Teacher Huang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and said with a smile, “Xiaoye, I can’t tell.”
“You haven’t been here for long, and your relationship with the village is so good.”
“Su Ye’s popularity is really good.”
Teacher He nodded with a smile: “In this way, we don’t have to go to the director.”
“Daughter, I will leave the crayfish to you and Su Ye.”
“Let Peng Peng do the farm work first.”
Teacher Huang smiled and began to assign tasks.Su Ye and Zhang Zifeng went to the village, talked with the farmers, and brought back the crayfish.
As for Peng Peng, he drank porridge bitterly and took over the task assigned by Teacher Huang.
Zhang Zifeng nodded obediently.
After breakfast, Su Ye and Zhang Zifeng left the Mushroom House in pairs.
“Su Ye and my sister are a good match.”
Teacher He looked at the backs of the two with smiles on their faces.
Teacher Huang smiled and nodded, “That’s right, I don’t even look at whose son-in-law it is.”
“I don’t need to argue with the director.”
Teacher He also nodded and said, “It’s really nice to have such a good son-in-law.”
“However, the audience in the studio should not be happy to see you arguing with the director.”
As Teacher He said, there was indeed a lot of noise in the studio.
“I want to see the slippers I yearn for!”
“Ah…slippers, where did my slippers go?”
“Peng Peng: I’ve already taken off my slippers, so I don’t need them anymore?”
“Slippers: I finally got a chance to leave the country, but Su Ye ruthlessly broke it.”
“Although the Lun family really wants to see the slippers, the Lun family prefers to see Suye Ouba.”
In the live broadcast room, almost everyone wanted to see Mr. Huang threatening the director with slippers.
From the first season of Longing for Life, after seeing Mr. Huang threatening the director with slippers, the way Mr. Huang held the slippers was deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience.
As long as there are customers ordering food and need to exchange ingredients with the director, they will subconsciously think of it.
The scene where Teacher Huang raised Peng Peng’s slippers and threatened the director.
It’s simply too deeply rooted in people’s hearts.
Not only did the audience remember it fresh, but even the director compromised.
When Mr. Huang said that there was no crayfish, he wanted to ask the director for some crayfish.
In the minds of the audience, the scene where Mr. Huang threatened the director with a slipper in his hand subconsciously emerged.
As soon as this fantasy came out, it was ruthlessly broken by Su Ye.
But they have nothing to do!
Compared to Teacher Huang threatening the director with his slippers, they liked Su Ye more.
An interesting and all-rounder that can tug at their heartstrings every time.
Therefore, although they were displeased when they were broken by Su Ye, they would not say anything.
But if it was broken by other people, it is estimated that some people would have been unable to bear it long ago, and their mouths would be fragrant.
“Su Ye is here¨‖.”
“Hi, big brother.”
“Young man, what are you doing in the village?”
Zhang Zifeng and Su Ye just walked into the village hand in hand, no matter they were old people or children, they all greeted Su Ye warmly.
There were even old people who took the initiative to ask Su Ye if he could help.
“Grandpa, the village head, hello.”
“Today, a guest ordered crayfish. I heard that someone in the village raises crayfish.”
“Grandpa, the village chief, do you know whose family raised it?”
Su Ye responded with a smile to the old man sitting at the door.
Someone in the village raised crayfish, and it was all mentioned when others chatted with him.
Su Ye really doesn’t know who raised the crayfish and where they live.
When I entered the village and came to the village chief, I wanted to ask the village chief.
However, before he could open his mouth, the old village chief took the initiative to ask him what help he needed.
“The only one who raises crayfish in our village is the second son of the Li family.”
The old village chief smiled and said, “I’ll take you there.”
“Okay.” Su Ye nodded and smiled, “Thank you, grandpa, the village chief.”
The old village chief got up, and Su Ye and Zhang Zifeng followed behind the village chief and walked towards Li’s house.
Next to Su Ye, Zhang Zifeng asked softly, “Xiaoye, you are very popular.”
“The old village head looks at you like a son-in-law.”
Su Ye looked at Zhang Zifeng suspiciously.
“Hmm.” Zhang Zifeng said seriously, “There are many parents with daughters in the village who have the same eyes as the old village chief.”
Zhang Zifeng was basically by Su Ye’s side, and had a lot of exchanges with people in the village, so he naturally heard a lot of those words.
The eyes of the villagers made Zhang Zifeng feel very stressed.
What she faced was not just one person, but the young beauties of the entire village.
There are also grandparents, seven aunts and eight aunts who are constantly assisting.
Hearing Zhang Zifeng’s answer, Su Ye smiled slightly and said, “Idiot, you are not their daughter.”
“How could I become their son-in-law?”
These two simple sentences proved Su Ye’s love for Zhang Zifeng.
“I believe you.”
Zhang Zifeng’s heart warmed, and he hugged Su Ye’s arm shyly.
The conversation between the two of them in low voices caused another interaction in the live broadcast room.
“Wow, I’ve overturned labor and management’s dog bowls, and they’re throwing out dog food again?”
“Hey, are you Yaoyaoling? I overturned, and Zhang Zifeng and Su Ye were to blame.”
“Su Ye’s EQ is absolutely amazing.”
“Giving up the entire forest for a single tree, Su Ye’s true love for Zhang Zifeng is right.”
“It’s true, the life I yearn for is really a large-scale dog abuse program.”
The old village head walked for about a hundred meters, walked to a house, patted on the door vigorously, and shouted in an old voice: “Old Li, are you at home?”
There was a slight noise in the room, and the door opened quickly, and an old man wearing slippers, short sleeves and capri pants appeared in everyone’s sight.
On the old face, the sleepy eyes were hazy, obviously just fell asleep.”village head?”
Old Li said in a daze, “What are you doing at my house?”
Looking at the camera behind the old village chief, and Zhang Zifeng and (Did Zhao) Su Ye in front of the camera.
Confused and asked: “Isn’t this the hero and heroine on TV?”
“Why did you come to my house?”
Before Su Ye could speak, the old village head said, “Today, Mushroom House has a new guest, and they need some crayfish.”
Everyone in the village knows about this program and basically watches every episode.
The old village chief didn’t explain, but directly explained why Su Ye and Zhang Zifeng came.
“That’s it.”
Lao Li suddenly realized, pushed the door open, and said with a smile, “My son is not at home today.”
“I’ll take you to catch them.”
Old Li turned around and closed the door, then led Su Ye and Zhang Zifeng to the farm.
The farm is just behind Lao Li’s house, about fifteen meters away. It is a pond blocked by a windbreak net.
The pond is not very big, only about 500 square meters.
From afar, I saw a lot of black spots in the pond.
Those are all fresh crayfish. .

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