Entertainment: This Bit Player Is Crazy

Chapter 70 Dahua Abandoned Reba



"How is it? Is Party A satisfied?"

"Of course I'm satisfied, Reba danced so well."

"Of course, otherwise, do you think our ancestors were so obsessed with attacking beyond the Great Wall, really just for those few raisins?"

What Qiubai blurted out made everyone else look at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, your comment is quite interesting."

"The most important thing is that Reba dances well."

Everyone praised Reba for a while, but Dahua was not satisfied:

"What about me? What about me? Am I not good at playing the violin?"

"Yes, yes, there is also Dahua's violin."

When Dahua heard what Teacher He said, he immediately raised his head and prepared to accept everyone's praise, but then he heard Teacher He say:

"Party A, please spare us five hundred and one corns. Dahua is not worth one corn."

Dahua broke through the defense instantly:

"No! I also want five hundred."

"No, we must seek truth from facts when discussing business, and we must not violate our conscience.


Teacher He's words made everyone burst into laughter. At this time, the director also added:

"Okay, I'll spare you five hundred and ninety-nine. You still need to give me one thousand,099."

Dahua is completely disappointed!

Qiubai said:

"Wait a minute, I have a show too."

"Yes, yes, there is also Qiubai."

"Yes, Qiubai also has to perform.

"Everyone is blessed today."

"Qiubai, what do you want to perform?"

Qiu Bai turned around and looked, then his eyes lit up, he ran into the room and took out something.

Double! Cut! Stick!

"Director, how many sticks can you spare me for my performance?"



The nunchaku fell to the ground, Qiu Bai quickly picked it up and said:

"I'm sorry, why are these nunchucks so slippery? You won't let them go during the performance, right?

Director, how many did you say just now?"

The emoticon package of Qiubai being beaten with a stick has been downloaded more than 100 million times. It can be said that many people don't know who Qiubai is, but they definitely know that emoticon package.

Therefore, when they saw what Qiubai had done, Teacher Huang and Teacher He both laughed like crazy. This Qiubai was really good at it.

Wang Afang subconsciously took two steps back and put his legs together:

"One hundred strands, that's all at most."

The director of the first season was called the devil director, which was really harsh, and it was not easy to lose so much.

Qiubai didn't want to push any further. He walked to the center of the yard and fisted his nunchucks. He was gone!

As a result, as soon as they turned around, Teacher He and the others all hid in the house, even the cameraman stayed away.

Obviously, the psychological shadow of the stick beating was not only left to Qiu Bai, but to every man. It was all Huang Zitao's fault.

Qiu Bai smiled slightly, and then started dancing.

I saw the nunchucks in his hands like wildfire. The sound of clanging echoed in the yard, but only the shadow of the nunchucks could be seen.

Everyone was stunned and stunned by Qiu Bai's performance.

It turns out he really knows how to do it, and it’s not a joke!

When Qiu Bai finally volleyed 360 degrees and landed handsomely, the whole courtyard burst into warm applause.

"so amazing!"

"Qiubai, you are so handsome!"

"Qiubai, you really know how to do it!"

Teacher He and others also praised Qiu Bai generously.

Qiubai put away his nunchucks and said with a smile:

"How was the director? Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied, I'll lose a hundred for you."

"Director, it doesn't matter whether it's reduced or not, just look at the role of the silly son in the next season...

"No! The director can't!!!"

Before Qiu Bai finished speaking, Dahua rushed up and grabbed Qiu Bai.


Dahua's behavior made everyone couldn't help laughing again.

One thing to say is that many of the laughs in the first and second seasons were actually contributed by Dahua.

Especially when comparing Zhang Yixing and Zhang Zifeng, in terms of variety show effect, both of them combined cannot compare to Dahua.

This also caused everyone to like to tease Dahua.

"In that case, we need to get 999 corns back. What I mean is, Teacher He, let's get them back while it's not hot now."

"Okay, does anyone want to go get corn with me?"

"Me! I'm going!!! Teacher He, I'm going with you."

Dahua is called a positive.

Teacher He said with a smile:

"Dahua, how about I go with Qiubai, and you stay at home with Reba. Think about it, if Teacher Huang wants to cook, Reba can't be left alone, what do you think?"

Dahua glanced at Reba and didn’t hesitate for a second:

"Let the guests stay, I'll go!"

In the face of career and love, Dahua chose the former without hesitation.

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"This unlucky boy, will you be able to find a girlfriend in the future like this?"

"I don't want it anymore, I want to work!"


"Okay, Dahua and I will go there. Qiubai, you and Reba can help Teacher Huang at home."

Qiubai said:

"Teacher He, I'll go too. I'll just leave it to Reba and Teacher Huang at home."

September is the hottest time, and the work in the first season is real work. It is said that there are a thousand corns, but really not one will be missing, and the program team will not come to help.

Qiubai definitely couldn't let just Teacher He and Dahua go. Besides, Reba really needed the camera.

"Okay, you three go ahead. Go early and come back early."

After Teacher Huang spoke, Teacher He stopped refusing, but his impression of Qiubai was getting better and better.


Qiubai and the others changed their clothes and set off. Dahua borrowed an electric tricycle from his neighbor.

"Brother, can you drive?"


"I can! I can do this!"

Teacher He said with a smile:

"Dahua finally found a better place than Qiubai."

"Brother Dahua, don't worry, I will learn when you are not around next season.

"No! I'll be there for the next season, the next two seasons, a hundred seasons, I'll be there!"

"One hundred seasons? By that time, you will definitely no longer be with us."

The three of them walked towards the cornfield while talking and laughing.

In fact, many guests were reluctant to come to harvest corn because there were not many shots and they were very tired, but Qiubai had no such idea at all.

No matter what you do, you either don't do it or you take it seriously. This is Qiubai's character.

Therefore, after the car stopped in the cornfield, Qiu Bai stopped thinking about doing any variety show effects and started working mode directly.

The weather was very hot, and the corn leaves were itchy and painful, but Qiu Bai was not pretentious at all, and rushed directly into the corn field one by one.

What's funny is that I don't know if Dahua really had a sense of crisis or something. Seeing Qiubai being so serious, he rushed directly into the cornfield and started working directly with both hands.

Teacher He looked on and said with a smile:

"Qiu Bai really came to the right place today. Look at Dahua. It seems that Qiu Bai will have to be invited more in the future."

After that, he also walked into the cornfield.

PS: The new book is uploaded. Please support me with flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes. Thank you, thank you!

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