Entertainment: This Bit Player Is Crazy

Chapter 39 Reba With A Big Mouth

"Qiubai, you answered very calmly before. I can't tell you are nervous at all."

"Hey, I've guessed the previous questions. I've been rehearsing for an hour, but who knew you would suddenly change the script."


"Qiu Bai, are you and Yu Shuxin in love?"

"Why do you ask? Did Yu Shuxin take pictures of you? Shu Xin, you can't take advantage of my popularity just because I'm popular.

Although I rubbed you a little bit at the beginning, things are different now. I am much more popular now than you were then. "


"So Qiu Bai, do you feel that you are more angry than Yu Shu now?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, brother, let me go, don't cheat me like this, I haven't officially started filming yet, don't step on me."


"Shu Xin, Meng Ziyi and Cheng Yi and I are all good friends. I was really joking just now.

ah? What? OK!

My boss called me, so I went over first. "

Everyone turned around and saw that Yang Mi was nowhere to be seen. It was clearly directed and acted by Qiu Bai.

"Qiubai, don't leave. Let's talk again."

"Qiubai, let's chat for a while."

"Qiu Bai, if someone asked you to shoot a large-scale movie, would you be willing?"

Qiu Bai, who was waving, suddenly ran back:

"Who wants to film with me? Who said that just now? Don't lie to me. I have a full schedule now. I can negotiate for any role, including playing a supporting role. As you know, I have a lot of experience in playing supporting roles. "


The scene where Qiubai stepped back to promote himself made people laugh like crazy.

"Qiubai, if you were asked to film a large-scale scene, would you be willing?"

"This... how big is it?"

"What's the maximum size you can accept?"

"Uh... um... what? The boss called me? Okay, okay, I'll be there right away.

The boss called me, I really have to go, bye.

Thank you for coming to support me today, thank you, and bye! ! ! "


"Qiubai I love you!!!"

"Flawless white jade! Autumn love for life!!!"

Qiubai's interview was quickly posted online and immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect Qiubai to be so funny in private."

"Hahahaha, Qiubai is a comedian, it's so funny."

"It's okay to make up the boss out of thin air."

"Yang Mi said, when did I call you?"

"To be honest, Qiubai like this is quite down-to-earth and has no airs at all."

"However, in the final analysis, as an actor, he still needs acting skills to prove himself."

"Originally I was quite indifferent to Qiubai. He is just a butcher. After reading his interview, I found that he is quite sincere."

"Me too, I still look forward to him proving his acting skills."

"Didn't he say that? Give him some time, I think he is pretty good."

Qiubai's first interview was recognized by many netizens. Whether it was his sincere attitude or his funny personality, he was not annoying at all.

The artist's celebration party is actually very boring.

Throughout the whole process, Qiu Bai was led by Yang Mi, who kept toasting and saying hello to the guests who came, and she didn't even have a good meal.

After a banquet, Qiu Bai ate nothing except a belly full of water.

After the dinner, Qiu Bai specially asked Xiao You to buy some midnight snacks for him. After returning to the company, he immediately went to the lounge and ate heavily.

While they were eating, Yang Mi walked in and walked directly to the opposite side of Qiu Bai to eat.

She drank only a lot more wine than Qiubai today.

"I watched your interview today. It was too relaxing. Don't be so playful next time."

"I did it on purpose."


Qiu Bai wiped his mouth and said:

"I said I did it on purpose. I didn't want the public to position me as traffic."

Today's traffic, whether walking on the red carpet or being interviewed, is always carried on. Qiubai deliberately goes against their image.


“Traffic has been very popular in the past few years, but it won’t last long, and the traffic route I originally wanted to take was not one of them.

Once I am stereotyped, it is difficult to change, so it is better to break this image from the beginning. "

"You actually don't care about traffic. Do you know how popular traffic is now?"

The current traffic is not only popular, it is simply extremely popular.

The most luxurious, five major magazines, a big screen that ordinary people would break their heads to enter, and traffic figures in almost every place.

But Qiu Bai also knows that this situation will only last for three or four years, and by then the traffic will be backfired.

As popular as traffic is now, the word traffic is looked down upon by people in the industry.

He could obviously be an actor, so why would he want to wade through this muddy water.

"While enjoying the dividends of traffic, you don't look down on traffic. Qiu Bai, you really feel like you are both responsible and independent."

Yang Mi now doesn't treat Qiubai as an employee at all when talking to him.

"However, you are really my lucky star. I didn't expect that photo albums can actually make money. Not bad, keep up the hard work."

As expected, it was Yang Mi who always talked about money.

"Yang Bapi!"

"You!!! Forget it, for the sake of making money for me, do whatever you want. By the way, you are going to shoot a commercial tomorrow."

“Have I received the ad yet?”

"Of course, for a shampoo advertisement, the endorsement fee is pretty good."

"Okay, but don't accept so many advertisements for me yet. I need to have my own masterpiece as soon as possible, and I am confident that my net worth will be higher in the future."

"I know, that's why I pushed you the advertisement for underwear and medicine."


Qiu Bai dropped the chopsticks in his hand on the table and looked at Yang Mi blankly and said:

"Underwear? Medicine?"

"Yes, after your photo album was released, these two projects were the most sought after by you, but I rejected them both."


Qiu Bai said it extremely sincerely.


Yang Mi laughed loudly:

"Qiubai, this is the first time I see such grateful eyes in your eyes. Are you so afraid of filming an advertisement like that?"

"Boss, I would rather die than be afraid of advertisements like that, especially... advertisements for medicines."

"That's really a pity. If you could endorse that medicine, it would definitely sell like crazy."

Qiu Bai frowned:

"Boss, are you spying on me?"

"No, don't talk nonsense."

"Then how did you know that I was suitable to endorse that drug's advertisement?"

"It was Reba who told me..."

Yang Mi immediately covered her mouth.

Qiu Bai was speechless. Is this senior sister such a big mouth? Say anything!

"Qiu Bai, is what Reba said true? You really have...that's the case."

"Do you like to have a look?"

"Haha, no, no, no. I'll go and shoot the commercial tomorrow and come back soon. The real man is about to start shooting."

"I know, but I have to go out tomorrow night."

"Huh? When will you come back?"

"Come back in the evening, it won't delay the filming."


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