Entertainment: This Bit Player Is Crazy

Chapter 56 Yang Mi Returns!

The popularity that real men brought to Qiubai was far beyond his imagination. On the day after the broadcast ended, and after two months, Qiubai's name was once again on the hot search list.

And this time it’s the number one most searched item!

Qiu Bai, a real man, was beaten with a stick!

Qiubai, two-finger Zen!

Qiu Bai, Huang Zitao, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix!

The premiere ratings of "Real Men" broke the second all-time ratings championship!

There were four hot searches in a row, occupying the first, second, sixth and eighth positions respectively, all of which were in the top ten hot searches.

Not only is it a hot search, within 24 hours since the premiere of "Real Man", the number of searches for Qiu Bai's Du Niang reached 17 million times.

The animation of Qiubai hitting the stick has exceeded 100 million retweets in 32 hours!

The clip of Qiubai hitting with a stick went viral on short video platforms overnight!

The number of followers of Qiubai Scarf has exceeded 40 million!

It can be said that overnight, it seemed that the entire Internet had only one name, and that was Qiubai!

As the topic of Qiubai exploded again, resources came to the door.

Especially advertising resources. In just one day, Sister Liu has already accepted five advertisements, including three print advertisements and two star advertisements.

These were the advertisements for big brands that Sister Liu kept after picking and choosing. Some small brands were all rejected.

As a very experienced agent, Sister Liu clearly knows how important it is for artists to cherish feathers.

What's more, Qiubai is still on the rise, and everyone understands the principle of waiting for the price to sell.

In addition to advertising resources, Sister Liu also received three magazine cover shoots and three interviews.

Although the magazine covers are not among the top five magazines, they are all Category A fashion magazines, and the interviews are all on satellite TV, not small local media.

The most intuitive proof is Qiu Bai's income. Qiu Bai did a simple calculation and found that on this night, his income was as high as eight figures, and it wasn't even at the beginning.

Of course, this income will be the same as Yang Mi, 2% for Sister Liu, and 45% tax.

Even so, Qiubai got more than 8 million, which shows how terrifying the celebrity's ability to attract money is.

This also caused Qiu Bai to start rushing to the scene!

Because Li Huizhen's scenes were shot very smoothly, almost all of them were passed in one pass, so the director easily agreed to Qiu Bai's request for leave.

A real man's filming lasts for two episodes, so he's not in a hurry. What's more, Yang Mi hasn't come back yet and doesn't even need to ask for leave.

In this way, Qiubai was filming TV series, and at the same time he began to accept interviews, participate in advertising shoots, and magazine cover shoots. He really started to get busy.

Starting at eight o'clock in the morning, sometimes I can even be busy until after ten o'clock in the evening.

It's tiring, but also fulfilling, especially after the previous gap period. Qiu Bai cherishes her current job very much.

Just when everything was going steadily, Qiubai had to put down all work and rush back to the company because Yang Mi finally came back.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, after putting off the evening schedule, Qiu Bai hurried back to the company.

Although he was very confident in Yang Mi's ability, he was still worried about any accidents.

The staff in the company had already got off work, but the dark office finally lit up again.

Qiu Bai came to the front of the office with dinner in hand and walked in without knocking.

Yang Mi was sitting in front of her desk with her head lowered, facing stacks of folders and writing furiously.

She is haggard!

Qiu Bai could see the changes in Yang Mi at a glance, especially the lingering gloom about her body, as if her whole person was shrouded in a dark cloud.

Qiu Bai's arrival did not make Yang Mi raise her head. She seemed to be completely immersed in her work.

Qiu Bai didn't bother her, just sat quietly and watched her.

Time passed little by little, and there was no sound at all in the room.

Yang Mi was very tired. In fact, Qiu Bai was also very tired. He had hardly had a good rest during this period.

But neither of them had any idea of ​​sleeping, and neither of them even yawned.

When the time came to around three o'clock in the morning, Yang Mi finally stopped what she was doing, glanced at Qiu Bai, and then stood up.

She came to Qiu Bai's side and opened the dinner Qiu Bai brought. Although it was already cold, she didn't dislike it at all and started eating directly.

Qiu Bai didn't care. He looked at Yang Mi who was eating so much, took out his cell phone from his pocket, rummaged through it, and then put the phone in front of Yang Mi.

"Pfft, cough, cough, cough."

Yang Mi just looked up and the food in her mouth immediately spurted out, and then she kept coughing, obviously choking.

I saw Qiu Bai's mobile phone showing a moving picture of him being beaten with a stick by Huang Zitao!

Now this animated picture has gone viral, and the one he saved was sent to him by Meng Ziyi as a joke.

Qiu Bai put away his phone, picked up the coffee and handed it to Yang Mi. Yang Mi took a few sips, then glared at Qiu Bai and said:

"Don't you have anything to ask?"


"Don't you want to know how I handled that?"

"To be honest, I don't really care. I know you can handle it very well. I just want to make sure you are okay."

Yang Mi glanced at Qiu Bai, then stretched and said:



"My legal team has been talking with him for more than a month. He has left the house clean, but the child must be given to him, and I have visitation rights."


"It's okay. Apart from feeling a little sorry for the child, it's not as unacceptable as I thought."

"At this time, I think you should say thank you to me. If I hadn't given you enough time to hint and prepare, I don't think you would have accepted it so calmly."

Yang Mi glared at Qiu Bai and said:

"I'm divorced, and I still want to thank you."

"In fact, you would have divorced without me. And you have to admit that if I hadn't given you those photos, you wouldn't have been able to resolve it all peacefully."

"That's right, thank you."

"Actually, what I want is not this thank you. In return, can you answer my question seriously?"

"You tell me, and I'll listen."

"Do you still believe in love in the future?"

Yang Mi looked at Qiu Bai and said with a smile:

"What do you mean? You want to fall in love with me?"

"I seem to have always done this about this."

"Where's Concubine Liu Yifei? Don't you want to marry Concubine Liu Yifei?"

"I never said I would only have one woman in the future."

"Hahahaha, you are so funny. You want me to believe that a playboy like you can have love? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"It's okay. In fact, as long as the height is reached, having a few more women doesn't seem to be unacceptable."

"Height? What height? How high can you reach?"

"Is it high enough for you to look up to?"

"Are you serious?"

"I have said this to you many times, and I have always maintained a candid attitude towards you."

Yang Mi looked at Qiu Bai for a while, then said with a smile:

"Okay, I believe you."

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