put her ear on his mouth.
The man moved his mouth for a long time, but he still didn’t say a word.
But my heart is extremely anxious! .

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