Entertainment: This Bit Player Is Crazy

Chapter 44 Qiu Bai Was Tricked

"Stand at attention! Stand at attention!! Stand at attention!!! Training Soldier No. 6, didn't the instructor just tell you how to stand at attention?"

Mengchen looked confused:

"I'm standing still."

"Didn't anyone tell you where to place your hands when you stand at attention?"

When everyone looked, they realized that Mengchen's hand had been placed on her lower abdomen in front of her. This was her habit as a host.

After being reminded by the instructor, Mengchen immediately put his hands on the seam of his pants.

"Don't move! Who told you to move?

Once you get here, all you have to do is obey! Absolutely obey! Obey unconditionally!

Did you hear them all? "

"heard it!"

"Didn't you eat? Did you hear that?"

"heard it!!!"

"Now, four male soldiers are in the first squad of recruits, four female soldiers are in the second squad of recruits, and the squad leader of the first squad is Yang Yuan!"


"The monitor of the second class is Wang Wei!"


"All your next actions must be approved by the two squad leaders."


Qiu Bai suddenly shouted.


"Sorry instructor, I might need to lift my pants."

Qiu Bai's cheeks felt hot after speaking.

His current clothes actually don't fit him, because after integrating various talents, his body shape has changed a lot.

During this period of time, he was too embarrassed to ask Xiaoyou to buy it for him, so he just made do with it.

As a result, I have been standing all the time, and my pants have slipped a little, which is very uncomfortable.

"Pfft hahaha."

"Don't laugh! Huang Zitao, who told you to laugh?"

"I'm sorry, instructor, but he wanted to lift his pants, and I really couldn't hold it back."

"Is it funny to pull up your pants? Get ready for push-ups!"

"How many to make?"

"Get ready for push-ups!"

Huang Zitao lay down obediently:



"I'll say it again, if I don't let you move here, you're not allowed to move. Any action you take is subject to command. I don't want to say this a second time, do you hear me?"

"heard it!"



"Instructor, can I lift up my pants? They are really about to fall off."

"Pfft hahahaha."

This time, not only Huang Zitao, but everyone couldn't help laughing. Even the two monitors behind him had their lips twitching.

"Everyone, get ready for push-ups! You, straighten your pants first."

Instructor Liu's words made the others lower their heads and shake their shoulders.

"Ten push-ups."



"I've finished twenty, do I still have to do it?"

"Ten of everyone, twenty of Huang Zitao, let's start!"

Huang Zitao stared at Instructor Liu, opened his mouth, and finally chose to shut up.

Just like that, because of Qiu Bai's pants, everyone did ten more push-ups, and Huang Zitao already did fifty.

When this segment was broadcast, the audience laughed like crazy, and they all said that Qiu Bai and Huang Zitao are really a funny duo!

"Now, take out all your luggage except daily necessities and put them on the ground. Someone will pack them for you in a while and return them to you after your training is over.

I'll give you ten minutes. "

As soon as the words fell, everyone immediately opened their suitcases and packed them up.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

"Okay, stand at attention!"

Everyone stood up immediately. Instructor Liu began to inspect. He first came to Dong Xuan, looked down and was stunned for a moment.

"What's this?"

Dong Xuan looked down and whispered:


"What are you doing with the pot?"

"Making soup."

Instructor Liu looked at Dong Xuan in disbelief. You came to the military camp for training and you still want to make soup?

"Take it out, and also take out all your bottles and jars. We won't use them here."

Then Instructor Liu came to Yang Mi, and then he looked shocked:

"What is this bag of yours?"


"Kettle? Why do you bring so many kettles?"

"Drink water."

"We're handing out kettles, take them out."

Then came Sun Yang:

"Why do you bring so many game discs? Do you want to play games?"

"While resting, if I can, I guess."

"take it out!"

Next is Huang Zitao:

"What are you doing with your nunchucks?"

Instructor Liu's eyes widened. Each of the things this group of people brought was beyond his imagination. He couldn't believe that a group of recruits brought so many weird things.

Is this the life of all celebrities?

