Entertainment: This Bit Player Is Crazy

Chapter 18 Premiere! Hot Search! ! Soar! ! !

The post-production of Fruit Channel is really awesome. Just when Qiubai and the others officially started the second phase of filming, the first broadcast of the first-year graduation season also started.

As a continuing variety show, although the early ratings were not very satisfactory, it still accumulated a large number of fans.

In addition, this graduation season has traffic like Yu Shuxin, and other artists have received more or less attention. The most important thing is the strong publicity offensive of Fruit Channel.

The ratings of the first episode of the first-year graduation season directly exceeded 1. Although it did not win the ratings championship for the entire time period, it was the undisputed ratings champion for the same time period.

Of course, these are not what Qiubai is most concerned about. What Qiubai is most concerned about is always himself.

He has four plans in total. He is to kill Zhao Zhiwei, a member of the royal family, and replace him with him. He will gain Chen Jianbin's favor and ensure that he will not be cannon fodder.

Please the film crew to ensure your future weight, and last but not least, gain the audience's popularity.

First Grade is not a talent show variety show, so it is difficult to attract traffic, but this does not mean that it has no chance at all.

From the very beginning when Qiu Bai thought about joining this variety show, he had already thought of how to create topics for himself and attract traffic.

As the premiere aired, Qiubai knew that he had succeeded because it was on the hot search!

Hot search entry No. 6 - This sidekick is crazy!

Hot search entry No. 9 - Talent defeats capital again!

The twelfth hot-searched entry - Qiubai, the treasure troupe!

Qiu Bai alone has three hot searches, and two more are ranked in the top ten. Moreover, in the entire first-year program, with so many director guests, only Qiu Bai is on the hot search, and no one else has any water splash.

Under the three hot searches, almost 70% of the discussions focused on Qiu Bai:

"Hahahaha, this is the first time I saw a celebrity taking a taxi to participate in a variety show. I really laughed to death."

"Here, where did this divine guest come from? It's too crazy."

"One actor killed so many college students and professional actors instantly. It was really a dimensionality reduction blow!"

"When I saw Qiubai and Zhao Zhiwei competing in their acting skills, my scalp was really numb. They are so different."

"As a pure vegetarian, this is the first time that I can clearly feel what real acting is. It's so awesome."

"After watching Zhao Zhiwei's performance, I thought I could do it. But then I looked at Qiu Bai's acting skills. Oh my god, I really can't do it!"

"Qiu Bai's eyes remind me of Mr. You Bichang. A single look can really tell a story in people's minds."

"Um, why are my concerns different from yours? Doesn't anyone think the stories about Qiubai's extras are funny?"

"Hahahaha, you are not alone upstairs. Seeing Qiu Bai talking seriously about the movie with a supporting role in which he has participated, I really laughed out loud. The most important thing is, there is really one!"

"Hahahahaha, Feng Chengcheng fights against Shanghai and Beach, Diao Chan travels across time to save Lu Bu and fights the Japanese, Peach Blossom Man fights against Chrysanthemum and the flower monster, the school beauty Bai Yueguang's boyfriend, holy shit, these are all monsters and monsters."

"Isn't the funniest thing about A Chinese Girl in the Lost Soul? One thing I have to say is that the actress is really fair."

"Qiubai's experience made me discover a new world. It turns out that there are so many movies in this world that are shocking."

"But it is precisely for this reason that I really admire Qiubai. In such a movie and such a plot, he is just a supporting actor, but he can develop such acting skills. It is really amazing!"

"I feel the same way. Although Qiu Bai is just a sidekick, he is really admirable."

"Why are there so few scenes of Qiubai in the front?"

"Needless to say, Qiu Bai is the only amateur guest and has no corporate background, so he must be suppressed."

"That's right. In the early days, Qiu Bai always hid in the corner, and sometimes only half of his body was exposed in the full view."

"Didn't you see it in the end? Qiubai was kicked out of the dormitory."

"Do ordinary people deserve to be bullied?"

"Haha, ordinary people in this world should be bullied!"

"Anyway, I am a fan of Qiu Bai. If Qiu Bai is eliminated, then I will stop watching."

"Me too, such a talented and handsome boy must be seen!"

"Talent should not be lost to capital, support Qiubai!"

"Everyone go to the official website to call Qiubai and let the program team see that he is not fighting alone."

"Such a talented person shouldn't stand in the corner and support Qiubai!"

During the second stage of recording, Qiubai saw the comments online and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a person named Mao Buyi. When he participated in a music program, he won the appreciation of the teacher with his talent time and time again, and successfully won the championship and made his debut.

He is the first person whose talent can defeat capital, and for this reason, such a superstar was born in that not-so-famous variety show.

The route Qiubai designed for himself from the very beginning was to imitate Mao Biyi's path, and his talents were squeezed in among the major artists to survive.

Use your talent to counterattack all the way, talent defeats capital.

Such a persona is liked by the audience and can arouse the sympathy of the audience, which can increase the topic and popularity of oneself.

Qiubai has won this wave of audience popularity again!


Just as Qiu Bai was reading the comments on the Internet, the door was pushed open by Zhang Haoyue. She stared at Qiu Bai:

"You, you did it!"

Qiu Bai put down the phone in his hand and said with a smile:

"seems like it."

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable, how on earth did you do that? This is not normal, not normal at all."

That's right, it's not normal. The buzz Qiubai is causing on the Internet is extremely abnormal.

Let's put it this way, even the C-level members of the talent show did not reach the level of hot discussion across the Internet, but Qiubai did it just by participating in a reality show.

This is not just a miracle, but abnormal to the point of being completely weird.

"Did you plan this from the beginning?"

"Roughly the same."

"But how is that possible? Why?"

Zhang Haoyue's face was full of disbelief and incomprehension.

"It's actually very simple. Maybe you haven't realized that the current entertainment industry has reached an era where people are entertained to death.

With the rise of online short videos, you have to realize that no matter what program it is, it already has the basis for universal participation.

It's actually very simple to attract the audience's attention. You need a topic, a topic that can make them empathize.

Many artists choose to create topics based on their characters, but I create a story for them.

A poor bitch who got an opportunity to star in a variety show by chance. Facing a group of celebrities with strong backgrounds, he could only hide in the corner and not compete for it.

However, gold will eventually shine, and given an opportunity, he will shine brightly with his absolute strength.

But at this time, some people were still targeting him and suppressing him.

For the general public, many of them are like me, dreaming of success and eager for opportunities to show off.

If they can't do it, they will naturally see me and place their expectations on me.

Resonance, this was the only way I could think of to seize a chance. Fortunately, I did it. "

"How do you know that the program team will edit according to your design? If the program team does not edit like that, the audience will not be able to see your story at all."

"The program team also needs topics, popularity, and ratings. This is a win-win result. Why should they refuse?"


Zhang Haoyue wanted to say something else, but suddenly a staff member came over and said:


"Here I am."

"Come with me. The director has arranged for you to record a spoken word broadcast."

"Okay, come right away, I'll go over first."

Zhang Haoyue stood there stupidly, unable to believe his ears.

For oral broadcasts, even the royal family may not have the opportunity to record oral broadcasts, but now this opportunity has been given to Qiu Bai.

Zhang Haoyue knew very well what it meant to be able to record a spoken word broadcast. She just couldn't believe it for a moment.

In just one episode, Qiubai has positioned himself above the royal family in this program!

Even after experiencing all this personally, Zhang Haoyue still couldn't figure out how he did it.

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