"Reporting to the instructor, I heard that there is a talent competition during training, so..."

"That's quite far-reaching. Are you good with nunchucks?"

"Tell the instructor, I have practiced martial arts for five years."

"Then come and perform a piece for us."

"I, instructor, forget it now, I'm quite embarrassed."

Having just done fifty push-ups, even Huang Zitao knew that now was not the time to be in the limelight, but. . .

"Huang Zitao comes out!"


"Take your nunchucks and perform a performance for everyone."


Huang Zitao walked up to everyone with his nunchucks. Seeing everyone's expressions of wanting to laugh but not being able to laugh, he couldn't help but lower his head.

"Huang Zitao, you can start."

"Then I'll show my shame."

After saying that, Huang Zitao started to play.

Not to mention, he is worthy of being a person who has practiced martial arts. Huang Zitao's performance was so fierce that the nunchucks kept dancing in his hands, almost leaving an afterimage.

At this time, the instructors and guests were all surprised. No one could have imagined that Huang Zitao had such a handsome side. Is this still the same Huang Zitao who was indistinguishable from the front to the left?

When Huang Zitao saw everyone's expressions, his vanity suddenly rose. The more he played, the more energetic and fancy he became.



Huang Zitao turned around handsomely and took out his nunchucks. The next moment Qiubai screamed and fell to the ground.

Everyone turned to look and saw Qiu Bai holding his hands below his lower abdomen and upwards from his thighs, breathing heavily.

"Ah!!! Brother, are you okay? Are you okay?"

"Oh, Qiubai, are you okay???"

"Qiubai, Qiubai, are you okay?"

"Qiubai, how are you?"

A group of people immediately gathered around and kept asking questions. Huang Zitao was even more anxious and at a loss.

Instructor Liu also panicked, walked over and asked:

"Qiubai, how are you?"

"Tell the instructor, I'm fine."

Qiu Bai's voice was trembling, obviously not okay.

Then he stood up, and only then did everyone realize where Qiu Bai was covering his head. Suddenly, a group of people wanted to laugh but were embarrassed to laugh.

Several girls quickly took a few steps back, but their eyes kept glancing at Qiu Bai's injured position.

"Brother, brother, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Qiu Bai glared at Huang Zitao and gritted his teeth and said:

"It's okay, brother, is this how you cover me?"

"I'm sorry, please let me see if everything is okay?"

Huang Zitao didn't know whether he was really panicked or just out of his mind. He stretched out his hand to unbutton Qiubai's pants.

Qiu Bai was startled, turned around and hid behind instructor Liu and shouted loudly to Huang Zitao:

"Brother, you, you, what are you doing?"

Huang Zitao looked at Qiu Bai, then at Yang Mi and the others behind him, and immediately said:

"That's not what I meant. I just wanted to check your wound."

"You, the wound, I, the instructor, stop him."

At this time, Instructor Liu couldn't hold himself any longer, and the corners of his mouth twitched in different ways:

"Everyone, stand! Stand! Stand at attention!!!"

It had to be Instructor Liu. The group all stood up. Then Instructor Liu looked at Qiu Bai and said:

"Qiubai, how are you? Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

Qiu Bai's forehead was sweating. Everyone knew how painful that injury was for a man. It really hurt to the bones.

"Report to the instructor, I'd better go for a while."

"Okay, okay, Yang Yuan, take Qiubai to the infirmary."

"Yes! Qiubai come with me."

Qiu Bai followed Yang Yuan towards the outside of the activity room. When he reached the door, he suddenly said:

"Report to the instructor, I think Huang Zitao should do fifty more push-ups. Why do you carry nunchucks as a soldier!!!"


Qiu Bai's roar made the entire activity room burst into laughter, but Huang Zitao was the only one who kept apologizing with a blushing face.

When this segment was broadcast, the audience was all laughing. No one expected that such a serious variety show would become so funny because of Qiu Bai and Huang Zitao.

In particular, the clip of Huang Zitao throwing his nunchucks at Zhong Qiubai was edited and posted on Douyin after it was broadcast.

Countless people laughed because of this clip.

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